Administrative Procedure 302: Student Enrolment
Legal References
Education Act: Part II - School Attendance; Education Act: Section 265 - Duties of Principal, The Ontario Student Record (OSR) Guideline; Policy and Program Memorandum 161; Citizenship and Immigration Canada; Enrolment Register Instructions for Elementary and Secondary Schools, Child and Family Services Act
Related References
Administrative Procedure (AP) 306 Kindergarten Registration; AP 314 Supporting Students with Prevalent Medical Conditions; AP 370 Ontario Student Record; AP 398 Gender Identity; AP 589 Transportation; Instructions for the Use of Computerized Enrolment Registers for Elementary and Secondary Schools
1.0 Enrolment Procedures
The intent of this administrative procedure is to provide direction to School Administration regarding the responsibilities related to student enrolment, attendance and reporting. Specifically, it is intended:
To ensure compliance with all Ministry of Education Legislation and regulations governing enrolment:
1.1 To provide direction on electronic and paper student enrolment and attendance records in accordance with Ministry of Education regulations (Enrolment Register Instructions for Elementary and Secondary Schools) and other administrative procedures; and
1.2 To ensure student information is reported accurately and in a timely fashion, via the Ontario School Information System (OnSIS) in order to maximize revenues for grant purposes.
2.0 Enrolment Definitions
2.1 Resident Pupil Qualifications of Avon Maitland District School Board (AMDSB) as defined by the Education Act are as follows:
Resident pupil right to attend school:
32. (1) A person has the right, without payment of a fee, to attend a school in a school section, separate school zone or secondary school district, as the case may be, in which the person is qualified to be a resident pupil. 1997, c. 31, s. 13.
Admission without fee:
32. (2) Despite the other provisions of this Part, but subject to subsection 49 (6), where it appears to a board that a person who resides in the area of jurisdiction of the board is denied the right to attend school without the payment of a fee, the board, at its discretion, may admit the person from year to year without the payment of a fee. 1997, c. 31, s. 13.
Resident pupil qualification: elementary English-language public district school boards and elementary public school authorities.
33. (1) Subject to sections 44 and 46, a person who attains the age of six years in any year is, after September 1 in that year, qualified to be a resident pupil in respect of a school section of an English-language public district school board or of a public school authority until the last school day in June in the year in which the person attains the age of 21 years if,
a) The person resides in the school section; and
b) The person’s parent or guardian who is not a separate school supporter or a French-language district school board supporter resides in the school section. 1997, c. 31, s. 14.
Evidence as to right to attend:
33. (5) It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to submit evidence that the child has a right to attend an elementary school, including proof of age. 1997, c. 31, s. 14.
Resident pupil qualification: secondary English-language public district school boards and secondary public school authorities:
36. (1) A person is qualified to be a resident pupil in respect of a secondary school district of an English-language public district school board or of a public school authority if,
a) The person and the person’s parent or guardian who is not a separate school supporter or a French-language district school board supporter reside in the secondary school district; (a.1) Subject to any regulations made under section 43.3, the person is 16 or 17 years of age, has withdrawn from parental control and resides in the secondary school district;
b) The person is an English-language public board supporter and resides in the secondary school district and is an owner or tenant of residential property in the secondary school district that is separately assessed; or
c) The person is not a supporter of any board, is at least 18 years of age. 1997, c. 31, s. 17; 2006, c. 28, s. 8 (1, 2).
36. (8) It is the responsibility of the person or the person’s parent or guardian to submit evidence that the person has a right to attend a secondary school. 1997, c. 31, s. 17
a) The person resides in the school section; and
b) The person’s parent or guardian who is not a separate school supporter or a French-language district school board supporter resides in the school section. 1997, c. 31, s. 14.
Evidence as to right to attend:
33. (5) It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to submit evidence that the child has a right to attend an elementary school, including proof of age. 1997, c. 31, s. 14.
Resident pupil qualification: secondary English-language public district school boards and secondary public school authorities:
36. (1) A person is qualified to be a resident pupil in respect of a secondary school district of an English-language public district school board or of a public school authority if,
a) The person and the person’s parent or guardian who is not a separate school supporter or a French-language district school board supporter reside in the secondary school district; (a.1) Subject to any regulations made under section 43.3, the person is 16 or 17 years of age, has withdrawn from parental control and resides in the secondary school district;
b) The person is an English-language public board supporter and resides in the secondary school district and is an owner or tenant of residential property in the secondary school district that is separately assessed; or
c) The person is not a supporter of any board, is at least 18 years of age. 1997, c. 31, s. 17; 2006, c. 28, s. 8 (1, 2).
