Administrative Procedure 309: Supervision of Students
Legal References
Education Act: Section 265 (1) (j) Duties of Principal: Care of Pupils; R.R.O. Reg. 298 Operation of Schools: Section 11 (1) Duties of Principals: Management of the School; R.R.O. Reg. 298 Section 20 (b) Duties of Teachers: Supervisory Duties; Ministry of Education Policy and Program Memorandum 161 Supporting Students with Prevalent Medical Conditions in Schools
Related References
Administrative Procedure (AP) 314 Supporting Students with Prevalent Medical Conditions in Schools; AP 351 Code of Conduct; AP 352 Promoting Positive Student Behaviour; AP 353 Student Suspension; AP 354 Student Expulsion; AP 355 Student Dress Code; AP 356 Substance Abuse by Students; AP 357 Violence Risk Threat Assessment Protocol; Form 309A Student Monitoring Checklist; Form 309B Template Letter
The Director of Education recognizes the importance of effective supervision of students in schools. This administrative procedure is provided to ensure the provision of appropriate student supervision for all students attending any school (including Avon Maitland District School Board’s eLearning and alternate education sites).
The principal in each school shall be responsible for the supervision of students in accordance with the Education Act, the regulations and appropriate collective agreements.
1. Planning for Supervision
The principal’s plan for the provision of adequate supervision is based upon such standard of care factors as the following:
- The age, maturity and number of students;
- The consideration of students with individual medical management plans of care;
- The nature, condition and location of the school buildings, equipment and grounds;
- The presence of potentially dangerous areas, substances or activities; and,
- The age and degree of skill and training which the students have received in connection with planned exercises or activities.
2. Supervision Procedures
2.1 Principals shall develop, in writing, a supervision schedule and procedures to be followed during the course of supervision. The schedule is to ensure the efficient operation of the school, the safety and welfare of students, protection of the board from liability, protection of property, and maintenance of an atmosphere conducive to learning.
2.1.1 All staff supervision, and the use of volunteers to assist with supervision, should be identifiable on a supervision schedule where start and end times and zones/areas of supervision are clear.
2.1.2 Supervision should be evident for, and where applicable, lunch supervision, nutrition breaks and other non-instructional times.
2.2 In order to provide appropriate supervision in general and on the school grounds in particular, the principal shall:
2.2.1 Discuss and clarify the supervision schedule and procedures on or prior to the first day of the school’s supervision assignment;
2.2.2 Review the existing and up to date supervision schedule and expectations at the start of each term/semester and document the date of review;
2.2.3 Communicate the importance of supply staff being left clear instructions, individual medical plans of care, and duty/supervision times and locations,
2.2.4 Post the current supervision schedule on the staff bulletin board and include areas/zones, start and end times (and send electronically, if applicable);
2.2.5 Provide for increased supervision when necessary;
2.2.6 Discuss safety and school yard procedures regularly with students;
2.2.7 Monitor school year procedures and revise when necessary;
2.2.8 Ensure the regular examination and assessment of the safety of playground equipment; and
2.2.9 Discuss with staff, procedures to be followed when a student is injured, or has a prevalent medical plan of care, and debrief following an injury or medical incident/emergency to review existing procedures.
3. Elementary Schools
3.1 Each principal shall prepare a supervision schedule for teachers prior to school opening in September. All members of staff shall participate in supervision responsibilities as assigned by the principal. The principal shall use the guidelines below in establishing the supervision schedule. The following areas are to be supervised when students are present:
3.1.1 School playground - when the students are in attendance and no less than fifteen minutes before classes begin, and during all recess times;
3.1.2 School halls, corridors and washrooms - fifteen minutes before classes begin and during recess and noon breaks;
3.1.3 School lunchrooms and other rooms for students eating lunch;
3.1.4 Other areas of the school where students are assigned for work or play following lunch or during recess;
3.1.5 Bus loading and unloading areas;
3.1.6 The school library resource center;
3.1.7 Students on educational excursions and other outside school activities; and
3.1.8 Extra-curricular activities.
3.2 This list is a minimum requirement and the principal shall consider the provision of additional supervision in response of specific needs.
4. Secondary Schools
Following are specific requirements for inclusion in the supervision plan established by the principal of each secondary school:
4.1 Bus Supervision
4.1.1 There is a clear, open space where buses can unload without waiting.
4.1.2 The students do not congregate in the bus unloading zone or the bus route.
4.1.3 The principal is satisfied that the situation is completely safe.
4.1.4 Supervision of bus loading shall be provided as needed, except for late transportation when the principal feels it can be accomplished safely without staff supervision.
4.1.2 The students do not congregate in the bus unloading zone or the bus route.
4.1.3 The principal is satisfied that the situation is completely safe.
4.1.4 Supervision of bus loading shall be provided as needed, except for late transportation when the principal feels it can be accomplished safely without staff supervision.
