Administrative Procedure 363: Physical Containment
Legal References
Education Act: Section 265 Duties of Principal, Section 264 Duties of Teacher, Part XIII Behaviour, Discipline and Safety; Ontario Regulation 298 Operation of Schools Section 23 Requirements for Pupils; Guideline - Ontario Schools Code of Conduct; PPM 119 Developing and Implementing Equity and Inclusive Education Policies in Ontario Schools; PPM 144: Bullying Prevention and Intervention, PPM 145 Progressive Discipline and Promoting Positive Student Behaviour; Ontario First Nation, Metis and Inuit Education Policy Framework (2007); Bill 157 Keeping Our Kids Safe at School (2009); Criminal Code of Canada; Ontario Human Rights Code; Child and Family Services Act; Child, Youth and Family Services Act; Children's Law Reform Act; Occupational Health & Safety Act; Statutory Powers Procedure Act; Workplace Safety Insurance Act; Youth Criminal Justice Act.
Related References
Administrative Procedure (AP) 138 Positive Workplace Environment; AP 160 Access to School Premises; AP 175 Accidents, Incidents and Occupational Illnesses; AP 179 Lockdown and Hold/Secure; AP 351 Code of Conduct; AP 352 Progressive Discipline and Promoting Positive Student Behaviour; AP 353 Student Suspension; AP 354 Student Expulsion; AP 356 Substance Abuse by Students; AP 357 Violence Threat and Risk Assessment; AP 359 Police/School Board Protocol; AP 364 Search and Seizure Guidelines; AP 404 Violence Prevention in the Workplace; Form 363A - Incident Report: Use of Physical Containment
1.0 Introduction
Avon Maitland District School Board (AMDB) is dedicated to the care, welfare, safety and security of AMDSB staff, students and visitors.
When a student’s behaviour presents an imminent threat to the care, welfare, safety and security of self or others (students, staff or any other person), measures must be undertaken by staff to ensure everyone’s safety. The use of physical restraint is authorized only when all less restrictive methods of intervention have been exhausted and when the individual presents a danger to themselves or others. Even when physical restraint is employed, the primary objective is to allow the person an opportunity to calm down at their own pace, and to assist, as the individual gains self-control. An empathic, non-judgmental approach will alleviate anxiety and respect the dignity of all. Any physical intervention is potentially dangerous and should be considered an emergency response procedure. This document contains the expectations and procedures for staff training and behaviour management.
2.0 Purpose and Scope
2.1 This administrative procedure details the process to be followed regarding the use of physical containment.
2.2 The Director of Education has authorized the development and implementation of this administrative procedure to ensure:
- All AMDSB students are free from the unreasonable use of physical restraint;
- All employees and individuals within the board community ensure that corrective actions are considered and taken, as appropriate, to promote and support a safe, inclusive and positive working and learning environment;
- All Administrators, Teachers, SERTS, EAs, CYWs, DECEs, PSSP and partner agencies who support students are aware of and implement board approved behaviour management strategies;
- Physical containment is only performed by designated trained staff and trained partner agency workers as a short-term strategy for immediate safety purposes.
2.3 This administrative procedure applies to all employees, contractors and employees of other organizations who perform work on school board property.
2.4 Physical containment is a necessary intervention with a student when:
- The student presents as an imminent safety risk of safety to self or others;
- All other non-physical interventions have been unsuccessful including removing the target;
- Physical containment presents as a lesser risk than the inappropriate behaviour.
2.5 The use of physical containment is used only after all less restrictive methods of intervention have been exhausted and in the case of imminent risk to self and others.
2.6 Behaviour Management System (BMS) is the single AMDSB endorsed behaviour management method. Therefore, BMS strategies, including physical containment are to be used by trained staff.