36. (8) It is the responsibility of the person or the person’s parent or guardian to submit evidence that the person has a right to attend a secondary school. 1997, c. 31, s. 17
2.2 A pupil of the board for grant funding purposes is defined as a pupil who is qualified to be a resident pupil of AMDSB under Section 2.1 and who is enrolled at their designated AMDSB school within established school attendance areas into:
2.2.1 An established Kindergarten Program, JK or K:
a) The age of four (4) must be attained on or before December 31st of the calendar year in which entry is requested for the first year of the Kindergarten Program – JK;
b) The age of five (5) must be attained on or before December 31st of the calendar year in which entry is requested for the second year of the Kindergarten Program – K.
a) The age of four (4) must be attained on or before December 31st of the calendar year in which entry is requested for the first year of the Kindergarten Program – JK;
b) The age of five (5) must be attained on or before December 31st of the calendar year in which entry is requested for the second year of the Kindergarten Program – K.
2.2.2 Grades 1 to Grade 12:
c) Every person who attains the age of six years on or before the first school day in September in any year shall attend an elementary or secondary school on every school day from the first school day in September in that year until the person attains the age of 18 years; and
d) Every person who attains the age of six years after the first school day in September in any year shall attend an elementary or secondary school on every school day from the first school day in September in the next succeeding year until the last school day in June in the year in which the person attains the age of 18 years. 2006, c. 28, s. 5 (1).
2.2.3 Pupils over 21 years of age:
a) Pupils who turn twenty-one years of age on or before December 31st in a calendar year, will be permitted to attend a secondary day school until June of that same calendar year. For example, if the pupil turns twenty-one in January, they will continue in the day school until June of that same calendar year. If the pupil turns twenty-one in October, they will finish secondary day school in the June prior to their date of birth.
b) Principals shall direct adult pupils, as defined above, to adult education courses as provided by AMDSB’s Centres for Employment and Learning.
c) The Principal shall also ensure that adult pupils are identified with “A” on the enrolment register.
2.2.4 Pupils born outside of Canada who have been approved for enrolment with a fee exemption under Section 49(7) of the Education Act.
2.2.5 Student Exchange Programs which involve Pupils entering from out of province and/or out of country on reciprocal long-term exchange.
2.2.6 Adult Pupils enrolled in adult education courses as provided by AMDSB’s Centres for Employment and Learning. The Principal of the Centre for Employment and Learning shall refer to the instructions on each individual register for specifics regarding individual criteria.
2.2.7 Pupils enrolled in e-learning courses.
2.3 Other Pupil (for grant purposes) is defined as:
2.3.1 Pupils entering from out of the province of Ontario where fees are charged;
2.3.2 Pupils entering from out of country where fees are charged; or
2.3.3 Native pupils enrolled under tuition agreements with a Native Education Authority.
2.3.2 Pupils entering from out of country where fees are charged; or
2.3.3 Native pupils enrolled under tuition agreements with a Native Education Authority.
2.4 Border Crossing refers to:
A request for admission of a resident student to an AMDSB school other than the designated home school while residing within or outside the board jurisdiction.
3.0 General Admission and Standard Enrolment Procedures
3.1 The Principal is responsible to ensure the student is registered at the proper designated school within the established school attendance area. Should a parent request registration at a school outside of their boundary, the home school should initiate the border crossing procedure as outlined below.
3.2 It is a requirement of and audited by the Ministry that all students have a registration form (Form 302A Student Registration or Online Registration Form) that is current and complete. Biographic and demographic information will be collected on Form 302A or the Online Registration Form. Legal custody documents may be required. The parent/guardian of every student enrolling shall complete and sign Form 302A. Where appropriate, an adult student may complete and sign the form.
3.3 The principal is responsible to ensure that Ontario residency is confirmed by the presentation of the documentation listed below. Copies of residency documentation should not be retained in the student’s OSR.
- Property Tax Bill
- Lease/Rental Agreement
- Utility Bill
- Proof of Purchase
- Bank Statement
- Note: an Ontario Driver’s License is not an acceptable form of documentation to confirm Ontario residency, as per the Ministry of Education
3.4 The principal is responsible to ensure that legal name, date of birth and status in Canada is confirmed by the presentation of the documentation listed below. Schools must ensure that Section A of the OSR and the school-use only sections of Form 302A are initialed as evidence the documentation was presented. Copies of identity documentation should not be retained in the student’s OSR.
- Birth Certificate
- Passport
- Canadian Citizenship Card/Certificate
- Confirmation of Permanent Residence
- Refugee Claimant Form
- Official Record of Hospital Birth Record
- Indian Status Card
- Photo Ontario Health Card, for identification purposes only
3.4.1 Students born outside of Canada must provide official immigration documentation to school administration. Consultation with the Enrolment and Information Management (EIM) Department prior to the pupil’s start date must take place to determine eligibility of enrolment with AMDSB. Form 302A, Form 302E Confirmation of Immigration Documentation and immigration documents that support the student’s “Status in Canada” and “First Date of Entry to Canada” must be sent to the EIM Department so that the student’s right to attend and ESL eligibility can be determined. The student should not attend until enrolment confirmation is provided by the EIM Department.
3.5 The parent/guardian of a student enrolled in an Ontario school for the first time should be asked to provide immunization records. An immunization record is not a requirement for admission to school.
