Administrative Procedure 395: Graduations and Commencements - Protocol for Invitations
Legal References
Education Act: Section 265 (1) (g) Duties of Principal—Promote Pupils
Related References
1. Guidelines for Graduation and Commencement Ceremonies
This administrative procedure has been established to provide a guideline for principals regarding the proper procedure to follow when organizing a commencement or graduation ceremony.
2. Administrative Procedures
2.1 Elementary school graduations should be organized as to recognize the maturity level of the students involved and should be considered to be local school ceremonies. The local trustee, the regional supervisory official and the school council chair should receive invitations. Because of the large number of planned events, a trustee or regional supervisory official may not be able to attend every ceremony.
2.2 Secondary school graduations are considered to be more formal occasions. As soon as a date has been established, the director of education as secretary of the board should be advised in order to coordinate trustee and senior staff representation. A letter of invitation from the school should be sent to the federal member of parliament, the member of the provincial parliament and the school council chair.
2.3 Platform guests should be introduced to the audience and be given a meaningful role in the proceedings. The trustee will be given the opportunity to bring greetings from the board.
Revised June 2013