Administrative Procedure 226: Special Education Personalized Equipment
Legal References
Education Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.2; R.R.O. 1990, Reg. 306: Special Education Programs and Services; Policy/Program Memorandum No. 81 Provision of Health Support Services in School Settings; Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA); Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA)
Related References
Administrative Procedure (AP) 140 Technology: Responsible Use and Security; AP 195 Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy; AP 227 Identification, Placement and Review Committee; AP 516 Procurement (Purchasing); AP 520 Surplus Assets; Special Equipment Amount (guidelines published yearly)
1.0 Introduction
1.1 The Director of Education has developed this administrative procedure to provide direction and consistency to principals when considering requests for and use of special education personalized equipment to meet the individual needs of a pupil.
1.2 The Ministry of Education publishes funding guidelines for special education funding yearly under the title Special Equipment Amount (SEA). In the event of a discrepancy between this AP and a current Ministry guideline, Ministry guidelines will take precedence.
1.3 The Learning Services and Mental Health and Wellbeing Department SEA Central Committee is responsible for developing internal processes to ensure compliance with Ministry of Education guidelines. Detailed internal processes and forms are available to AMDSB employees in the Learning Services Handbook.
1.2 The Ministry of Education publishes funding guidelines for special education funding yearly under the title Special Equipment Amount (SEA). In the event of a discrepancy between this AP and a current Ministry guideline, Ministry guidelines will take precedence.
1.3 The Learning Services and Mental Health and Wellbeing Department SEA Central Committee is responsible for developing internal processes to ensure compliance with Ministry of Education guidelines. Detailed internal processes and forms are available to AMDSB employees in the Learning Services Handbook.
2.0 SEA Referral Process
2.1 Significant student need(s) are identified by the School Team; if equipment is required to address the student need, it must be supported with a report recommendation from an approved qualified professional as per Ministry SEA guidelines.
2.2 Before submitting a SEA claim, the School Team is responsible for ensuring that:
- The item(s) are essential for the student to access the curriculum;
- Other funding has been explored and is not available (e.g., Assistive Devices Program of the Ministry of Health);
- A similar piece of equipment is not already in the school that can be safely shared between students. Where equipment will be shared by several students, a claim shall be made in the name of one student only;
- The student is willing and able to use the equipment;
- Storage and/or installation of the equipment can be accommodated at the school and in consultation with AMDSB Facilities.
2.3 Referral package to the SEA Central Committee must include:
- Signed parental Consent for Service and Access to the OSR;
- Current and completed SEA Referral Form
- A copy of the professional assessment report and/or recommendation for specific equipment
- Itemized quotes (not required for items procured through IT such as Chromebooks)
3.0 Equipment Roles and Responsibilities
3.1 Principals or their designate(s) are responsible for ensuring that:
- the student’s Individual Education Plan (IEP) includes the professional assessment(s) recommending the required equipment, and that the student strengths, needs and accommodations reflect the required equipment
- SEA equipment is functioning and meeting students’ needs;
- upgrades and refurbishment are considered before replacement of SEA equipment, where possible
- consultation with AMDSB Facilities occurs if equipment requires installation or modifications to the built environment
- equipment is replaced as required, when the student outgrows the equipment or when the equipment wears out through use
- for SEA technology to be used as a take-home device, parents sign AMDSB’s Student Device Take Home Agreement
- all SEA equipment is inventoried and/or collected at the end of each school year; equipment is not permitted to be kept at home during the summer break.
3.2 Surplus Equipment
- When a piece of specialized equipment is no longer being used or required, the SEA Central Committee should be notified, as it may be made available to other AMDSB students.
- When a student transfers to another publicly funded school board in Ontario, the equipment is transferred to the receiving board’s SEA personnel upon request.
- When a student graduates or retires, the equipment is collected by and becomes the property of AMDSB.
Revised May 2023