Board Policy 14: Honoraria for Board Members
Legal References
Education Act: Section 191 Honoraria; O. Reg. 163/07, 190/10, 190/14, 292/18, 357/06 and 436/18 Honoraria for Board Members
The Avon Maitland District School Board is responsible for calculating the levels of honoraria paid under Section 191 of the Act and defined in Regulation 357/06 as amended from time to time.
The honorarium for a board member is calculated in accordance with all pertinent legislation including Regulation 357/06.
Pursuant to Ontario Regulation 357/06 Honoraria for Board Members, the honorarium amount is calculated for a term of office, using the Ministry’s base amount and an enrolment amount which is adjusted annually for changes in the board’s student enrolment. Each board member receives 100% of the enrolment amount limit. The Ministry’s stipulated amounts for Chair and Vice-Chair respectively are added to the base amount.
The Avon Maitland District School Board does not qualify for the distance amount.
The board does not pay an allowance for attendance at statutory meetings (SEAC, SAL, PIC and Audit) of the board.
In November of each year, the Director will bring forward a report which shows the exact calculation of the honorarium for the current school year.
This policy will be reviewed on or before September 15 of the calendar year in which the term of office of the board begins.