Administrative Procedure 402: Attendance Reporting (Staff)
Legal References
Education Act: Section 283 Chief Executive Officer: Maintain an Effective Organization; Employee Collective Agreements; Terms and Conditions of Employment
Related References
Administrative Procedure (AP) 152 Medical Certificates: Staff and Students; AP 416 Early and Safe Return to Work; AP 429 Leaves of Absence
1. Attendance Reporting
This administrative procedure has been developed to establish guidelines for attendance reporting.
2. Administrative Procedures
2.1 Reporting Attendance for School-Based Staff
2.1.1 All school-based staff must notify or seek the approval of their principal/supervisor for absence from work, as required by the collective agreement or terms and conditions of employment. Where advance approval of the absence is not possible, such as in the case of illness, the staff member shall notify the principal/supervisor by telephone, or e-mail/text of such absence prior to the absence occurring. The principal/supervisor will reference the collective agreement or terms and conditions of employment as required when administering attendance procedures.
2.1.2 All school-based staff must report their absences to their supervisor and then the absence must be entered in the SmartFind Express (SFE) electronic
attendance management system.
2.1.3 The principal is responsible for approving absences by reason code (where required) of all school staff using SmartFind Express, and for ensuring that all
absences are verified accurately normally no later than one (1) working day after the absence has occurred.
2.1.4 Principal Attendance In the case of absence of the principal, the principal must notify or seek the approval, as is determined by the terms and conditions of employment, of the designated regional Superintendent. In the case of work-related absences from the school, principals are expected to notify the designated regional Superintendent, or designated Executive Assistant to the Superintendent, in advance of the absence. Attendance at meetings called by senior staff members must be entered in SmartFind Express using the appropriate reason code. Principals must report all of their absences to their designated Superintendent and to the SmartFind Express electronic attendance management system.
2.2 Reporting Attendance for Education Centre and Learning Resources Centre (LRC) Staff
2.2.1 All staff members must notify or seek the approval of their appropriate supervisor for absence from work, as required by the collective agreement or terms and conditions of employment. Where advance notice/approval of the absence is not possible, such as in the case of illness, the staff member shall notify the supervisor by telephone or e-mail/text of such absence prior to the absence occurring. The supervisor will reference the collective agreement or terms and conditions of employment as required when administering attendance procedures.
2.2.2 All Education Centre/LRC staff members must record their absences using the SmartFind Express electronic attendance management system.
2.2.3 Following supervisor approval in SmartFind Express (where required), the absence shall be accurately verified in SmartFind Express by designated
Education Centre/LRC staff, normally no later than one (1) working day after the absence has occurred.
3. For all staff absences of three (3) consecutive working days related to illness or injury
3.1 Employees are required to advise their principal or supervisor immediately when any illness, medical procedure or accident prevents them from working in order to discuss a return to work date and plan next steps.
3.2 If the return to work date is greater than three (3) consecutive working days, documentation from the appropriate treating medical practitioner may be requested
by the principal/vice principal or immediate supervisor in consultation with the Superintendent of Human Resource Services or designate. Medical documentation
will be forwarded to the Superintendent of Human Resource Services or designate.
4. Absences of more than five (5) consecutive working days related to illness or injury
4.1 When an employee is going to be absent for more than five (5) consecutive working days, the employee will notify their principal or supervisor of the absence as soon as the employee becomes aware that time off work will be required.
4.2 The principal or supervisor shall indicate to the employee that the Superintendent of Human Resource Services or designate, will be notified of the employee’s absence to enable early intervention and to facilitate a safe and timely return to work.
4.3 The principal or supervisor will notify the Superintendent of Human Resource Services, or designate by email, fax, telephone or text.
