Administrative Procedure 285: Student Fees
Legal References
Education Act: Section 32 (1) Right to Attend without Payment of a Fee; Education Act: Section 170 Duties of Boards: Provide Textbooks without Charge; Education Act: Section 171 (1) paragraph 31.1 Powers of Boards: Deposit for Continuing Education Textbooks; R.R.O. Reg. 293 Fees for Transcripts and Statements of Standing and for Duplicates of Diplomas, Certificates and Letters of Standing
Related References
Administrative Procedure (AP) 204 Program Planning; AP 513 School Generated Funds (Accounting Procedures); AP 573 Vandalism and Property Damage; Ministry of Education’s Fees for Learning Materials and Activities Guideline
1. Background Information
1.1 Section 32 (1) of the Education Act states that “a person has the right, without payment of fee, to attend a school … in which the person is qualified to be a resident pupil.” Section 170 (1) paragraph 13 states that “Every board shall: …provide, without charge for the use of pupils…the textbooks that are required by the regulations to be purchased by the board.” The exception, Section 171(1) paragraph 31.1, permits a book deposit to be charged to students enrolled in a continuing education course or class that is eligible for credit towards a secondary school diploma.
1.2 The school principal is responsible for ensuring that the materials required to meet the expectations of the core curriculum are available without cost to students. No fee may be charged for learning resources that are essential to the delivery of a core course or program.
1.3 The school may only charge reasonable fees which are in compliance with the Education Act as set out below. In situations where fees may be charged to students, every effort shall be made to assist students with limited financial means.
2. Regular Day School
2.1 There shall be no fees charged to a student to participate in the regular day school program. A pupil has a right to attend without fee.
2.2 The school principal must review all proposed optional charges for all courses prior to inclusion of such optional charges in any publication, and prior to the fee being levied. Optional programming may include programs such as AP (Advanced Placement), Hockey Skills and IB (International Baccalaureate).
2.3 The school principal will develop collection methods that afford reasonable expectations of privacy for students and parents, and develop and communicate clearly a practice for the discreet identification of students/parents who may be experiencing financial hardship.
2.4 If the student is in the regular day school program:
2.4.1 Fees may be charged where the student chooses voluntary enrichments or upgrades to the material or where purchasing the material is optional. Optional programs include but are not limited to higher quality woodworking, design or tech materials.
2.4.2 Fees may not be charged for a textbook fee or a textbook deposit fee or a workbook used as a textbook. The student shall not write in the textbook or workbook and the textbook or workbook shall be returned at the end of the school year or semester.
2.4.3 All field trips for which there is a cost must be optional to a course. Where the student chooses not to participate in an optional field trip, alternative assignments must be provided in order for the student to meet the expectations of the course.
2.4.4 It is understood that a reasonable amount of computer printing paper should be available to students; e.g. 150 sheets. Should students wish to avail themselves of additional printing, they may purchase such amounts for their personal use.
2.4.5 Student activity fees may be requested to subsidize the cost of student agendas, yearbooks, extra-curricular activities, optional field trips, or school dances or theme days. These fees are voluntary, and may vary from school to school as set in conjunction with the Student Council in the school.
2.4.6 The school principal shall consult with staff, student councils, and school councils about student activity fees.
3. Other School Registers
Schools may charge fees or institute a book deposit if the student’s enrolment is contained on a continuing education student register, an adult credit course student register, or an international language student register.
4. Student Fees at Secondary Schools and Grade 7 to 12 schools
4.1 No student will be denied access to any course based on an inability to pay a course/program fee, nor will report cards or transcripts be withheld for the same reason.
4.2 No student will be denied access to any course, or to use of the library, for failure to pay student activity fees.
4.3 Clothing worn for physical education classes must be compliant with OPHEA Guidelines and the school dress code, which is developed in consultation with School Councils. Where the dress code requires particular clothing, such clothing will be available for purchase at cost at each secondary school.
4.4 The following statements must be included in the course calendar and the student handbook.
Student Fees:
There will be no fees or cost charged to students to participate in the regular day school program. Fees may be charged where the student chooses to upgrade the material or where purchase of material is optional. Students enrolled in secondary schools in Avon Maitland District School Board can expect to be provided with the basic classroom learning resources that are required in order to complete the course expectations. It is recognized there may be optional resources that students may purchase to enhance their program; e.g. field trips, upgrading materials in courses such as construction technology and visual arts.
Students are expected to come to school ready and willing to participate actively in their own learning. To that end, students are expected to bring materials with them for their own personal note-taking (e.g. pencils, pens, paper, binders). Students are encouraged to purchase their school’s student card by paying the student activity fee. The student card includes but is not limited to the benefit of participating in the co-instructional program and in the Student Council dances and activities. The fee may also be used to reduce the total cost of a student’s yearbook. Students involved in co-instructional teams, groups and clubs will be made aware of any additional fund-raising obligations or participation fees prior to making a commitment to participate.
4.5 Fees for Damaged or Lost Materials and Equipment
4.5.1 The principal may charge fees for the replacement or repair of textbooks, workbooks, library material and other loaned materials and equipment if said loaned material is not returned as required or is returned in damaged condition.
4.5.2 The fee may not exceed the replacement or repair cost, as appropriate.
Revised October 2018