Administrative Procedure 315: Medication - Administration, Storage and Disposal

Legal References

Education Act: Section 265 (1) (j) Duties of Principal: Care of Pupils; R.R.O. Reg. 298: Section 20 (g) Duties of Teachers; Ministry of Education Policy and Program Memorandum (PPM) 81 Provision of Health Support Services in School Settings; PPM149 Protocol for Partnerships with External Agencies for Provision of Services by Regulated Health Professionals, Regulated Social Service Professionals, and Paraprofessionals; PPM161 Supporting Children and Students with Prevalent Medical Conditions (Anaphylaxis, Asthma, Diabetes and/or Epilepsy) in Schools; Ryan’s Law (2015); Sabrina’s Law (2005); Smoke Free Ontario Act, 2017; Cannabis Control Act, 2017; Cannabis Act, 2018

Related References

1.0 Director of Education Procedure Statement

The Director of Education has designed this administrative procedure to provide direction to all staff members who assist pupils with medication which is required during school hours.

2.0 Assisting Pupils with Medication

2.1 Parents/guardians may request non-prescription oral medication such as acetaminophen (e.g., Tylenol) or an antihistamine to be administered on occasion, at school. Parents/guardians who request this must complete Form 315A Administration of Non-Prescription Medication. Under no circumstances are school personnel to administer non-prescription medication to any student without written authorization from a parent/guardian.

2.2 Principals or other authorized personnel are permitted to dispense or administer prescription medication to students who require prescription medication during the school day in accordance with this procedure. Parents/guardians must complete Form 315B Administration of Prescription Medication. School personnel must have written authorization from a parent/guardian prior to dispensing or administering prescription medication to a student.

3.0 Administration of Medication Procedures

3.1 Medication that can be administered outside of school hours, without an adverse effect on the student, should be a first consideration, prior to administering at school.

3.2 Principals can only accept medication that is provided in the original, tamper-proof, labelled container from the pharmacy or from an approved medical distributor.

3.3 Authorization in writing from the parent/guardian/physician/nurse practitioner is to be kept on file at the school. The authorization must specify:
    1. student name;
    2. student date of birth;
    3. physician/nurse practitioner name;
    4. physician/nurse practitioner contact and license information;
    5. medication by name;
    6. specific dosage;
    7. frequency and method of administration;
    8. dates for which authorization applies as prescribed by a physician/nurse practitioner;
    9. storage requirements;
    10. possible side effects, cautions and actions to be taken should side effects occur;
    11. if medication (e.g., inhalers, EpiPen, etc.) should remain with the child; and
    12. for medical cannabis, the address where the student consulted with the physician/nurse practitioner.
3.4 Form 315A Administration of Non-prescription Medication and/or Form 315B Administration of Prescription Medication, which contain the information from 3.3 above, must be completed and signed by the parent/guardian before any nonprescription and/or prescription medication is administered to the student. The physician’s or nurse practitioner’s authorization or instructions must be attached to the permission form.

3.4.1 As stated in Sabrina’s Law Subsection 3(3): “If an employee has reason to believe that a pupil is experiencing an anaphylactic reaction, the employee can administer an epinephrine auto-injector or other medication prescribed to the pupil for the treatment of an anaphylactic reaction, even if there is no preauthorization to do so under subsection (1)” of the law.

3.4.2 As stated in Ryan’s Law Subsection 4(3): “If an employee has reason to believe that a pupil is experiencing an asthma exacerbation, the employee may administer asthma medication to the pupil for the treatment of the exacerbation, even if there is no preauthorization to do so under subsection (1)” of the law.

3.5 If the prescription medication is to aid a student with a prevalent medical condition, a copy of Form 315B must be attached to the Individual Medical Management Plan of Care.

3.6 For Care and/or Treatment Custodial and Correctional Programs (CTCC), Form 315C Administration of Prescription/Non-Prescription Medication: Section 23 Programs is to be completed and signed by the parent/guardian. The physician’s authorization or instruction must be attached to the permission form. If the prescription medication is to aid a student with a prevalent medical condition, a copy of Form 315C must be attached to the Individual Medical Management Plan of Care.

