Board Policy 21: Representation of Pupils on the Board and Student Senate
Legal References:
Education Act, R.S.O. 1990 Sections 55 and 169.1; Education Statute Law Amendment Act (Student Performance) Section 6; Ontario Regulation 7/07 Student Trustees
Related References
Board Governance By-laws; Board Policy 10 Committees of the Board; Board Policy 18 Trustee Travel and Expense Reimbursement; Board Policy XX Professional Development for Board Members
This policy establishes means by which students may be meaningfully involved in board governance matters in compliance with the Education Act, Section 55 Student Trustees, Section 6 of the Education Statute Law Amendment Act (Student Performance), and Ontario Regulation 7/07 Student Trustees. This policy also realizes the board’s desire to involve its students in understanding the issues and operation of public education in the board. It is the policy of Avon Maitland District School Board to establish a Student Senate and a mechanism for selecting pupil representation on the board.
1.0 Selection of Student Senators and Student Trustees
1.1 Each secondary school shall describe in the student council’s constitution a selection process for Student Senators. In each secondary school, up to two students (any school with enrolment over 1000 students is eligible for three student senators) shall be elected or acclaimed each spring by their peers to represent the school on the Students’ Senate Committee and to liaise with students in the feeder schools. The school’s selection process shall also describe a replacement process should a student member resign from the committee or fail to maintain regular attendance. Once selected, the board shall appoint Student Senators to the role by board motion.
1.2 The term of office for Student Senators starts on August 1 of the year in which they are elected and ends on the following July 31. Students are encouraged to serve for two terms.
1.3 Student Senators shall be full time (minimum of six credits) senior students (Grade 11 or 12) in the year(s) that they serve on the Student Senate. Student Senators must commit a significant amount of time and effort to the position. Student Senators, whenever possible, are expected to attend all meetings of the senate and assigned committees.
1.4 The Student Senators will hold an election before April 30 of each year to determine the two Student Trustees for the following term of the Student Senate. The election will be by secret ballot.
1.5 Student Trustees are, whenever possible, expected to attend all Regular meetings of the board and, if applicable, assigned committees.
1.6 A person is not qualified to be elected or act as a Student Trustee if they are serving a sentence of imprisonment in a penal or correctional institution.
1.7 If a vacancy for the position of Student Trustee occurs during the year, it shall be filled by a by-election within two months.
1.8 The board shall provide the Ministry with the names of the Student Trustees not later than 30 days after the date of the election or by-election.
2.0 Mandate, Terms of Reference and Structure
2.1 Mandate:
2.1.1 The purpose of the Students’ Senate Committee is to advise the board on matters relating to public education within Avon Maitland District School Board.
2.1.2 The committee may propose refinements to this mandate for board approval.
2.1.3 The committee will review this policy in the spring of each year.
2.1.2 The committee may propose refinements to this mandate for board approval.
2.1.3 The committee will review this policy in the spring of each year.
2.2 Membership and Terms of Reference
2.2.1 There shall be an advisory committee to the board entitled Avon Maitland District School Board Students’ Senate Committee with the following membership:
- Up to two (2) students from each secondary school, excluding AMDEC, to be known as Student Senators (any school with enrolment over 1000 students is eligible for three student senators.
- One (1) school administrator (principal or vice-principal); and
- Director of Education or designate.
- Two (2) board trustees will be assigned as ex-officio, non-voting members to act in an advisory capacity. (One member and one alternate). The board trustee will establish regular communication with the Student Trustees.
2.2.2 A quorum exists if six Student Senators, 50% of the secondary schools who have senate representation in a given year, and one board member or administrator or Director’s designate are present.
2.2.3 All student members are encouraged to participate on other board committees.
2.2.4 A budget for the operation of this committee shall be established annually in the approved expenditure budget for the district and should include costs associated with a chaperone for conferences, if applicable.
2.2.5 Board Policy 18 Trustee Travel and Expense Reimbursement will apply for travel and out-of-pocket expenses for Student Senators to fulfil their functions at board and committee meetings.
2.2.3 All student members are encouraged to participate on other board committees.
2.2.4 A budget for the operation of this committee shall be established annually in the approved expenditure budget for the district and should include costs associated with a chaperone for conferences, if applicable.
2.2.5 Board Policy 18 Trustee Travel and Expense Reimbursement will apply for travel and out-of-pocket expenses for Student Senators to fulfil their functions at board and committee meetings.
2.3 Structure:
2.3.1 The newly elected group shall meet prior to the end of the school year for in-service training and to define its own internal structure.