2.7 The following restraints are not permitted by AMDSB:
- Corporal punishment - the act of striking a student, either with one’s hand or an object;
- Transport - moving a student from one location to another by means of physical intervention techniques where the student is actively resisting being moved - staff use their hands/arms to control and restrict the student's freedom of movement. Moving students while they are in crisis is an extremely high-risk intervention and staff are expected to follow procedures as per BMS training;
- Seclusion restraint or confinement - physically confining a student alone in a room or limited space against their will without physical access to staff;
- Mechanical restraint - is a device or material that a student cannot easily remove which prevents the student from moving freely, with the exception of integrated seats or safety vests for transportation.
3.0 Definitions
Applied Behavourial Analysis (ABA) is a scientific approach to understanding behaviour. ABA applies our understanding of how behaviour impacts real life situations. The goal is to increase behaviors that are helpful and decrease behaviors that are harmful or affect learning (from Autism Speaks – “Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA)”,
Behaviour Management Systems (BMS): AMDSB trains staff and administrators on the use of BMS which emphasizes a team approach to early intervention non-physical techniques. The focus is on prevention, rather than control of disruptive and/or unsafe behavior. BMS teaches staff the importance of identifying early warning signs, and the effective use of calming and de-escalating techniques (i.e. proximity, verbal and nonverbal interaction etc.). BMS also includes a secondary emphasis on defensive techniques (i.e. avoidance, releases, blocks etc.) combined with containment methods to be used only as an absolute last resort.
Debriefing is a process of receiving information after an event from those involved in the event. It can range from a simple description of events to more intensive questioning, investigation, review and planning. (Ministry of Education)
Functional Behaviour Assessment (FBA) is a problem-solving tool. It supports an approach to addressing behaviour problems that looks at both the likely causes and at the characteristics or symptoms of behaviour.
Escort: To "escort" a student means to accompany the student from one location to another without the use of force or restricting the student's movement - although the student may or may not be reluctant to move, the student is not being forcibly moved against their will.
Transport: To "transport" a student means moving a student from one location to another by means of physical intervention techniques where the student is actively resisting being moved - staff use their hands/arms to control and restrict the student's freedom of movement.
School Team: Will consist of the School Administrator(s), the Resource Teacher, classroom teacher, and other support staff as appropriate. The school team supports and assists the teacher in developing an appropriate plan of intervention including goals and timelines of review.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): PPE is equipment/devices/clothing that is used to protect a staff member or student from injury during the course of daily activities.
Physical Containment is a pre-determined and well-defined series of safety procedures whereby staff physically intervene to support a student who is posing an imminent physical risk-of-injury to self and/or others in order to minimize and/or eliminate the risk.
Mechanical Restraint is a device or material that a student cannot easily remove which prevents the student from moving freely. Examples of mechanical restraint include a seatbelt, a Rifton or other chair with straps or a tray, or handcuffs (from EdNC – “What to expect when your child is restrained at school”,
4.0 Responsibilities
4.1 Director
- Establishes the policies and procedures to ensure a safe working and learning environment for students and staff.
4.2 Superintendents
- Ensures this administrative procedure is implemented by Principals/Vice-Principals, employees and employees of other organizations who perform work on school board property, including debriefing and follow up documentation.
4.3 Principals/Vice-Principals
- Ensures this administrative procedure is implemented at their school/site, and adhered to by all employees and employees of other organizations;
- Ensures employees and employees of other organizations employ their BMS training prior to, during and following the use of physical containments;
- Ensures employees complete the physical containment form 363A;
- Ensures appropriate adjustments, if required, to any student plans (i.e. Student Support Plan, Student Safety Plan, Transportation Support Plan, Transportation Behaviour Intervention Plan) are made in a timely manner via the school team meeting process, and changes to these plans communicated to parents/guardians and the necessary employees;
- Ensures parents/guardians and employees sign updated plans as required;
- Informs parent/guardian when a physical containment has occurred;
- Updates Notification of Potential Risk of Personal Injury forms, as appropriate, and communicates these changes as per AP 404;
- Obtains additional information to be used in the development of a student support and/or safety plan for students new to their school.