3.6 The student will be entered on the school register the first day that the student attends school. The student will be placed on one of the following registers:
3.6.1 Full-time register, if attending full-time i.e. receiving an average of 210 or more minutes of classroom instruction per day; or
3.6.2 Part-time register, for students not attending full-time i.e. receiving less than 210 minutes of classroom instruction per day; or
3.6.3 Independent study register, for students engaged in independent study.
3.6.2 Part-time register, for students not attending full-time i.e. receiving less than 210 minutes of classroom instruction per day; or
3.6.3 Independent study register, for students engaged in independent study.
3.7 All students enrolled in Kindergarten classrooms will be in full time attendance by the first Friday of the first week of school.
3.8 A full time equivalent (FTE) for each part-time student will be calculated according to the Ministry of Education regulations.
3.9 Regarding transportation eligibility, Huron-Perth Student Transportation Service (HPSTS) provides busing for students eligible for transportation. The student’s addressing, specifically the 911 address (Emergency Code field within Aspen) is used to determine eligibility. Eligibility requirements are outlined in Administrative Procedure 589: Transportation.
3.10 The parent/guardian or adult student must complete a school withdrawal form when the pupil is transferring and/or retiring from any AMDSB school. The last expected date of attendance, the reason for the transfer/retirement and the name of the receiving school must be provided. Secondary Schools may use their own designed form with the above criteria included; elementary schools must use Form 302G Elementary School Withdrawal Form located within Aspen’s central drive. The completed form must be retained in the school office outside of the student’s OSR.
4.0 Registering Pupils with Special Needs
4.1 The Principal is responsible for ensuring that appropriate supports and services are identified for a student with special needs during the registration process and upon starting at the school. Therefore, the Principal shall notify and collaborate with the school team and the school Learning Services Coordinator (as required) to:
4.1.1 Determine the reason for the request, and the source of the request (parent /guardian, agency, group home, etc.);
4.1.2 Identify appropriate steps to gather pertinent information to facilitate a successful entry to school, such as obtaining a signed Consent for Exchange of Information, to communicate with previous school, outside agencies, medical practitioners, etc.;
4.1.3 Gather or generate documentation to facilitate the student’s transition, such as:
4.1.2 Identify appropriate steps to gather pertinent information to facilitate a successful entry to school, such as obtaining a signed Consent for Exchange of Information, to communicate with previous school, outside agencies, medical practitioners, etc.;
4.1.3 Gather or generate documentation to facilitate the student’s transition, such as:
- Medical Management Plans
- Student Support Plan, Student Safety Plan, and Notification of Risk (as required)
- Specialized transportation requests
- Referrals to AMDSB supports and services such as ABA, Support Services Team, Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Blind/Low Vision, Speech-Language, etc.
- Referrals to outside service providers (e.g. Community nursing agency)
- IEP and IPRC (if applicable)
4.1.4. Place the information into the salmon folder of the student’s OSR upon its arrival to the school;
4.1.5 Collaborate, as necessary, alongside the Learning Services Department, to determine appropriate transportation supports and/or services.
4.1.5 Collaborate, as necessary, alongside the Learning Services Department, to determine appropriate transportation supports and/or services.
4.2 For all enrolment requests received for any student with special education needs whose parent(s)/guardian(s) are not residents of Huron or Perth counties, the Principal must await a written response prior to enrolling the student.
5.0 Border Crossing Requests and Approvals
A new colour coding process has been created to provide families with additional information about the likelihood of their border cross application being approved. Annually each school will be assigned a specific colour based on: the school’s current and projected enrolment in relation to the space at the school. More information about measures of enrolment can be found on the board website: Pupil Accommodation and Enrolment Projection.
Here is a summary of the new colour coding system:
Schools coloured as Green:
- Very likely have space to accommodate additional students.
- RENEWAL and NEW applications are very likely to be approved.
- These requests would be reviewed and families will receive communication regarding the status of their request by March.
Schools coloured as Yellow:
- May have space to accommodate additional students.
- RENEWAL requests are likely to be approved.
- NEW border cross requests are less likely to be approved.
- All requests into these schools would be approved later in the Spring after the school organization has been established and would only be accommodated in the school if space permits. Families will receive communication regarding the status of their request in May.
Schools coloured as Red:
- Do not have space to accommodate additional students.
- RENEWAL requests are unlikely and these families will receive communication regarding the status of their request in June.
- NEW border cross requests are very unlikely and will not be approved until after the first week of school in September. These students would NOT be included in the school organization and would only be accommodated if space permits.
5.1 Students within District – NEW Requests
5.1.1 Home School is defined as the school to which the pupil has the right to attend based on their primary residence within the designated catchment area.
5.1.2 All border cross requests must be initiated at the home school. This includes requests for siblings of currently approved border crossers. The parent/guardian or adult student should be provided with Form 302B In District Request for Border Crossing and they should complete Part A. Applications for the following year must be received by February 1st of the current year.