2.3.2 The Students’ Senate Committee shall define its own internal structure which shall include:
2.3.2 The Students’ Senate Committee shall define its own internal structure which shall include:
- Establishing a process for selecting a Chair and other officers if required;
- Establishing annually a meeting schedule (September-June) which shall include dates for Standing meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of each month and on the 4th Tuesday to coincide with Regular board meetings - (with the exception of the Regular Board meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of the month in December and June) and, whenever possible, with time allocated to attend the staff presentations;
- Special meetings may occur outside of Standing meetings; and
- Establishing criteria for communicating information to their student councils and to the students at their schools and, where appropriate, feeder schools, on topics discussed by the committee.
3.0 Meetings with Trustees and Attending Board Meetings
3.1 Student Senators and Student Trustees of the board will meet monthly throughout the school year to discuss relevant issues (Board Policy 10 Committees of the Board, section 8.3.4).
3.2 Student Senators who are not the Student Trustees on the board are encouraged to attend the public meetings of the board to observe the board meeting process.
4.0 Role of the Student Senator
4.1 The role of a Student Senator is to represent the interests of the students in their family of schools at Students’ Senate Committee meetings.
4.2 Student Senators shall communicate information to their student councils and to the students at their schools and, as appropriate, to feeder schools, on topics pertaining to students and their school, which have been discussed at Students’ Senate Committee meetings.
4.3 The Student Senator shall, upon receipt of complaints, questions or suggestions regarding a school or service, direct the person or persons to the appropriate principal or supervisor of the service. Student Senators shall not involve themselves with complaints about individual employees of the board. Should the complaint continue, the Student Senator may discuss the matter with the Director of Education or designate.
5.0 Role of Student Trustees
5.1 The role of a Student Trustee is to represent the interests of all students at meetings of the board.
5.2 The Student Trustees shall sit at the table at Regular board meetings, and may speak to any matter before the board according to the Board Governance By-laws, representing the views of the majority of Student Senators. The Student Trustees may, at their own discretion, participate in closed sessions of the board, except on issues related to the disclosure of intimate, personal or financial information in respect of a member of the board or committee, an employee or prospective employee of the board or a pupil or their parent or guardian. (Education Act, Section 55 (5)).
5.3 A Student Trustee cannot move a motion but can suggest a motion through a trustee. And though a Student Trustee is not entitled to a binding vote, they are entitled to request a recorded vote at any board or committee meeting so that the Student Trustee’s voice can be reported. When such a request is made, two votes must take place, the first including the Student Trustee(s’) vote(s) and the second without the Student Trustee(s’) vote(s). (Education Act, Section 55 (3)).
6.0 Conflict of Interest
6.1 As a member of the board, a Student Trustee must declare a conflict of interest if they have a direct or indirect pecuniary interest in a matter under consideration. The Student Trustee must also declare a conflict if they have some other, non-pecuniary type of interest that places the person in a conflict position (e.g. bias). This could include any benefit obtained by relations, close friends, or associates of the Student Trustee.
6.2 When a Student Trustee declares a conflict of interest on any matter before the board they:
- shall, prior to any consideration of the matter at the meeting, disclose the interest and the general nature thereof;
- shall not take part in the discussion and shall absent themselves from the room while the matter is being discussed; and
- shall not attempt in any way whether before, during or after the meeting to influence the voting on any such question.
7.0 Mentor Program for Student Senator
7.1 Student Senators will be supported by a board member. The board member will regularly discuss any issues upon which they want a student voice with their Student Trustee.
7.2 As part of the reciprocal relationship, the Student Senators and board members may contact one another to share perspectives.
8.0 Disqualification of a Student Senator
8.1 If necessary, the Director of Education or designate, in consultation with the Student Senator’s principal, will bring a recommendation for disqualification to the board during a closed session.
8.2 Disqualification may occur for one of the following reasons:
- the Student Senator fails to maintain the required attendance at Student Senate meetings;
- the Student Senator ceases to be enrolled as a full-time student in the board;
- the Student Senator commits a serious breach of their school’s code of conduct; or
- the Student Senator’s behaviour is deemed to be incompatible with the roles and responsibilities of the position.
8.3 The Student Senator has the right to present to the board prior to the board making its decision.
9.0 Recognition of Student Senators and Student Trustees
9.1 Upon completion of the Student Senator’s term of office, the Student Senator will be suitably recognized by the board. Types of recognition include, but are not limited to, confirmation of the accumulation of community service hours and a letter of service signed by the Chair of the Board.
9.2 Upon completion of their term of office, each Student Trustee is entitled to an honorarium. If a Student Trustee holds office for less than a full term, a prorated amount of the honorarium will be paid.
10.0 Student Senate Constitution
Appended to this policy is the Constitution for the student senate. This Constitution is developed and approved by the student senate and is appended only for reference.
Appendix 1 - Avon Maitland District School Board Student Senate Constitution (please see pdf)
Issued December 2024