Administrative Procedure 299: Home Schooling

Legal References

Education Act Section 21(2) When Attendance Excused; R.R.O. Reg. 298 Operation of Schools: Section 11 Duties of Principals; Ministry of Education Policy/Program Memorandum 131: Home Schooling

Related References

1. Instruction at Home

The Director of Education has developed this administrative procedure to establish a procedure whereby a child may be excused from attendance at school if they are receiving satisfactory instruction at home or elsewhere in accordance with the Education Act.

2. Expectations of Parents

Parents planning to provide instruction for their child at home or elsewhere are encouraged to do the following:
  1. Notify the principal or the Superintendent of Education of their intentions to provide instruction for their child at home or elsewhere by submitting the letter of intent (Form 299A Home Schooling: Letter of Intent) to the Superintendent of Education by September 15th of each year.
  2. Complete a written plan (Form 299B Home Schooling: Program Outline) for instructing the child at home or elsewhere demonstrating how the home instruction curriculum will be organized, carried out and evaluated. Parents may discuss this with the school official.
  3. Provide texts and other learning materials appropriate to the developmental growth and capabilities of the child to support the child’s learning program.
  4. Have available samples of the child’s work of a quantity and quality that indicates a regular and suitable program of instruction.

3. Responsibilities of the Superintendent of Education

3.1 Maintain a file for each home schooling family.

3.2 In August of each school year, forward Form 299A along with a covering letter to all existing home schooling families on record with Avon Maitland District School Board.

3.3 Written notification from the parents of an interest to provide home schooling will normally be accepted as evidence that the parents are providing satisfactory instruction at home. However, where there are reasonable grounds to be concerned that the instruction provided may not be satisfactory, the Superintendent of Education will direct that the principal of the school where the student would normally attend and the attendance counsellor conduct an investigation as per the guidelines of the Ministry of Education Policy/Program Memorandum 131: Home Schooling.

3.4 Reasons that may give cause to investigate a particular instance of home schooling include:

3.4.1 Refusal of a parent to notify the board in writing of the intent to provide home schooling;
3.4.2 A credible report of concern by a third party with respect to the instruction being provided in the home;
3.4.3 Evidence that the child was removed from attendance at school because of ongoing conflicts with the school, not for the purpose of home schooling; or
3.4.4 A history of absenteeism by the child prior to the parent’s notifying the board of the intent to provide home schooling.

3.5 When district staff members are unable to determine whether a child is receiving satisfactory instruction, the Superintendent of Education may request that the Provincial School Attendance Counsellor inquire into the case under subsection 24(2) of the Education Act.

3.6 When notification has been received requesting that a home schooled child participate in tests and assessments administered by the Education Quality and Accountability office prior to September 30th, the Superintendent of Education will ensure that a space is provided at a local school at the time and on the dates when assessments/tests are being administered to the board’s regular day school students.

3.7 The school will request sufficient assessment/test materials from the EQAO so that the children who are receiving home schooling can participate. The school will also inform the parent of the date, time and location of the assessment/test. These services will be provided at no cost to the family. It is the responsibility of the parent to provide transportation for the child to and from the site.

3.8 The EQAO will send the results of children who are receiving home schooling to the school where they participated in the assessment/test. Schools will send these children’s results directly to the children’s homes. The results of children who are receiving home schooling will not be included in school and board reports generated by the EQAO or by the schools and boards.

4. Responsibilities of the Principal

The principal of the school that the child/children would normally attend will:
    1. Notify the Superintendent of Education when they become aware of a child being home schooled.
    2. Offer to assist the family in evaluating the effectiveness of the home schooling program.
    3. Notify the Superintendent of Education if there is reason to suspect that the child is not receiving satisfactory instruction.
    4. Assist the Superintendent of Education in conducting an investigation regarding a home schooling situation where there is reason to suspect that the child is not receiving satisfactory instruction by evaluating the effectiveness of the Home Schooling program. A report of this evaluation will be completed by the principal and will be conveyed to the Superintendent of Education.

5. Responsibilities of the Attendance Counsellor

5.1 Upon request of the principal or Superintendent of Education the attendance counsellor will:
    1. Inquire into every case of failure to attend school.
    2. Assist the Superintendent in conducting an investigation regarding a home schooling situation when there are reasonable grounds for such an investigation.
Amendment January, 2019