5.1.3 The home school principal ensures the student record in the Student Information System is created at the home school and initiates the request within the electronic border crossing software.
5.1.4 The electronic border crossing software will notify the receiving school Principal. The receiving school Principal must review class size and staffing organization. The receiving school principal should indicate on the electronic form if the school can accommodate the student without incurring additional costs to AMDSB.
5.1.5 The electronic border crossing software will notify the Superintendent responsible for Border Crossing of the request.
5.1.6 HPSTS will be notified when/if the Border Crossing request has been approved and this department will coordinate transportation options, as appropriate.
5.1.7 The home school principal must ensure they review conditions of approval including the available transportation stops and route information with the parent/guardian or adult student.
5.1.8 The home school principal will provide the parent/guardian or adult student with a copy of the approved form and an approval letter (Letter 302A Initial Border Crossing Approval Letter) which emphasizes that all border crossing approvals are subject to annual review and may be rescinded based on the accommodation and staffing needs at the receiving school.
5.1.2 All border cross requests must be initiated at the home school. This includes requests for siblings of currently approved border crossers. The parent/guardian or adult student should be provided with Form 302B In District Request for Border Crossing and they should complete Part A. Applications for the following year must be received by February 1st of the current year.
5.1.3 The home school principal ensures the student record in the Student Information System is created at the home school and initiates the request within the electronic border crossing software.
5.1.4 The electronic border crossing software will notify the receiving school Principal. The receiving school Principal must review class size and staffing organization. The receiving school principal should indicate on the electronic form if the school can accommodate the student without incurring additional costs to AMDSB.
5.1.5 The electronic border crossing software will notify the Superintendent responsible for Border Crossing of the request.
5.1.6 HPSTS will be notified when/if the Border Crossing request has been approved and this department will coordinate transportation options, as appropriate.
5.1.7 The home school principal must ensure they review conditions of approval including the available transportation stops and route information with the parent/guardian or adult student.
5.1.8 The home school principal will provide the parent/guardian or adult student with a copy of the approved form and an approval letter (Letter 302A Initial Border Crossing Approval Letter) which emphasizes that all border crossing approvals are subject to annual review and may be rescinded based on the accommodation and staffing needs at the receiving school.
5.1.9 A student transitioning between schools (i.e. Grade 8 student to a Secondary School or Grade 6 student to a 7-12 School), who wishes to attend a school that is not within the boundary of the student’s home address must be informed by their current elementary school that a border crossing request form is required. The border crossing request and the student registration form must be submitted to the receiving school that is within the boundary of the student’s home address. The deadlines and processes noted above apply to these instances.
5.2 Students from Out of District - NEW Requests
5.2.1 Students who do not reside within the AMDSB district but would like to attend an AMDSB school may request to border cross into an AMDSB school. These students are known as “Out of District Border Crossers”. When the AMDSB school that the student wants to attend is closer than the nearest school in their home district, this is referred to as a “Right to Attend”. Form 302C Out of District Request for Border Crossing must indicate when the Right to Attend parameter applies.
5.2.2 The receiving school should provide the parent/guardian or adult student Form 302C.
5.2.3 The receiving school must indicate the name of the School Board from which the student is coming.
5.2.4 The receiving school principal will review the border cross request following the criteria outlined in 5.1.4.
5.2.5 The receiving school principal shall forward the form to the Education Centre to the Superintendent of Leading Learning.
5.2.6 For all enrolment requests received for any student with special education needs whose parent(s)/guardian(s) are not residents of Huron or Perth counties, the Principal must obtain a consent for exchange of information with the previous school, and gather information regarding the needs of the student, and share this information with the Superintendent responsible for Learning Services, and note on the border cross request that this information has been provided.
5.2.2 The receiving school should provide the parent/guardian or adult student Form 302C.
5.2.3 The receiving school must indicate the name of the School Board from which the student is coming.
5.2.4 The receiving school principal will review the border cross request following the criteria outlined in 5.1.4.
5.2.5 The receiving school principal shall forward the form to the Education Centre to the Superintendent of Leading Learning.
5.2.6 For all enrolment requests received for any student with special education needs whose parent(s)/guardian(s) are not residents of Huron or Perth counties, the Principal must obtain a consent for exchange of information with the previous school, and gather information regarding the needs of the student, and share this information with the Superintendent responsible for Learning Services, and note on the border cross request that this information has been provided. All enrolment requests received for any student with special needs whose parent(s)/guardian(s) are not residents of the counties of Huron and Perth must await final approval by the Superintendent of Schools (Learning Services). The Superintendent of Schools (Learning Services) will consult with internal and external supports, including HPSTS in order to consider each request for enrolment. Once the information has been reviewed centrally, the final decision regarding placement, supports, services, etc. will be communicated to the school Principal. Should the request to enroll be approved, the Learning Services Coordinator will support the receiving school in facilitating transition to school. Once the information has been reviewed centrally, the final decision regarding placement, supports, services, etc. will be communicated to the school Principal. Should the request to enroll be approved, the Learning Services Coordinator will support the receiving school in facilitating transition to school.
