Administrative Procedure 196: Records Management
Legal References
Education Act Section 286 Duties of Supervisory Officers: Report to Minister; Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act: Information Banks, Access to Records, Retention
Related References
The Director of Education is committed to ensuring the ongoing availability, integrity, preservation and security of all the recorded information, created, commissioned or acquired by the staff and the board, or its predecessor boards. This administrative procedure sets out the general expectations for records management procedures and standards for the district. It provides overall guidance and directions to the staff to ensure that the legal, fiscal and other interests of the board are protected.
1. General Guidelines
1.1 The Director or designate has the authority to approve the retention schedules, disposition notices and records transfers for Avon Maitland District School Board.
1.2 The Director or designate shall take custody of all active and inactive records created under the board or its predecessor boards and oversee the previously defined retention schedules.
1.3 The Director or designate shall create and maintain a Records Management Manual which will define and provide details on the following:
- Collection, transfer and safe storage of records;
- Retention schedules;
- Disposition of records according to the retention schedule;
- Archiving of records according to the retention schedule; and
- Accessing records.
1.4 The Director shall employ a decentralized system of records management so that records are managed at various centers according to the uniform standards set out in the Records Management Manual.
1.5 Records which are approved for destruction shall be destroyed in a secure manner.
Revised June 2015