Administrative Procedure 421: Staff Development

Legal References

Education Act: Section 277.14 Promote Professional Growth; Section 286 Duties of Supervisory Officers: Assist Teachers in Their Practice; Ontario College of Teachers Act Part II 3 (1) 6. Ongoing Education of Members of the College Ontario Regulation 298 Operation of Schools Section 11 Duties of Principals: Supervise Instruction; Ontario Regulation 98/02 Teacher Learning Plans; Ontario Regulation 99/02 Teacher Performance Appraisal: Schedule—Ongoing Professional Learning; Ontario Regulation 304 School Year Calendar: Professional Activity Day

Related References

1. Purpose

1.1 This Administrative Procedure provides directions for coordinating staff development and training activities and for informing staff members of available programs and resources.

1.2 These opportunities may include: leadership programs, mentor programs, personal well-being programs, professional activity day programs; district and union workshops, required first aid and health and safety training.

2. System-Wide Strategies

2.1 The director of education and designates will manage program implementation in a variety of ways at the system level:

2.1.1 Executive Approvals will be provided by the Director’s Executive Council. Information reports may also be made. Certain matters will require board-funding approval on recommendation of the Director’s Executive Council.

2.1.2 Administrative Coordination will be provided by a regional supervisory official and those persons assisting the individual in that position.

2.1.3 Annual Plan Development will be the responsibility of the Staff Development Coordinating Group of Avon Maitland District School Board.

The plan produced each year will be submitted to the Director’s Executive Council and will guide and reflect the efforts of schools and the system in general.

2.1.4 Strategic Coordination and Implementation will be the responsibility of the Educational Services Council in consultation with the other departments of the district

2.2 The Staff Development Coordinating Group will act on behalf of the Director’s Executive Council with the administrative liaison support of a senior staff member. This committee will consider and interpret program directions and expectations and respond to school-based and system-wide needs for staff development.

2.2.1 Attendance at meetings of this group may include representation from:
      1. Parents, teachers (elementary and secondary), principals;
      2. Resource staff (educational services);
      3. The Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC);
      4. Staff development committees;
      5. Computer committees or councils;
      6. The Principal/Vice-Principal Association;
      7. Teacher unions;
      8. The Program Advisory Council; and
      9. Senior staff.
2.2.2 The purposes of this group will be to coordinate staff development, staff training and related program implementation. Specifically, this group will ensure that effective communication among various groups and individuals occurs, that there is effective utilization of resources, and that there are minimal conflicts and redundancies in terms of implementation and training opportunities.

2.2.3 The group will achieve these purposes by:
      1. Identifying school and system needs;
      2. Creating a grand plan based on system directives;
      3. Promoting consistency with board goals as set out in Board Policy No. 1;
      4. Facilitating communication among stakeholders;
      5. Coordinating staff development and training;
      6. Coordinating program delivery and change;
      7. Publishing a directory of training opportunities; and
      8. Assisting in the process of program implementation.
2.2.4 The group will be convened at least four times each school year:
      1. April—to begin planning for the next school year;
      2. May—to finalize the September to December plan;
      3. October—to finalize the January to March plan; and
      4. February—to finalize the April to June plan.
2.2.5 Special standing committees will focus on particular program areas:
      1. Integrated Arts Advisory Committee (System and Community Representatives);
      2. Technology Council (Trustee Representatives);
      3. Perth Huron Foundation (Trustee Representatives); and
      4. West Coast Enterprises (Trustee Representatives). 
2.2.6 Key personnel such as coordinators, consultants, and short-term resource assistants may be utilized as permitted and required in order to perform coordination and support functions under the direction of the regional supervisory official.

3. School-Based Staff Development Strategies

3.1 Within each school, the principal, as overall curriculum leader and manager, in consultation with the school council, staff, students, parents, and community interests will utilize various program coordination strategies: 
    1. School councils;
    2. Secondary school departments/clusters;
    3. Elementary school division teams;
    4. Key contact teachers;
    5. Annual goal setting;
    6. Staff committees, task groups, councils, teams;
    7. School calendars of programs and courses

4. Other Related Procedures

4.1 District-Based Strategies

Within the district, the Staff Development Coordinating Group will review directions and expectations and respond to system needs.

4.2 Operating Costs and Budget Preparation

Operating costs for all components of staff development in the district, when not included in special budget accounts, will be allocated through board funds.

4.3 Other Guidelines

    1. Collective bargaining guidelines;
    2. District professional development committees for yearly P.A. days; and
    3. Certification to be used to show participation and included in the teacher’s professional portfolio.
Issued 2006