5.2.7 If the request to border cross is denied, a copy of the form is returned to the receiving school for their records and the school Principal will advise the family.
5.3 Border Cross Renewals
5.3.1 All border crossing requests must be renewed annually through the Letter 302B Border Crossing Renewal Letter and Form 302D Request for Renewal of Border Crossing Permission (generated through Aspen). Principals must send these forms to the parent(s)/guardian(s) or adult students of all current border crossing students. Completed requests for renewals must be received by the Superintendent responsible for border crossing no later than February 1st.
5.3.2 Renewals will be granted by the Superintendent responsible for border crossing based on the fact that they do not generate additional staffing costs for the board.
5.3.3 In the event that renewals cannot be approved due to additional costs to the board, border crossing students will be advised to return to their home school the following September.
5.3.4 In cases where a decision must be made about which border crossing students are to be repatriated, the date of entry to the school shall be the deciding factor. The student with the most recent date of arrival will be the first student asked to return to their home school.
5.3.5 Families will be notified of the approval or denial by the receiving school Principal.
5.3.3 In the event that renewals cannot be approved due to additional costs to the board, border crossing students will be advised to return to their home school the following September.
5.3.4 In cases where a decision must be made about which border crossing students are to be repatriated, the date of entry to the school shall be the deciding factor. The student with the most recent date of arrival will be the first student asked to return to their home school.
5.3.5 Families will be notified of the approval or denial by the receiving school Principal.
5.4 Border Crossing Approval Process when requests exceed available space
5.4.1 In cases where the applications for border crossing exceed the available spaces projected for a given school as of February 1, the process below will be used to allocate the available spaces. Border crossing applications, even those of siblings, will only be approved if they do not result in additional costs to the board.
5.4.2 The criteria for granting available spaces will be based on the following process:
5.4.2 The criteria for granting available spaces will be based on the following process:
- The applicant has been placed in the school for administrative reasons as determined by the Director;
- The applicant has attended the school in the previous year, and the process will consider the length of time the student has previously attended the school;
- The applicant has a sibling already attending the school;
- All other border crossing applicants will be drawn by lot based on available space.
5.4.3 During the lottery process if more than one sibling from the same family is applying to border cross into a school, all siblings from that family will be considered at the point where the first sibling’s name is drawn during the lottery. Approvals will only be granted where the individuals do not generate additional staffing requirements. It is possible that some members of a family could be approved and other members of the same family could be denied.
5.4.4 The board shall contract the accounting firm that conducts the board’s financial audits to oversee the lottery process.
5.4.5 Border crossing applications received after February 1 in a given year will be considered on a first-come-first approved basis. Approval is always contingent on space in the school and that there are no additional costs to the board.
5.4.6 Border crossing applications will only be approved where the approval does not increase class sizes beyond a maximum number as determined by senior administration each year. These maximums will be school-dependent based on historical enrolment patterns for each school. The allowable maximum will be announced prior to the start of the lottery process.
5.4.4 The board shall contract the accounting firm that conducts the board’s financial audits to oversee the lottery process.
5.4.5 Border crossing applications received after February 1 in a given year will be considered on a first-come-first approved basis. Approval is always contingent on space in the school and that there are no additional costs to the board.
5.4.6 Border crossing applications will only be approved where the approval does not increase class sizes beyond a maximum number as determined by senior administration each year. These maximums will be school-dependent based on historical enrolment patterns for each school. The allowable maximum will be announced prior to the start of the lottery process.
6.0 Exchange Students
6.1 Definitions of exchange programs:
6.1.1 Long term Educational exchange programs: where there is a reciprocal exchange of students (i.e. one incoming and one outgoing, not necessarily simultaneously) and the students may be earning credits while on exchange.
6.1.2 Short term Cultural exchange programs: this is for cultural reasons only. Student placements are reciprocal within families, and no credits are earned.
6.1.2 Short term Cultural exchange programs: this is for cultural reasons only. Student placements are reciprocal within families, and no credits are earned.
6.2 All exchange program requests must be forwarded to the EIM Department to ensure proper immigration documentation is collected, reciprocity tracked and to assess potential tuition fee situations.
6.3 All “Letters of Acceptance” (so the student may acquire a Study Permit) must be issued by the EIM Department.
6.4 The receiving school principal must be willing to accept an exchange student before any exchange is initiated.
6.5 All exchanges must be reciprocal within a two-year period. Reciprocity will be between all the schools of AMDSB (i.e. not just within a school).
6.6 For reciprocity tracking, schools will be reminded annually by System Memo to report students involved in an exchange to the EIM Department.
