Administrative Procedure 410: Environmental Health and Safety

Legal References

Occupational Health and Safety Act; Environmental Protection Act; Health Protection and Promotion Act; Building Code Act; Dangerous Goods and Transportation Act; Emergency Management Act; Environmental Bill of Rights; Fire Protection and Prevention Act; Ontario Water Resources Act; Pesticides Act; Safe Drinking Water Act; Technical Standards and Safety Act; Workplace Safety and Insurance Act; Ontario Human Rights Code

Related References

All Administrative Procedures applicable to worker health and safety and environmental protection; Employee Health and Safety Handbook
1.0 Healthy and Safe Workplace Environment

1.1 This administrative procedure has been established to support the commitment of all stakeholders in Avon Maitland District School Board to the prevention of illness, injury and property damage through the provision and maintenance of a healthy and safe workplace environment for all students, staff members, volunteers, visitors and contractors.

1.2 To fulfill this commitment, the Director of Education, Superintendents (Senior Staff), Administrators, and Principals/Supervisors shall comply with and enforce legislative requirements including the Occupational Health and Safety Act, Environmental Protection Act, and applicable regulations, codes, local bylaws, plus all administrative procedures, policies or rules issued in the district.

2.0 Implementation: Joint Health and Safety Committee

2.1 Avon Maitland District School Board shall establish a Multi-site Joint Health and Safety Committee. The Terms of Reference for the structure and function of the Multi-site Joint Health and Safety Committee are agreed between Avon Maitland District School Board and its union and non-union groups.

2.2 This advisory committee will carry out the functions of the Joint Health and Safety Committee, be consulted and make recommendations to the Director of Education under the authority of the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act.

2.3 Avon Maitland District School Board will give priority to safe working conditions and safe job practices in the planning, budgeting, direction and implementation of the activities of the district. The Committee shall report and make recommendations to the Director of Education.

2.4 The board, Director of Education and senior staff are committed to these objectives and recognize that excellence in health and safety practices can only be achieved through the support and active participation of everyone.
3.0 Administrative Procedures

3.1 Shared Responsibility
3.1.1 It is the responsibility of all employees to become familiar with and to comply with environmental, health and safety legislation and any administrative procedures, policies or rules established in Avon Maitland District School Board. All staff members shall work in a safe manner and report any unsafe or unhealthy conditions or circumstances to their supervisor.
3.1.2 Supervisors, as defined by environmental, health and safety legislation, shall ensure that all persons under their authority are made aware of hazards in the workplace and such persons will comply with all requirements adherent to this procedure. Further, supervisors shall ensure that all reported unsafe or unhealthy conditions are addressed.
3.1.3 Contractors, sub-contractors, community partners, and their workers, as part of their contracts, agree to meet or exceed all relevant environmental, health and safety legislation and board requirements.
3.1.4 Students, volunteers, community use groups and visitors shall comply with all administrative procedures, policies or rules and shall conduct themselves in a manner consistent with care for their health and safety and that of others.
3.1.5 All individuals associated with the board will be held responsible for environmental, health and safety performance. Failure to meet their obligations may, depending on the circumstances, result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, in accordance with applicable policies and collective agreements.
3.1.6 Excellence in environmental, health and safety practices can only be achieved with everyone’s support and active participation.

4.0 Environmental Health and Safety Statement

4.1 AMDSB will develop an Environmental Health and Safety Statement. The statement will be signed by the Director of Education and posted on the health and safety bulletin board at each school/site. The statement will be reviewed at least annually. Refer to Appendix A – Environmental Health and Safety Statement.

5.0 Employee Health and Safety Handbook

5.1 AMDSB will develop an Employee Health and Safety Handbook. The handbook includes health and safety rights and responsibilities, administrative procedure summaries and safe work practices for the protection of workers.

5.2 All employees are required to review the Employee Health and Safety Handbook as part of the new hire process and at least annually.
Revised October 2024