Administrative Procedure 265: Co-Instructional Activities

Legal References

Education Act: Section 170 Duties of Boards Co-Instructional Activities - Secondary; Education Act: Section 265 Duties of Principal - Co-Instructional Activities; Ministry of Education Policy/Program Memorandum 161 Supporting Students with Prevalent Medical Conditions in Schools; Ministry of Education Guidelines for the Provision of Co-Instructional Activities; Physical Education Ontario: Safety Guidelines; Ontario Federation of Secondary School Athletics/Central Western Ontario Secondary School Athletic Guidelines

Related References

1. Support for Co-Instructional Activities
1.1 The Director of Education provides this administrative procedure to encourage co-instructional (extra-curricular) activities in the schools of Avon Maitland District School Board.
1.2 This administrative procedure sets out the board plan to ensure that co-instructional activities are available to all secondary students within the district.
1.3 The co-instructional plan for the district will be reviewed on an annual basis as required by the Ministry of Education.
1.4 The Avon Maitland District School Board Plan for the Provision of Co-Instructional Activities is included with this administrative procedure as Appendix A.
Appendix A - Board Plan for the Provision of Co-Instructional Activities.
1. Co-instructional Activities
This board plan has been developed to ensure that co-instructional activities are available to all secondary students in schools within the jurisdiction of Avon Maitland District School Board.
2. Guiding Principles
2.1 The Director of Education recognizes that participation in co-instructional activities is voluntary.
2.2 Co-instructional activities are an important, if not essential, component of all students’ education and fosters the development of positive relationships. Students who are involved in co-instructional activities tend to have higher graduation rates, enhanced academic achievement and greater overall satisfaction with school experiences. Students who are involved in co-instructional activities are more likely to be successful beyond secondary school.
3. Guidelines for the Provision of Co-Instructional Activities
3.1 Range of Activities
Every Avon Maitland District School Board secondary school will endeavour to offer a broad range of co-instructional activities. To meet the needs of a wide variety of students whose abilities and interests vary greatly, principals should encourage many different kinds of programs and activities. These activities will include, but are not restricted to, the arts, athletics, school clubs, councils and organizations, intramurals and special school events. The activities will have a balance of participation and competitive modes.
3.2 Equity and Access
3.2.1 All students in a secondary school should have access to a variety of co-instructional activities. Principals must ensure that race, religion and socioeconomic status do not present barriers to students who wish to participate in a co-instructional activity.

3.2.2 Principals will ensure that the variety and number of activities for girls and boys in a school are equitable and that the financial support is equitable.

3.2.3 Principals will ensure that co-instructional activities are provided for students with special needs, students with physical or health limitations, and/or students with prevalent medical conditions. These activities could include athletic and artistic activities, school clubs and teams and field trips.

3.2.4 Funding needs of activities for students with special needs must be addressed in an equitable manner in relation to other co-instructional activities in the school.
3.3 Human Resources

3.3.1 The Director of Education recognizes staff volunteers as important providers of co-instructional programs. In addition, there are many well-qualified community members who can contribute effectively as volunteers to support the co-instructional activity program.

3.3.2 The principal must ensure that individuals who assume these responsibilities have the appropriate level of qualifications and/or expertise necessary to provide safe and meaningful experiences for students. Ontario Physical and Health Education Association (OPHEA) Guidelines will determine the qualifications required for the supervision of co-instructional athletic activities.

3.3.3 Members of the community who volunteer to organize and supervise co-instructional activities must meet the requirements of Administrative Procedure 495 Volunteer Programs in the Schools and Administrative Procedure 314 Supporting Students with Prevalent Medical Conditions in Schools.

3.3.4 It is desirable that a member of the staff works in partnership with such community volunteers.

3.3.5 It is the responsibility of the principal to provide orientation and training opportunities and supervision for volunteers thus ensuring a positive and rewarding educational experience for students.
3.4 Financial Resources

3.4.1 Avon Maitland District School Board supports the provision of co-instructional activities in the following ways:
      1. A central fund to support participation of Avon Maitland students beyond the Avon Maitland level of competition or activity (Administrative Procedure 268 Competitions Beyond the Local Level);
      2. A recognition that schools will fund co-instructional activities through various means. This may include activity user fees; and
      3. Providing insurance coverage for all board-authorized co-instructional activities.
3.4.2 A reasonable activity fee may be charged in support of an activity. This fee may vary according to the activity and site.

3.4.3 Principals shall ensure that the activity fee is not an impediment to the participation of any student.
3.5 Organizational Support
The board works co-operatively with Huron-Perth Catholic District School Board to enhance the organization and administration of co-instructional activities in the district. Board support shall include:
    1. Recognition of the Huron-Perth Athletic Association as the organizing body for secondary school athletics;
    2. Support for creation of an Arts Council;
    3. Reciprocal facility agreements with local municipalities; and
    4. Permission for monitoring of school-based fundraising for co-instructional activities.
3.6 Role of Students
Students play a vital role in fostering and maintaining co-instructional activities by:
    1. Demonstrating an attitude of mutual respect;
    2. Respecting the role of the advisor/coach;
    3. Maintaining a positive focus for the activity;
    4. Honouring any required activity user fee;
    5. Honouring their own commitment to the activity;
    6. Articulating the importance of co-instructional programs to other students and the community;
    7. Acting as a role model for younger students;
    8. Assisting in the organization of intramural programs; and
    9. Encouraging the support and participation of their parents/guardians in an appropriate manner.
3.7 Role of the Parent
The parents of Avon Maitland students play a significant role in maintaining a strong co-instructional program. Their role may include the following:
    1. Attending co-instructional activities;
    2. Assisting in financing of activities, e.g. payment of student fee, donation of funds, goods or services;
    3. Encouraging and supporting students to participate in activities, for example, assisting by organizing their time commitments such as balancing between part-time employment and co-instructional activities;
    4. Supporting the leadership and philosophy of the co-instructional advisor;
    5. Becoming informed about the value of co-instructional activities;
    6. Understanding the balance between homework, working and participation in co-instructional programs; and
    7. Becoming involved as a volunteer.
    8. Inform the school of their child’s prevalent medical condition; participate in the creation of the Individual Medical Management Plan of Care and/or Transportation Individual Medical Management Plan (as needed); and support the ongoing management of the condition.
3.8 Role of the Community
The district encourages the community to help maintain a strong co-instructional program at the local school level. The role of the community may include the following:
    1. Encouraging volunteering; and
    2. Attending and participating in the school’s Annual Review of its plan.
4. Consultation Process and Annual Review
4.1 The staff members of Avon Maitland District School Board believe that the successful provision of co-instructional activities requires the consultation of many groups.
4.2 To that end, this Board Plan was created from the input of trustees, staff, students, unions, community members and school councils.
4.3 In creating school plans, principals will also consult with those groups to ensure a positive impact on the provision of an effective co-instructional program at the school site.
4.4 The district and school plans will be reviewed on an annual basis. The district will review its plan annually.
4.5 The principal will ensure that the school will review its own plan annually. Reviews will be conducted in consultation with the aforementioned stakeholder groups.
Reviewed December 2014