4.4 Employees
- Implements this administrative procedure;
- Employs proactive behaviour management strategies with students;
- Implements student support and safety plans with fidelity;
- Communicates to school administration challenges to implementation of student support and safety plans;
- Participates in School Team Meetings to review and update student strengths, needs, and plans;
- Wears necessary PPE as outlined in the Safety Plan;
- Signs receipt of student safety plans;
- Completes incident reports and physical containment reports as per AP 175, 404 and this administrative procedure;
- Participates in debriefing.
4.5 Employees of organizations who perform work on school property
- Implements this administrative procedure;
- Employs proactive behaviour management strategies with students;
- Implements student support and safety plans with fidelity;
- Communicates to school administration challenges to implementation of student support and safety plans;
- Participates in School Team Meetings to review and update student strengths, needs, and plans as required;
- Wears necessary PPE as outlined in the safety plan;
- Signs receipt of student safety plans;
- Completes incident reports and physical containment reports as per this administrative procedure, and as required by their agency;
- Participates in debriefing.
4.6 Parents / Guardians
- Attends and participates in case conferences related to their child;
- Collaborates on the development and sign student safety plans.
5.0 Procedures
5.1 Prevention and Proactive Strategies
5.1.1 When routine behavioural management practices, accompanied by reinforcement for desired behaviours, are insufficient to elicit and maintain behavioural goals, school teams need to develop support and/or safety plans through the team meeting process, engaging board support teams such as ABA, SST and MHWB.
5.1.2 School teams may consider a referral to an outside agency (i.e. Children’s Aid Society, school-based mental health workers, police services, Huron Perth Centre for Youth and Children, etc.).
5.1.3 More intrusive interventions are used only after less intrusive ones have failed. The least intrusive measure is always employed.
5.1.4 Care should be taken to provide for the safety and dignity of the student before, during, and after the behavioural episode.
5.1.2 School teams may consider a referral to an outside agency (i.e. Children’s Aid Society, school-based mental health workers, police services, Huron Perth Centre for Youth and Children, etc.).
5.1.3 More intrusive interventions are used only after less intrusive ones have failed. The least intrusive measure is always employed.
5.1.4 Care should be taken to provide for the safety and dignity of the student before, during, and after the behavioural episode.
6.0 Documentation
6.1 After the use of a physical containment, complete the Physical Containment Form AP363A, describing the antecedents, aggressive responses and outcomes that will be completed by staff involved.
- This should be completed as soon as possible after the incident (within 24 hours) to ensure pertinent information is not forgotten. Be concise and factual.
- A copy shall be provided to the student’s parent(s)/guardian(s) by the Principal or designate and a copy placed in the student’s O.S.R.
- A copy shall be sent to the Superintendent of Learning Services and Mental Health and Wellbeing.
6.2 Depending on the nature of the incident, other forms may be required (for example, Safe Schools Incident Report, Employee Hazard/Incident Report, OSBIE, Violent Incident Report). These forms shall be completed within 24 hours and filed according to the distribution direction.
7.0 Review and Debriefing
7.1 Following the release of a student from restraint, and the resolution of the crisis the Principal/designate shall implement follow-up procedures. These procedures shall include a Debrief meeting following BMS guidelines to:
a. Review the incident with the staff person(s) who administered the restraint to discuss the following:
- whether proper restraint procedures were followed,
- any difficulties encountered with implementing the restraint procedures; and
- whether the staff or student sustained any injury.
b. Review the incident with the parent/guardian and the student the student’s Support or Safety plan.
c. Ensure appropriate follow up with staff and students who witnessed the incident.
c. Ensure appropriate follow up with staff and students who witnessed the incident.
d. Follow AP 404 Appendix I “Debriefing Guide”.
7.2 Hold a Team Meeting to review or develop Student Support and Safety plans and update the IEP as necessary.
7.2.1 Following the Review and Debriefing Phase, school teams will often return to the Information Gathering and Planning phases of the Behaviour Management Systems cycle.
Revised June 2023