Administrative Procedure 216: Environmental Education and Management
Legal References
Education Act: Section 264 Duties of Teacher: Pursuit of Learning; Education Act: Section 286 Duties of Supervisory Officers: Assist Teachers; R.R.O. Reg. 298 Operation of Schools: Section 11 Duties of Principals: Supervise Instruction, Outlines of Courses on File; R.R.O. Reg. 298 Section 20: Duties of Teachers: Effective Instruction; The Ontario Curriculum - by grade: K-Grade 8; by subject: Grades 1-8; Ontario Secondary Schools Grades 9 to 12 Program and Diploma Requirements 1999; Acting Today, Shaping Tomorrow: A Policy Framework for Environmental Education in Ontario Schools; Standards for Environmental Education in Curriculum; Environmental Education: Scope and Sequence of Expectations, 2011 (Elementary Curriculum); Environmental Education: Scope and Sequence of Expectations, 2011 (Secondary Curriculum); Ontario Schools: Kindergarten to Grade 12 Policy and Program Requirements 2011
Related References
Administrative Procedure (AP) 204 Program Planning; AP 208 The Design of Board Documents; AP 410 Environmental Health and Safety; AP 516 Purchasing Procedures; AP 520 Surplus Assets; AP 540 Hazardous Materials Disposal; AP 546 Pesticides: Use Of; Government of Ontario Publications: Shaping our Schools, Shaping our Future; Ready, Set, Green! Tips, Techniques and Resources from Ontario Educators; Form 216A School Environmental Framework; Form 216B Self Assessment Tool; Form 216C Energy Conservation Guidelines; Form 216D Waste Minimization Guidelines
1. Environmental Education
The Director of Education has developed this administrative procedure to articulate system expectations related to environmental education and management.
2. Rationale
The board is committed to environmental education, environmental action and care of the environment and that these are shared responsibilities among system leaders, staff, students and the community. Environmental impact will be considered in decision-making, and concern for the quality of the natural environment will be reflected in the daily activities of students and staff.
3. Three Goals of Environmental Education and Management
3.1 Teaching and Learning: Environmental education enables students to develop the knowledge and skills they need to be environmentally active and responsible citizens and to apply their knowledge and skills cooperatively to effect long-term change.
3.2 Student Engagement and Community Connections: Students must be active participants in shaping their future. Student engagement involves the active participation of all students in sustainable environmental practices, a strong student voice in decision-making, and involvement in the school and community in meaningful ways.
3.3 Environmental Leadership: By exercising environmental responsibility in its operations, the Avon Maitland District School Board can serve as a model of corporate citizenship for students and the broader community and can ensure coherence with the environmental messages conveyed by the Ministry of Education curriculum documents and initiatives.
4. Implementation Strategies and Actions – Board Responsibilities
4.1 Teaching and Learning
4.1.1 To increase student knowledge, skills and perspectives that foster understanding of environmental stewardship, the board will:
- use relevant curriculum resource documents to support implementation of revised curricula, as appropriate; and
- support staff and students in linking environmental knowledge and related skills and activities to the teachings of diverse communities, including First Nation, Metis, and Inuit peoples, and to principles of responsible citizenship.
4.1.2 To model and teach environmental education through an integrated approach that promotes collaboration in the development of resources and activities, the board will:
- foster collaborative opportunities for educators to develop and share activities, integrated approaches, and action research projects related to environmental education; and
- encourage innovative interdisciplinary programs that focus on the environment and include field components.
4.2 Student Engagement and Community Connections
4.2.1 To build capacity to take action on environmental issues, the board will:
- encourage environmental learning for all students inside and outside the classroom; and
- support students as they develop skills and act as decision makers to effect positive environmental change.
4.2.2 To provide leadership support to enhance student engagement and community involvement, the board will:
- offer community-linked experiences and programs, such as a Specialist High Skills Major focused on environmental issues, or cooperative education and work experience opportunities that are relevant to environmental education;
- encourage the parent involvement committee to provide advice on the implementation of environmental education;
- share information about local resources that support environmental awareness and protection, energy conservation, waste management,
protection of the biosphere, and outdoor education; and - share links and partnerships with community organizations to help extend engagement in and responsibility for environmental education to the broader community.
4.3 Environmental Leadership
4.3.1 In order to increase the extent to which environmental education is integrated into school board strategic plans, procedures, and guidelines, the board will:
- develop and implement a plan for integrating sustainable environmental practices into each of the board’s operational services (i.e. financial, purchasing, custodial, facility operations, etc.); and
- encourage all school board personnel, the parent involvement committee, students, parents, and school councils to adopt and promote environmentally appropriate practices.
4.3.2 To enhance the integration of environmentally responsible practices into the management of resources, operation, and facilities, the board will:
- implement strategies, programs, and procedures to protect and conserve the environment, while ensuring that schools and workplace environments are safe and healthy; and
- develop environmentally responsible purchasing practices, while considering quality, price, and service.
5. Implementation Strategies and Actions – School Responsibilities
5.1 Teaching and Learning
5.1.1 To increase student knowledge, skills and perspectives that foster understanding of environmental stewardship, schools will:
- provide opportunities for students to acquire knowledge and skills related to environmental education in all subject areas, and encourage them to apply their knowledge and skills to environmental issues (e.g., loss of biodiversity, climate change, waste reduction, energy conservation) through action-based projects; and
- challenge students to develop skills in systems thinking and futures thinking that they will need to become discerning, active citizens.
5.1.2 To model and teach environmental education through an integrated approach that promotes collaboration in the development of resources and activities, schools will:
- develop learning opportunities that will help students understand the underlying causes, the multiple dimensions, and the dynamic nature of environmental issues; and
- develop strategies to share effective practices about pedagogical strategies that support learning and teaching about the environment.
5.2 Student Engagement and Community Connections
5.2.1 To build capacity to take action on environmental issues, schools will:
- engage student leaders in the design and delivery of environmental education;
- encourage students to enrich their learning by using information technology to access resources, connect with others, and create communities that focus on environmental issues;
- encourage action research that promotes partnerships and the innovative implementation of environmental education concepts and principles;
- create opportunities for students to address environmental issues in their homes, in their local communities, or at the global level;
- work with their school councils in promoting environmental education; and
- encourage students to plan environmental education activities for all students.
- encourage all students to participate in environmental education activities on school grounds.
5.2.2 To provide leadership support to enhance student engagement and community involvement, schools will:
- work with parents, the school council, community groups, and other education stakeholders to promote environmental awareness and foster appropriate environmentally responsible practices;
- enrich and complement students’ classroom learning by organizing out of-classroom experiences and activities; and
- encourage students to consider ways of completing their community service requirements that involve addressing environmental issues in their communities, in a manner consistent with school board procedures.
5.3 Environmental Leadership
5.3.1 In order to increase the extent to which environmental education is integrated into school board strategic plans, procedures, and guidelines, schools will:
- encourage staff to adopt environmentally responsible management practices that are consistent with board procedures and consider the advice of members of the school community on these matters;
- encourage staff to develop knowledge and skills related to environmental education and responsible environmental practices and encourage mentoring opportunities; and
- facilitate the sharing of staff expertise and knowledge through existing networks.
5.3.2 To enhance the integration of environmentally responsible practices into the management of resources, operation, and facilities, schools will:
- plan an environmentally responsible approach to managing resources and operations.
6. Further References
The following board communications should be noted and implemented in conjunction with this procedure, where possible:
- Waste Minimization Guideline (March 2013 – Form 216D)
- Energy Conservation Guidelines (March 2013 – Form 216C)
- School Environmental Framework (2013 – Form 216A)
Amendment September 2019