4.2 School Supervision
4.2.1 Supervision shall be provided in the school prior to the opening of homerooms when a significant number of students are present in the school.
4.2.2 Study areas shall be provided and shall be supervised.
4.2.3 Assistance in supervising shall be provided to the librarian during the periods of time when there are large numbers of students using the library.
4.2.4 Supervision shall be provided in the cafeteria during the lunch periods.
4.2.5 Supervision shall be provided during lunch periods in areas other than the cafeteria where a large number of students congregate, and in all higher risk areas, such as the gymnasium, shops, and science labs, if any students are permitted access.
4.2.6 If a detention room is operated in the school, supervision is to be provided.
4.2.7 Supervision shall be provided when large numbers of students are present in the school after classes, but not involved in supervised extracurricular activities.
4.2.8 In addition to the foregoing areas where supervision is required as part of the principal’s supervision plan, principals shall monitor carefully the need for supervision as may be required nearby, or in the following areas:
4.2.2 Study areas shall be provided and shall be supervised.
4.2.3 Assistance in supervising shall be provided to the librarian during the periods of time when there are large numbers of students using the library.
4.2.4 Supervision shall be provided in the cafeteria during the lunch periods.
4.2.5 Supervision shall be provided during lunch periods in areas other than the cafeteria where a large number of students congregate, and in all higher risk areas, such as the gymnasium, shops, and science labs, if any students are permitted access.
4.2.6 If a detention room is operated in the school, supervision is to be provided.
4.2.7 Supervision shall be provided when large numbers of students are present in the school after classes, but not involved in supervised extracurricular activities.
4.2.8 In addition to the foregoing areas where supervision is required as part of the principal’s supervision plan, principals shall monitor carefully the need for supervision as may be required nearby, or in the following areas:
- Washrooms;
- Hallways, especially locker bays;
- Change rooms;
- Exits and entrances; and
- Any other areas where the principal feels there is a likelihood of problems occurring.
4.3 Other Supervision
4.3.1 In any supervision situation, staff with direct and indirect contact must be able to respond to a student with a prevalent medical condition as per the roles and responsibilities identified in AP314 Supporting Students with Prevalent Medical Conditions in Schools.
4.3.2 In addition to the formal supervision in the principal’s plan for supervision, it is expected that teachers will at all times be alert to potential problems in safety, security or deportment, as well as prevalent medical conditions, and provide, informally, supervision as the situation may warrant.
4.3.3 Principals are expected to ensure that all members of staff are aware of their supervision responsibilities, both formal and informal, and understand procedures appropriate to the specific tasks.
4.3.4 In a number of secondary schools, it has been the practice to provide a greater degree of self-direction for students in grade twelve than for other students in the school. If principals have assigned a specific area for exclusive use of grade twelve students at some time during the school day, they may allow the students to provide for their own supervision.
4.3.5 If students are overseeing various activities or games or assisting in the office or lunch rooms, the procedures for safety shall be clearly established.
4.4 Use of Students to Assist with Supervision of Students
4.4.1 The use of students to assist with supervision or to lead other students during activities or games, is successful when appropriate procedures are in place. If students are leading various activities or games, or assisting in the office/classrooms at lunch or during nutrition breaks, the following procedures should be clearly established:
- A responsible staff member is readily available and is known to the students leading the activity or assisting with monitoring;
- The age, maturity, knowledge and skill of the student(s) monitoring is appropriate for the activity; and,
- Both the student monitors and the students being monitored understand expectations and requirements and can recognize the signs and symptoms of a medical incident or emergency, know how to respond (e.g. call for help), and can understand management of personal information Administrative Procedure 103 Management of Personal Information – Student.
4.4.2 Students who are utilized to assist a teacher with supervision require appropriate training. Training shall include, but is not limited to:
- A review of the school’s Code of Conduct/School Handbook;
- How to respond to an emergency (e.g. call for help etc.);
- What to do in the case of a lockdown or hold and secure;
- Basic first aid training, including responding to choking hazards and emergency situations;
- Demonstration of the use of the PA system;
- Location of individual medical management plans of care for students, posters and/or cards; and
- Basic training for successful monitoring; for example, ensuring all students are visible, facing children while eating, finding the closest adult when necessary, how to encourage students to adhere to direction given, and other strategies as appropriate.
4.4.3 A list of how to respond in the case of an emergency should be posted in all areas where students are monitoring.
4.4.4 Students and teachers/administrators must indicate that training provided has been completed (Form 309A). Each student shall sign off to indicate he/she received training. A template letter to parents/caregivers (Form 309B) is available to distribute with the checklist.
Amendment February 2019