4.4 The Superintendent of Human Resource Services, or designate, may require the employee to provide documentation in the form of a Medical Certificate and/or
Functional Abilities Form to be requested from the appropriate Health and Wellness officer and completed by the appropriate treating medical practitioner that may
include the following information:
4.4.1 Description of the medically supported restrictions or limitations the employee is experiencing in relation to the essential duties of their position;
4.4.2 Confirmation that the employee is participating in the appropriate treatment to ensure the employee’s safe and timely return to work;
4.4.3 Expected date employee could participate in the Return to Work Program with appropriate modifications/accommodations based on limitations and
4.4.3 Expected date employee could participate in the Return to Work Program with appropriate modifications/accommodations based on limitations and
4.4.4 Expected return to work date at regular hours and duties;
4.4.5 Any other information required to safely return the employee to work in a timely manner;
4.4.6 Treating medical practitioner’s name, address, phone number and fax number; and,
4.4.7 Treating medical practitioner’s signature.
4.5 Unless otherwise arranged, this documentation must be submitted by the employee or appropriate treating medical practitioner to the Superintendent of Human
Resource Services, or designate, within ten (10) working days of the date of the request.
4.6 A staff member who is off work for an extended period of time may be asked to meet with the Superintendent of Human Resource Services or designate and may be required to provide periodic updated medical documentation.
4.7 The Avon Maitland District School Board will assume responsibility for the costs associated with the documentation from the appropriate treating medical practitioner in relation to the absence, provided such medical documentation has been requested by the Superintendent of Human Resource Services or designate.
5. Sick Leave Benefit
5.1 As outlined below, an employee may access or is eligible for sick leave benefits if they become injured or ill and have a credit of unused sick leave. The applicable collective agreement or terms and conditions of employment will be referenced when administering the sick leave benefit.
5.2 An employee may access or is eligible for sick leave if they are disabled, which is defined as a state of incapacity which is due to bodily injury or sickness, preventing the employee from working for the board for remuneration. In addition, sick leave credits may be accessed for medical or dental appointments that cannot be scheduled outside of working hours.
5.3 Sick leave benefits are not payable:
5.3.1 In cases which are compensable by Workplace Safety & Insurance Board;
5.3.2 When an employee is on an authorized unpaid leave of absence;
5.3.3 When an employee does not have sick credits or a bank of sick days;
5.3.4 While in receipt of full Long Term Disability Benefits;
5.3.5 When appropriate medical documentation has not been received; or,
5.3.6 When on scheduled layoff.
5.4 To be eligible for sick leave benefits, the employee must follow the board’s procedures for reporting absences related to illness or injury and for returning to
work, in accordance with Section 4.0 of this administrative procedure.
5.5 The board will endeavour to accommodate the return to work and placement of temporary and/or permanently and/or partially disabled employees in accordance
with Administrative Procedure 416 Early and Safe Return to Work and applicable collective agreement or terms and conditions of employment.
5.6 Access to sick leave benefits may be denied for failure to provide all appropriate medical documentation requested. Appropriate medical documentation refers to, but is not limited to, medically supported restrictions and/or limitations as they relate to the employee’s ability to meet the essential duties of their position. It is the
employee’s responsibility to submit appropriate documentation to the Superintendent of Human Resource Services, or designate.
5.7 In order to maintain access to sick leave benefits, the Superintendent of Human Resource Services, or designate, may request the employee to attend an
Independent Medical Assessment (IME) and/or have completed a Functional Abilities Evaluation to determine the employee’s restrictions and/or limitations related to the employee’s position. This will assist in providing return to work and/or accommodation options. In requesting the IME, the following protocol will apply:
5.7.1 If the Superintendent of Human Resource Services, or designate, reasonably requires medical information to determine whether an employee is able to
return to work or should properly remain off of work and in receipt of sick leave benefits, the Superintendent of Human Resource Services, or designate, shall so advise the employee and request that such information be provided;
5.7.2 The employee is required to provide the requested medical documentation to the Superintendent of Human Resource Services, or designate, in response
to the request;
5.7.3 The Superintendent of Human Resource Services, or designate, will review the documentation provided by the employee. If the Superintendent of Human Resource Services, or designate, is not satisfied with the adequacy of the medical information provided, the Superintendent of Human Resource Services, or designate, will clearly identify to the employee why the information is not adequate;
5.7.4 The employee will be given an opportunity to provide the Superintendent of Human Resource Services, or designate, with further medical information;
5.7.5 The Superintendent of Human Resource Services, or designate, will review any further documentation provided by the employee. If the entirety of the
medical documentation provided does not reasonably permit the Superintendent of Human Resource Services, or designate, to determine whether the employee should return to work or remain off of work, the employee may be requested to submit to an IME;
5.7.6 If the employee fails to attend the IME or does not, prior to the IME, provide the Superintendent of Human Resource Services, or designate, with further
medical information to reasonably permit the Superintendent of Human Resource Services, or designate, to determine whether the employee should return to work or remain off of work, the employee’s wages and benefits may be discontinued.