6.7 Schools will maintain enrolment documentation including Form 302A and Form 302E for audit purposes.
6.8 Recording of exchange students on school registers:
6.8.1 Long-term Educational Exchange Student: In order to register these students, schools must examine a copy of their Study Permit from Citizenship and Immigration Canada. Schools must complete Form 302E. Schools should forward a copy of this documentation to the EIM Department. The outgoing student is removed from the register one day following their last day of attendance and is readmitted and placed on the register on their first date of attendance upon return. The incoming student is entered on a register on the first day of attendance and retired from the register one day following their last date of attendance. The incoming student is entered on the Enrolment Register as a Pupil of the Board. The outgoing student is removed from the register one day following their last day of attendance and is readmitted and placed on the register on their first date of attendance upon return. The incoming student is entered on a register on the first day of attendance and retired from the register one day following their last date of attendance. The incoming student is entered on the Enrolment Register as a Pupil of the Board.
6.8.2 Short-term Cultural Exchange Student: These students will reside with students from AMDSB who will reciprocate out on exchange in the same school year. These students do not require a Study Permit from Citizenship and Immigration. They will be enrolled as follows: The outgoing student is not removed from the register upon leaving the school on exchange. The attendance will be recorded on the Attendance Register as a Grant (G) day, with a notation on the register and the OSR about the exchange. An electronic student record in the Student Information System should be created for the incoming student. The Student Board Resident status should be “Exchange Student (not on Register)”.
7.0 Other Pupils - Canadian Students Entering AMDSB from Outside Ontario
Out of province students whose parent or legal guardian resides in another province may be admitted to a board school providing the following:
7.1 Another parent or legal guardian must reside in the province of Ontario. Upon approval by the EIM Department for admission, the student will be classified as a Pupil of the Board for grant purposes.
7.2 Legal guardianship for this purpose must be established as defined by an order of a court from any province or territory of Canada. In the absence of an Ontario court order transferring custody from the parents to an adult resident within Ontario, all of the following criteria must be met:
- The student is a Canadian citizen or a permanent resident of Canada.
- The guardian is a member of the student’s immediate family and resides in Ontario in the school board jurisdiction in which the student wants to attend school.
- The guardian is assuming full responsibility for the care and well-being of the student and the student is residing with the guardian throughout the custody period. A written agreement is in place between the parents of the student and the guardian that sets out all of the above, as well as the respective responsibilities of the parents and the guardian. (Form 302F Education Services Agreement)
Guardianship arrangements that are supported by a court order or that meet the above criteria will satisfy ministry documentation requirements in the event of an enrolment audit.
7.3 If the student is not residing with either a parent or legal guardian then tuition fees will be charged in accordance with the procedures governing tuition fees at AMDSB. In these cases, contact should be made with the EIM Department to determine appropriate classification and fee structure.
8.0 Other Pupils - Students Entering AMDSB from Outside Canada
General Procedures:
8.1 Students born outside of Canada registering at an AMDSB school shall be reviewed based on three criteria:
8.1.1 The legal right to attend which is governed by Citizenship and Immigration Canada and the Education Act of Ontario;
8.1.2 Charging and collection of tuition fees; and
8.1.3 Presentation of appropriate immigration documents.
8.1.2 Charging and collection of tuition fees; and
8.1.3 Presentation of appropriate immigration documents.
8.2 Students born outside of Canada must provide official immigration documentation to school administration. Consultation with the EIM Department prior to the pupil’s start date must take place to determine eligibility of enrolment with the AMDSB. Form 302A, Form 302E and immigration documents that support the student’s “Status in Canada” and “First Date of Entry to Canada” must be sent to the EIM Department. The student should not attend until enrolment confirmation is provided by the EIM Department.
9.0 Review of Tuition Fees
In certain cases, fees will not be charged to Other Pupils as outlined in Section 49 of the Education Act:
Fees for pupils
49. (6) Despite any other provision of this Part but subject to subsection (7), if a board admits to a school that it operates, a person who is a temporary resident within the meaning of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) or a person who is in possession of a study permit issued under that Act, the board shall charge the person the maximum fee calculated in accordance with the regulations. 2002, c. 18, Sched. G, s. 5 (1); 2005, c. 21, s. 2.
