Parent Involvement Committee By-Laws


As directed by Ontario Regulation 612/00, the mandate of the AMDSB PIC is to:

  • support, encourage and enhance meaningful parent engagement at the Board level to improve student achievement and well-being
  • provide information and advice to the Board on parent engagement
  • communicate with and support school councils
  • undertake activities to help parents support their children’s learning at home and at school

AMDSB PIC Membership

The Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) shall be comprised of:

  • at least one parent representative from each of the eight regions of the school Board
  • the Director of Education or designate
  • one Board of Trustee member
  • up to three Community members
  • up to three Board Employee Group members as outlined by Ontario Regulation 612/00 subsection 33 (2)

Meeting Quorum

  • Meetings will be held at least four times per year
  • Quorum will be 50% of voting members
  • Lack of quorum will not end the meeting but will forfeit the formal undertaking of actions, procedures and voting

Parent Members:

  1. A parent member must be the parent of a student enrolled in a school within the Avon Maitland District School Board.
  2. Employees of the Board may serve as parent members and must inform the committee of their employment at the first meeting.
  3. The majority of PIC members must be parents.
  4. Members will include one parent from each of the eight regions of the Board, excluding the chair.
  5. Each of the eight regions of the Board will be asked to elect/select a parent member when the term of office of the previous parent has expired. The principals and school council
    chairs of the schools in the region will determine the process for filling the vacancy.
  6. A parent member is a voting member of the PIC.

Community Members:

  1. The AMDSB PIC shall include up to three Community members.
  2. Community members may not be a member of the Board of Trustees or an employee of the Board.
  3. The AMDSB PIC will solicit interested Community members and select accordingly.
  4. Community members are voting members of the PIC.


  1. The chair will be elected annually by the voting members of the PIC.
  2. The AMDSB PIC may elect/select a co-chair as needed.
  3. Other offices will be appointed by the PIC as deemed necessary.
  4. The chair will be a non-voting member of the PIC except in the case of a tie.

Parent Members Term of Membership:

  1. The intention is to have new parent members each year.
  2. Term of membership will be staggered to accomplish this mix of new and experienced members.
  3. Term of membership for parent members of the PIC will be two years.

Board Employee Group Members:

  1. To help bring the perspective of Board Employee Groups from both elementary and secondary schools, up to three Board representatives, as per Ontario Regulation 612/00 subsection 33 (2), will be invited to join the AMDSB PIC.
  2. The selection of the Board Employee Group members will be made by the Director of Education or designate.

Community & Board Group Members Term of Membership:

  1. Term of membership for Community members of the PIC shall be a minimum of one year.
  2. Term of membership for Board Group members of the PIC shall be a minimum of one year.

Conflict of Interest:

  1. Each member of the AMDSB PIC shall avoid situations that could result in a legal conflict of interest.
  2. Should an issue or agenda item arise during a PIC meeting where a PIC member is in a conflict of interest situation, he or she shall declare the conflict of interest immediately.
  3. The PIC member in a conflict of interest situation must not take part in any consideration or discussion of, or vote on any question in respect to the matter, and must not attempt in any way before, during or after the meeting to influence the voting.

Conflict Resolution:

  1. Occasionally, a dispute may develop among PIC members and it is expected that members will make every effort to resolve the dispute themselves.
  2. Resolving disputes internally:
    1. PIC members will demonstrate respect for each other at all times
    2. speakers will be allowed to speak without interruption
    3. speakers will maintain a calm and respectful tone at all times
    4. the chair will focus the discussion on PIC issues
    5. the chair will clarify speaker statements, identify common points of view and attempt to achieve a consensus among members
    6. the chair may request disputing members to meet privately to find a mutually acceptable solution to the issue
  3. Resolving disputes through mediation:
    1. if it is apparent that a dispute cannot be resolved internally, the chair may ask the Director of Education to help in the role of mediator to help resolve the issue
    2. the mediator shall remain neutral and will not make a decision in the dispute
    3. the mediator shall assist the members to find a resolution in the best interests of the Board
    4. the resolution shall be signed and respected by all individuals involved in the dispute
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