Administrative Procedure 306: Kindergarten Registration
Legal References
Education Act: Part II, School Attendance, Section 34: (1) Kindergarten, (2) Junior Kindergarten, (3) Beginners Class; Education Act: Part VI, Boards Duties and Powers, Section 170 (6) Provide Instruction and Accommodation, (6.1) Kindergarten, (7) Special Education Program and Services; Education Act: Part VI, Boards Duties and Powers, Section 190 Transportation; Immunization of School Pupils Act; O. Reg. 224/10 Full Day Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten; Ministry of Education Policy/Program Memorandum 161 Supporting Children and Students with Prevalent Medical Conditions
Related References
Board Policy 15 Pupil Accommodation Reviews; Administrative Procedure (AP) 302 Student Enrolment; AP 305 School Enrolment Areas and Boundary Reviews; AP 314 Supporting Students with Prevalent Medical Conditions; AP 370 Ontario Student Record; AP 589 Transportation; AP 590 Board Advertising Expenses; Form 302A Student Registration Form; Form 589A Request for Transportation to/from an Alternate Residence
1.0 Purposes
1.1 To apply a consistent procedure for kindergarten registration to be used in all elementary schools in the Avon Maitland District School Board.
1.2 To ensure a timely reporting of potential enrollment growth so as to assist in the staffing in elementary schools.
1.3 To inform parents, guardians and community partner agencies of the board’s registration process and information requirements.
1.2 To ensure a timely reporting of potential enrollment growth so as to assist in the staffing in elementary schools.
1.3 To inform parents, guardians and community partner agencies of the board’s registration process and information requirements.
2.0 Definitions
2.1 Kindergarten Registration: Registration of children who will be attending school for the first time in Junior or Senior Kindergarten.
2.2 Calling All Three Year Olds (CATYO) is a working group of Kids First Huron Perth that enhances an early identification process and supports for incoming kindergarten students.
2.2 Calling All Three Year Olds (CATYO) is a working group of Kids First Huron Perth that enhances an early identification process and supports for incoming kindergarten students.
3.0 The Registration Process
3.1. The registration event involves parents/guardians completing all necessary registration information (For example Form 302A Student Registration Form, paper or online) as well as other activities, with their child, that support welcoming children and families with the transition into the school system (for example the Before and After School Program Survey). Parents must provide proof of the child’s legal name and date of birth at the time of registration. Acceptable documents are outlined in AP302 Student Enrolment.
3.2. Administration and/or office staff should take note of the prevalent medical or other health conditions that have been stated on the registration form. Follow
Administrative Procedure 314 Supporting Students with Prevalent Medical Conditions in Schools.
3.3. The registration event provides families with access to Community Service Providers (CSP) who can then support student developmental growth prior to kindergarten entry via a referral process.
4.0 System-level Responsibility:
4.1 Identification of a common kindergarten registration period in the month of November to welcome first time kindergarten children and families into school.
4.2 Publication of the registration dates for each school site provided to school administrators early in the school year for the November registration schedule.
4.3 Notification to the general public of the registration dates and specific school sites beginning in October through local media, the AMDSB website, and through school newsletters and websites.
4.4 Delivery of support to new administrators and secretarial staff to introduce the kindergarten registration procedure and to provide an overview of kindergarten initiatives, where requested.
4.5 Review of the kindergarten registration procedure and timelines every spring by CATYO and program team members and supported by the Superintendent of Education (Program) to discuss best practices to ensure that most welcoming approaches are shared.
4.6 Ongoing support to schools from central support staff or System Administrators.
4.7 Continued CATYO committee involvement in the planning for, implementation of, and reflection upon kindergarten registration events.
5.0 Schedule of Events
5.1 June/Early September
5.1.1 The board team will meet to choose the registration model, dates and times for November registration, considering the size of school, geographic region, special dates etc.
5.1.2 Distribution and confirmation of the November kindergarten registration calendar detailing the date and time for registration events to elementary school principals and to CATYO partners.
5.1.3 Notification of booking for CATYO events through Community Use of Schools.
5.1.4 Notification to District Health Units of registration calendar via the CATYO Coordinator. Continued collaboration on process and procedures.
5.1.5 Establishment of projected enrolment numbers for CATYO schools.
5.2 September/October
5.2.1 Registration packages forwarded to schools for distribution to families (Retain AMDSB Consents for Exchange of Information for registration event at the school).
5.2.2 Advertisements announcing November registration arranged through the Manager of Communications, CATYO committee, and at school level through monthly newsletter/website.
5.2.3 CATYO System Memorandum will be released, providing an overview of CATYO expectations and responsibilities, as well as additional pertinent information.
5.3 October
5.3.1 Individual registration packages provided to families through the school.
5.3.2 Appointment Schedule for attending the registration event completed by school administration staff. Information is to be shared with CATYO Coordinator who will assign Community Service Providers (CSPs) and link with other agencies participating in registration.
5.3.3 School team determines registration event logistics (passport system, take home bags for children, healthy snacks).
5.3.4 School Principal notifies System Principal of Learning Services of any registrant who may qualify for Learning Services support.
5.4 November
5.4.1 Registration for junior and senior kindergarten students takes place in every school as per schedule.
5.4.2 Principal notifies System Principal of Learning Services of any new registrants who may qualify for Learning Services support.
5.5 December through June
5.5.1 For post-CATYO kindergarten registrations, school administrators ask families to complete the registration information, and provide parents with contact information for the Huron or Perth agencies who will arrange for a post-CATYO consultation.
5.5.2 County Health Units will return student information to AMDSB for review and for distribution to schools. After teacher and administrator examination of results, insert forms into OSR.
5.5.3 The Information Services Manager, Superintendents, and/or System Administration may regularly request current kindergarten enrolment figures.
5.5.4 Orientation activities and information meetings for new students and their families are school responsibilities; bus safety programs provided as required through Transportation Manager.
5.5.5 New registration data must be entered into Aspen prior to the December break, including the full addressing information so that the Transportation department can begin their process.
5.5.6 If a child attends a CATYO, but does not register at the school by September, the CATYO forms are to be sent back to the System Administrator for CATYO for review and/or follow up.
6.0 Media and Promotion
6.1 Promotion of CATYO in the media will be coordinated by the Manager of Communications.
Principals also communicate using newsletters, email, website and public notices in their local school community.
6.2 CATYO partners will communicate to their vested parties.
Community partners provide CATYO school posters to the board for distribution in schools. Generic posters are also displayed in the community by the partner agencies.
7.0 Guidelines
7.1 Registration is to take place at the child’s home school.
7.2 Students attending Junior Kindergarten do not re-register for Senior Kindergarten.
7.3 Kindergarten Border Crossing – Please see Student Enrolment AP 302 for enrolment details and border crossing procedures.
7.4 Resources will be sent to schools by the end of September, which will then be provided to families intending to register a child for Kindergarten through the CATYO event or following the CATYO event. Package contents vary year by year. Lists of current resources will be included in the system memo.
7.5 Each package may include additional resources and information supporting school entry and readiness as deemed appropriate by the board and the CATYO partners.
7.6 The Immunization of School Pupils Act requires every child who attends school in Ontario must have proof of immunization against diphtheria, tetanus, polio, measles, mumps, and rubella. Parents are required to provide information about their child’s immunization prior to school entry. Requests for exemption from immunization for medical, religious, or conscience reasons must be addressed to the appropriate District Health Unit. Any child not meeting the requirements may be suspended from school.
Revised September, 2022