Non-application of subsection (6)
(7) A board shall not charge a fee to,
a) A person who is a participant in an educational exchange program under which a pupil of the board attends a school outside Canada without a fee;
b) A person who is a dependent within the meaning of the Visiting Forces Act (Canada);
c) A person if that person, their parent or someone else with lawful custody of them is in Canada;
i) Under a temporary resident permit issued under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada),
ii) Under a diplomatic, consular or official acceptance issued by the Government of Canada or
iii) Claiming refugee protection under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) or having had such protection conferred on them;
ii) Under a diplomatic, consular or official acceptance issued by the Government of Canada or
iii) Claiming refugee protection under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) or having had such protection conferred on them;
d) A person if that person has received “Stage 1 Approval” while awaiting determination of an application for permanent residence in Canada under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) or an application for Canadian citizenship and their parent or someone else with lawful custody of them is a Canadian citizen resident in Ontario;
e) A person if their parent or someone else with lawful custody of them is in Canada,
e) A person if their parent or someone else with lawful custody of them is in Canada,
i) Under a work permit or awaiting the determination of an application for a work permit under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada),
ii) As a permanent resident within the meaning of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) or is awaiting determination of an application for permanent residence in Canada under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada),
iii) As a religious worker authorized to work in Canada under clause 186 (l) of the Regulations made under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada),
iv) In accordance with authorization under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) to study in Canada and is a full-time student at a university, college or institution in Ontario, including an institution that is an affiliate or federated institution of a university or college, that receives operating grants from the Government of Ontario, or
v) In accordance with an agreement with a university outside Canada to teach at an institution in Ontario, including its affiliated or federated institutions, that receives operating grants from the Government of Ontario;
ii) As a permanent resident within the meaning of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) or is awaiting determination of an application for permanent residence in Canada under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada),
iii) As a religious worker authorized to work in Canada under clause 186 (l) of the Regulations made under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada),
iv) In accordance with authorization under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (Canada) to study in Canada and is a full-time student at a university, college or institution in Ontario, including an institution that is an affiliate or federated institution of a university or college, that receives operating grants from the Government of Ontario, or
v) In accordance with an agreement with a university outside Canada to teach at an institution in Ontario, including its affiliated or federated institutions, that receives operating grants from the Government of Ontario;
f) A person who is a member of a class of persons prescribed by regulation for the purposes of this subsection. 2005, c. 21, s. 3.
(8) The Minister may make regulations prescribing one or more classes of persons for the purposes of subsection (7). 2005, c. 21, s. 3.
Persons unlawfully in Canada
49.1 A person who is otherwise entitled to be admitted to a school and who is less than eighteen years of age shall not be refused admission because the person or the person’s parent or guardian is unlawfully in Canada. 1993, c. 11, s. 21.
(8) The Minister may make regulations prescribing one or more classes of persons for the purposes of subsection (7). 2005, c. 21, s. 3.
Persons unlawfully in Canada
49.1 A person who is otherwise entitled to be admitted to a school and who is less than eighteen years of age shall not be refused admission because the person or the person’s parent or guardian is unlawfully in Canada. 1993, c. 11, s. 21.
10.0 Education Services Agreement
10.1. AMDSB recognizes that our students are occasionally not living with or under the care of their custodial parent and/or legal guardian.
10.2. Custodial parents and/or legal guardians may need to temporarily grant a “designate” some of the rights and responsibilities for the education of the student. Principals should ensure that Form 302F Education Services Agreement is signed by all parties and the signed agreement is retained in the documentation folder of the student’s Ontario Student Record.
10.3. The assessment of the use of this form may be done in consultation with the Regional Superintendent.
11.0 Student Withdrawal from Parental/Guardian Control
11.1 General
11.1.1 Section 265 of the Family and Children’s Services Act makes reference to students who are 16 years old as having the right to declare themselves as having withdrawn from parental/guardian control.
11.1.2 Once it has been substantiated that a student has withdrawn from parental/guardian control, the parent/guardian loses all right to educational information, as well as any other information to which the school/Board may have access such as personal information such as address or phone number.
11.1.2 Once it has been substantiated that a student has withdrawn from parental/guardian control, the parent/guardian loses all right to educational information, as well as any other information to which the school/Board may have access such as personal information such as address or phone number.
11.2 Purpose of Form
11.2.1 Completion of Form 302H Student Withdrawal from Parental/Guardian Control along with supporting evidence to show that the student is living independently is required to support the student’s claim.
11.2.2 The student must provide some evidence that they are living independently from their parent/guardian and providing for their own living expenses. A copy of the evidence should be attached to the completed form. Such evidence could include:
11.2.2 The student must provide some evidence that they are living independently from their parent/guardian and providing for their own living expenses. A copy of the evidence should be attached to the completed form. Such evidence could include:
- A copy of a rental agreement
- A pay stub or proof of social assistance
11.2.3 In the case where a student is living with an older sibling or a friend, a letter from the older sibling or parent of a friend where the student is living explaining the circumstances would be sufficient.
11.2.4 Where a student moves in with a family relative (e.g. grandparent or aunt) they would be regarded as “living in a temporary caregiver designate” situation rather than living independently. Form 302F should be completed in this case.
11.2.5 The form must be signed by the Principal of the school.
11.2.6 The completed form and the supporting evidence is to be placed in the Documentation Folder of the student’s OSR and copies of the signed form should be provided to the parent/guardian and student.
12.0 French Immersion
12.1 French Immersion is available at two dual-track elementary schools in the City of Stratford, Bedford Public School and Anne Hathaway Public School, beginning in Grade 1 and continuing until Grade 6. French Immersion continues in Grades 7 and 8 at Stratford Intermediate School. French Immersion secondary school credits are offered from Grades 9-12 at Stratford District Secondary School. Entry point to the program is in Grade one or in other grades only if transferring from another board’s French Immersion program.
12.2 The parent/guardian must complete Form 302FI – French Immersion Program Request. The intent to register forms must be completed by February 1st in any given year.
