Technology Help and Information
Other applications and Information (click on the titles to see the details)
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Interested in how AMDSB uses AI? Check out our Artificial Intelligence page for more information!
How do I sign up for School Messenger
How do I get access to an AMDSB device for remote (online) learning?
If you require an AMDSB device for Remote Learning, please connect with your principal.
Can my child access an eBook and other electronic databases?
At the top of this page, you can sign into "the Core" using the student's email address and password. If you don't know this information, please visit the Core help section.

On your school website you will find a Library Icon under the K-8 toolkit. 

On our Library Site you will find links to databases (Gale, Teen Health & Wellness), educational activities (OERB), eBooks (Cela, Orca, Huron and Perth Library Service), Destiny (AMDSB Library Service).