Administrative Procedure 547: Fire Safety
Related References
Ontario Fire Code, Ontario Electrical Safety Code
1.0 Purpose
This guideline is intended to aid in fire prevention within Avon Maitland schools.
2.0 Light Fixtures
Materials are prohibited from being hung/attached/suspended from light fixtures as per the Ontario Electrical Safety Code.
3.0 Ceilings
Combustible materials should not be suspended from ceilings.
4.0 Corridor Walls
The following guidelines were developed by the Ontario Fire Marshall to assist school boards and their local fire services to prevent fire spread and address fire hazards associated with the location of student work (including teaching aids) in corridors.
- Student work in corridors is restricted to the wall surfaces.
- To reduce horizontal fire spread, display of student work is limited to 20% of the wall areas. The work should be arranged with 3 ft (1 m) breaks at intervals not exceeding 12 ft (4 m).
- Combustible materials are not to be attached to classroom doors. Additionally, a clear break of 3 ft (1 m) should be maintained around doorways.
- Student work is prohibited in exits, as clear site lines of the means of egress must be clearly visible.
- The storage of any materials in corridors is not permitted unless provided for in the original design.
5.0 Fire Doors
Fire doors are part of a compartmentalization strategy in the event of fire. Fire doors will not be held open by wedges, kick downs or ties. The only acceptable hold-open mechanism is a magnetic device connected to the fire alarm system which releases the doors to close automatically upon activation of the alarm.
Updated October 2019