3.7 Parents/guardians shall be responsible for the delivery of the prescribed medication to the principal (or designate) at intervals as may be determined by parent/guardians and/or physician or nurse practitioner.

3.8 The principal shall return to the parent/guardian, in a secure manner, any unused medication when requested by the parent/guardian or when the school is closed for holidays or breaks. Medication that is not picked up by the parent/guardian will be returned to a local pharmacy for disposal.

3.9 The principal will ensure that records for the administration of medication are kept in a central location in a clearly marked binder/container so that all staff recognize and can gain access to them quickly in an emergency.

3.10 The principal shall keep a record of medication administered on Form 315D Record of Administration of Oral Medication. This record shall contain:
    1. student’s name;
    2. student’s birth date;
    3. parent/guardian name;
    4. medication;
    5. date medication was received by the school;
    6. amount of medication received by the school;
    7. initials of the person who received the medication at the school;
    8. name, license, address and contact information of the physician/nurse practitioner;
    9. specific daily dosage required;
    10. date and time of day medication is to be given;
    11. storage instructions;
    12. duration of the dispensing/administration of the medication;
    13. date of return of the medication to the parent/guardian;
    14. name of the school personnel who returned the medication;
    15. parent / guardians initials to indicate receipt of the medication; and
    16. signature of person dispensing and administering medication. NOTE: On dates when the student is absent, Form 315D should reflect such absence.
3.11 A revised Administration of Prescription Medication form shall be completed by the parents or guardians and forwarded to the principal for each school year, or whenever a change or modification to the prescribed medication is directed by the physician/nurse practitioner. The revised authorization form must be received prior to medication being administered. The physician's authorization or instructions must be attached to the permission form.

3.12 If a medication is given in error, contact shall be made immediately with the emergency department of the local hospital for further instructions and then to parents/guardians. If a medication is missed or extra doses are given, the parent/guardian is be contacted for additional instructions.

3.13 The principal shall keep on file a telephone number for both the parent/guardian and the physician/nurse practitioner who prescribed the medication, whereby contact can be made in the event of an emergency.

3.14 During field trips, medication shall be transported in a secure manner, and administered at the time it is ordered. The administration of the medication shall be recorded on Form 315D upon return from the outing. Medical cannabis may be transported when the passenger is authorized to possess medical cannabis. It must be transported in the original, tamper-proof, labelled container which is fastened, closed and placed in the vehicle such that it is not readily available to the driver. The prescribing physician’s/nurse practitioner’s authorization must accompany the medical cannabis.

3.14.1 Note: Medical cannabis cannot be taken across an international border.

3.15 Information regarding emergency procedures must be with the teacher(s) accompanying students on appropriately authorized, out-of-school excursions. This information shall include the location of the closest medical facility and instructions for notifying the nearest medical facility. Follow Administrative Procedure 266 Field Trips and Excursions.

4.0 Storage of Medication Procedures

4.1 The principal shall assign responsibility for the safekeeping of the labelled medication in a secure place and according to medication storage requirements (e.g., stored in a refrigerator, out of light, etc.). The principal shall also ensure all teachers and support staff are aware of the location of all required medications.

4.2. For medical cannabis, no more than 30 days of dosage per student shall be stored at the school at any one time. Medical cannabis shall be stored in a secured central location in the school. This process is recorded on the Individual Medical Management Plan of Care for students with prevalent medical conditions.

5.0 Disposal of Medication Procedures

5.1 The principal shall return to the parent/guardian, in a secure manner, any unused medication when requested by the parent/guardian or when the school is closed for holiday vacation, mid-winter break or the summer vacation.

5.2 The principal or designate will record on Form 315D the date and the name of the staff member who returned the medication to the parent/guardian. The guardian will indicate receipt of the medication by writing their initials on Form 315D.

5.3 Disposal of medication remaining at the school after several attempts to contact parent/guardians for pick-up should occur through collaboration with the local pharmacy.
Revised April 2019