Administrative Procedure 245: Education Programs for Students in Government-Approved Education and Community Partnership Programs (ECPP)
Legal References
References: Education Act (subsection 171 (1), paragraph 40), Ministry of Education Policy/Program Memorandum 156 Supporting Transitions for Students with Special Education Needs, Ministry of Education Policy/Program Memorandum 161 Supporting Children and Students with Prevalent Medical Conditions; O. Reg. 181/98 Identification and Placement of Exceptional Pupils; R.R.O. Reg. 298 Operation of Schools; R.R.O. Reg. 306 Special Education Programs and Services; Ministry of Education Special Education Grant: Education and Community Partnership Program (ECPP) Allocation
Related References
Administrative Procedure (AP) 227 Identification, Placement and Review Committee; AP 314 Supporting Students with Prevalent Medical Conditions
1.0 Background Information
1.1 The Ministry of Education provides funding for educational programs in ECPP facilities through the Education and Community Partnership Program (ECPP) Allocation of the Special Education Grant (SEG).
1.2 The Education and Community Partnership Program (ECPP) provides critical support to meet the needs of children and youth who cannot attend school due to their primary need for care, treatment and/or rehabilitation services; and facilitates transitions to future educational success. The education programs provided in these settings are based on a formal agreement between a school board and an ECPP facility. The school board provides the educational programming and the facility provides the care, treatment, and/or rehabilitation. Placement of a child or youth within care and treatment programs is determined by facility admission criteria; placement in custody and correctional settings is ordered by the courts.
2.0 Agreements with Government with Approved Facilities
Avon Maitland District School Board may enter into written agreements with government approved local agencies and/or facilities to provide educational programs for students who are receiving care and treatment in custodial or correctional facilities on the condition that costs to the board for operating these programs shall be covered in their entirety by the Ministry of Education funding grants. All requirements outlined by the Ministry of Education will be met with respect to these agreements.
3.0 Implementation of the Programs
3.1 Support for these programs is provided by the appropriate superintendent of education, as designated by the Director of Education.
3.2 Agreements may be reviewed or initiated annually, as required by the Ministry of Education.
3.3 Each care and treatment educational program will have an admission/withdrawal procedure, which is in accordance with the Ministry of Education guidelines. Development of the procedure will be in consultation with the appropriate facility staff, the superintendent of education responsible for the program, host principal and other AMDSB staff as appropriate.
3.4 Support for programming by educational staff in care, treatment, custodial and correction facilities shall be provided through district resources including in-service opportunities for all staff members.
4.0 Roles and Responsibilities
4.1 The superintendent of education, or designate, shall be responsible for the supervision of all facility programs with respect to:
- negotiation of the Memorandum of Understanding;
- management of the program budget;
- liaising with agencies/facilities;
- selection of teaching staff with host principal;
- facilitation of in-service for staff;
- conflict resolution relevant to the agreement for the care, treatment, custodial and corrections program; and
- negotiation of agreements with care, treatment, custodial and corrections facilities to provide educational programs.
4.2 The host principal shall be responsible for:
- daily implementation and operation of the educational program;
- daily program issues;
- joint selection of teaching staff with consultation from Human Resources staff and/or agency staff, as requested;
- facilitation of professional development for staff;
- teacher evaluation;
- management of the program budget;
- collaborate with Ministry of Education on monitoring as requested;
- ensuring students identified with prevalent medical conditions have an Individual Medical Management Plan of Care and a Transportation Individual Medical Management Plan (as needed) and following Administrative Procedure 314 Supporting Students with Prevalent Medical Conditions.
4.3 Role of the Teacher
A teacher assigned to the educational program for care, treatment, custodial and corrections facility shall:
- provide education programs for students in accordance with Ministry of Education and AMDSB and in collaboration with agency/facility staff complete education plans as part of the individual treatment plan;
- Participate in collaborative discussions and plan of care meetings;
- Develop transition plans for students entering and exiting an Education Program in co-operation with ECPP Services staff and staff of any previous or receiving school;
- perform the duties and responsibilities of a teacher as required by the Ministry of Education (R.R.O. Reg. 298) and district administrative procedures and regulations;
- participate in appropriate professional development provided through the board and as appropriate through the agency /facility;
- follow the Individual Medical Management Plan of Care when a student has been designated with a prevalent medical condition. Follow AP 314 Supporting Students with Prevalent Medical Conditions in Schools.
4.4 Role of ECPP Facility
The partnering agency shall:
The partnering agency shall:
- provide care, treatment and rehabilitation services;
- develop a treatment plan or plan of care for each student in the Education Program;
- develop transition plans for students entering and exiting an Education Program in co-operation with AMDSB staff;
- hire and pay the salaries of ECPP partner agency staff;
- ensure agency staff have completed Behaviour Management Systems (BMS) training.
Revised January 2024