6. Responsibilities of the Employee
6.1 Personally report an absence, unless the employee is incapacitated and unable to do so. Failure to report absences at the first opportunity in accordance with these procedures may result in denial of pay or benefits.
6.2 Indicate, in general terms, the reason for the absence, i.e. due to accident, illness, contractual, etc.
6.3 To call or e-mail/text their principal or supervisor directly. The absence must be reported to the SmartFind Express electronic attendance management system.
6.4 To be eligible for sick leave benefits, employees may be required to provide satisfactory medical documentation in the form of a Medical Certificate completed by
the appropriate treating medical practitioner, in accordance with Sections 3.0 and 4.0 of this administrative procedure.
6.5 Maintain regular contact with their principal/supervisor/Superintendent of Human Resource Services or designate, as the case may be, during their absence when they are unable to perform the essential duties of their position due to disability.
6.6 Participate in appropriate treatment, as determined by the treating medical practitioner(s), to ensure a safe and timely return to work.
6.7 Participate in the development of their Return to Work Plan, including taking the proposed Return to Work Plan (including accommodations and/or modifications) to the appropriate treating medical practitioner(s) for review, if necessary.
7. Responsibilities of the Principal/Vice-Principal or Immediate Supervisor
7.1 Review and communicate Administrative Procedure 402 Attendance Reporting: Staff and Guidelines to all employees on a yearly basis.
7.2 Ensure the daily maintenance of accurate, up-to-date records regarding employees’ absences as designated by Human Resource Services.
7.3 Monitor individual employee absenteeism records as designated by Human Resource Services.
7.4 Receive call-ins or return employees’ calls should a message be received from employees, and determine the reason for absence.
7.5 Ensure employee confidentiality in relation to absences and medical information by forwarding all medical documentation to the Superintendent of Human Resource Services or designate in a secure and confidential manner.
7.6 Contact the Superintendent of Human Resource Services, or designate, for assistance when restrictions and /or limitations have been identified.
7.7 Advise employees of their obligation to provide satisfactory written proof of disability, as required, confirming disability and ensuring continued payment of sick leave benefits. Principals and supervisors shall not require an employee to sign a release to authorize collection of medical information.
7.8 Participate in the development of the employee’s Return to Work Plan, including providing accommodations and/or modifications to the employee’s duties and/or
hours, based on the employee’s restrictions and/or limitations.
8. Responsibilities of the Superintendent of Human Resource Services, or Designate
8.1 Request proof of continuing disability from the employee in the case of absences exceeding five (5) consecutive working days, at regular intervals, in order to maintain the sick leave benefit or determine if participation in a Return to Work Program is appropriate.
8.2 Receive all medical documentation required and provide support to the employee during their time of disability.
8.2 Receive all medical documentation required and provide support to the employee during their time of disability.
8.3 Assist the Principal or Supervisor by maintaining contact with employees disabled for more than ten (10) consecutive working days, verifying that the employee is under the active care of the appropriate medical practitioner and following a treatment plan, and advise the principal or supervisor of the expected return to work date, when known.
8.4 Develop an appropriate Return to Work Plan (including appropriate accommodation and/or modification recommendations) based on the employee’s restrictions and/or limitations.
8.5 To review on a regular basis or as required by legislative change and to administer these Procedure and Program Guidelines.
For further direction beyond this procedure, refer to Administrative Procedure 416 Early and Safe Return to Work.
Amendment October 2019