Administrative Procedure 399: Voluntary First Nation, Métis, Inuit Self Identification

Legal References

Education Act: Part II - School Attendance; Education Act: Section 265 Duties of Principal - Register Pupils Guideline OSR; Education Act: Section 266 Pupil Records; Education At: Section 286 Duties of Supervisory Officers: Report to Minister; Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act: Information Banks, Access to Records, Retention; Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms; Ontario Human Rights Code; The Constitution Act; Ontario First Nation, Métis, and Inuit Education Policy Framework; Building Bridges to Success for First Nation, Métis and Inuit Students

Related References

1. Voluntary First Nation, Métis, and Inuit Self Identification Procedures

1.1 Self-identification data will be collected through Avon Maitland District School Board’s Form 302A Student Enrolment Form and the Student Confirmation of Emergency Contact Information.
1.2 Self-identification information is to be given voluntarily. Parents or students who have reached the age of majority may request to alter their identification at the beginning of a school year.

1.3 Categories for self-identification will be: First Nation, Métis, and Inuit.

2. Student Information Management

2.1 Self-identification data will be collected at the school and stored in Avon Maitland District School Board’s student information bank and protected from unauthorized disclosure or misuse as per Administrative Procedures 195, 196, 197, 302, 306 and 370.

2.2 Self-identification data will be used to improve student learning as per Administrative Procedure 377.

2.3 Self-identification data will be disclosed to the Ontario Ministry of Education and the Ontario Education Quality and Accountability Office as requested.

Voluntary, Confidential, Self-Identification for First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Students

The Ministry of Education has identified Aboriginal Education as a key priority. In its First Nation, Métis, and Inuit Education Policy Framework, the Ministry identified a particular focus on:

High levels of student achievement
A reduction in gaps in student achievement
High levels of public confidence

In an effort to develop reliable data to measure progress in these areas, the Ministry of Education has encouraged school boards to develop policies for voluntary, confidential self-identification for First Nation, Métis, and Inuit students.

How will this information be used?
As per the First Nation, Métis, and Inuit Education Policy Framework, the data gathered will be used: to respond to the cultural and learning needs of First Nation, Métis, and Inuit students; to provide quality programs, services, and resources to create learning opportunities for all students, and First Nation, Métis, and Inuit students in particular; to build a curriculum that honours First Nation, Métis, and Inuit cultures, histories, and perspectives; and to facilitate greater participation of First Nation, Métis, and Inuit parents, students and communities.

Avon Maitland District School Board will use the data to plan programming to support student achievement by focusing on the literacy and numeracy skills of First Nation, Métis, and Inuit students and to offer supports and opportunities to students when appropriate.

The Ministry of Education will also use the information in an aggregate and anonymous way to plan policies and programs to support student achievement across the province, to report results, and to identify areas for improvement.

Information gathered related to the province’s standardized tests will also be provided to Ontario’s Education Quality and Accountability Office. First Nations, Métis, and Inuit families and students should be assured that personally identifiable data will be protected by law.

How does a student self-identify?
Self-identification information can be provided voluntarily by parents, or by students who have reached the age of majority, using the Student Registration Form 302A at the time of enrolment; annually using the Student Contact Information Verification Form; or by contacting the principal of the school.
How will privacy be protected?
Information gathered will be protected in accordance with the Education Act, the Ontario Human Rights Code, and the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Please contact the school principal for further information on the First Nation, Métis, and Inuit self-identification policy.

Revised June 2013