12.3 French Immersion students must attend the French Immersion school designated by their home address school boundary.
12.3.1 If the student’s home school is within the City of Stratford other than the Bedford school boundary, they will attend Anne Hathaway Public School.
12.4 Siblings of French Immersion students who are not planning to enroll in French Immersion, or French Immersion students who withdraw from the French Immersion program, but wish to attend the English stream of the French Immersion school and are not residents of the school’s boundary, must complete a border crossing request, Form 302B or Form 302C .
12.5 Elementary students enrolled in French as a second language programs, within the Student Information System should be defined as follows:
12.5.1 Core Program: daily minutes of instruction with a minimum of 20 minutes of daily FSL instruction and a maximum of 59 minutes.
12.5.2 Extended Program: daily minutes of instruction with a minimum of 60 and a maximum of 149 minutes.
12.5.3 Immersion Program: daily minutes of instruction with a minimum of 150 and a maximum of 300 minutes.
12.5.2 Extended Program: daily minutes of instruction with a minimum of 60 and a maximum of 149 minutes.
12.5.3 Immersion Program: daily minutes of instruction with a minimum of 150 and a maximum of 300 minutes.
12.6 Secondary students should be defined within the Student Information System based on their French class enrolment.
12.6.1 Core program courses for all grades are identified with FS codes (FSF, FSG, FSI).
12.6.2 Extended or Immersion Program courses are defined by FI*** or FE*** course on the student's timetable.
12.6.3 Student is taking another course that is being taught in French (Language of Instruction in the Classes file is French) AND having French Immersion or Extended selected within the Second Language Program.
12.6.2 Extended or Immersion Program courses are defined by FI*** or FE*** course on the student's timetable.
12.6.3 Student is taking another course that is being taught in French (Language of Instruction in the Classes file is French) AND having French Immersion or Extended selected within the Second Language Program.
13.0 Alternative Programs
13.1 When a student enters an alternative program, the student remains on the “home” school register.
13.2 The home school also retains the Ontario Student Record (OSR).
13.3 Home Instruction When a student is unable to attend school for medical reasons, the principal may make a teacher available to provide the student with instruction at home or in hospital. Under such circumstances, Administrative Procedure 250 - Home Instruction outlines the process to be followed.
13.4 Home Schooling When notification is received, whether by phone, letter, or e-mail, that a student is or will be home-schooled, Administrative Procedure 299 – Home Schooling outlines the process to be followed.
13.5 Supervised Alternative Learning (SAL) When a student enters a Supervised Alternative Learning (SAL) program, the student remains on the “home” school register.
The principal shall ensure that a list is maintained of all students participating in a SAL program. The list must include the students’ names and the date each student began to take part in the program.
Where a student is participating in the SAL program in accordance with Regulation 308, the principal must ensure that the student is recorded as “part-time” in the register. If the SAL program includes classroom instruction for an average of at least 70 minutes per school day, the student may be recorded as “full-time”.
When a student participating in a SAL program is no longer of compulsory school age, the student may continue their SAL for the remainder of the current school year. A student who is not of compulsory school age may not start a SAL program. Administrative Procedure 255 – Supervised Alternative Learning outlines the process to be followed.
14.0 Care and Treatment
14.1 When a student enters a Care and Treatment Facility, for any period of time the student must be removed from the register.
14.2 Do not include the student in any enrolment count for grant purposes.
14.3 The OSR may or may not be requested by staff at the Care and Treatment Facility.
14.2 Do not include the student in any enrolment count for grant purposes.
14.3 The OSR may or may not be requested by staff at the Care and Treatment Facility.
15.0 Ontario Residency Attestation for Online/Remote Learners
Parents/guardians or adult students of exclusively online or remote learners must provide in person to their home school, Ontario Residency documentation (utility bill, rental agreement, tax bill, proof of purchase). School staff are required to attest that they have reviewed pupil residency documents at the start of each school year or when a student transfers into exclusively online or remote learning, to ensure the pupil and their parents/guardians are living in Ontario.
Residency Attestation for Online/Remote Learners Form 302R must be completed and placed in the student’s documentation folder of the OSR as well as sent to the Enrolment/Information Department.
The review of Ontario Residency documentation is part of every new student registration, this form must be completed based on that work for all new enrolments for full-time online learners.
16.0 Relevant Enrolment Forms
- Form 302A Student Registration
- Form 302B In District Request for Border Crossing
- Form 302C Out of District Request for Border Crossing
- Form 302D Request for Renewal Border Crossing Permission (generated through Aspen)
- Form 302E Confirmation of Immigration Documentation
- Form 302F Education Services Agreement
- Form 302FI French Immersion Program Request
- Form 302G Elementary School Withdrawal Form (generated through Aspen)
- Form 302H Student Withdrawal from Parent/Guardian Control
- Form 302R Residency Attestation for Online/Remote Learning
17.0 Relevant Enrolment Letter
- Letter for Parents – New Border Cross Process
Revised January 2025