Administrative Procedure 540: Hazardous Materials Disposal
Legal References
Education Act: Section 265 Duties of Principal: Care of Pupils and Property; Education Act: Section 286 Duties of Supervisory Officers: Supervise Buildings and Property; R.R.O. Reg. 298: Operation of Schools Section 11 (3) (l) Duties of Principals: Inspect School Premises; R.R.O Reg. 347: General - Waste Management; Ontario Environmental Protection Act
Related References
Administrative Procedure (AP) 542 Indoor Environmental Quality; Online Hazardous Waste Inventory Form
1. Sound Management of Hazardous Wastes
1.1 Avon Maitland District School Board is committed to the safe and environmentally sound management of all hazardous wastes generated through its teaching and maintenance processes.
1.2 The Director and all administrators recognize that proper waste disposal is not only the responsible and ethical thing to do, but a legal requirement as well. The district is committed to comply with and enforce legislative requirements of the Ontario Environmental Protection Act and other federal and provincial statutes, local by-laws and procedures issued by the Director.
2. Responsibilities
2.1 The principal/supervisor is responsible for ensuring that staff members and students are familiar with current waste disposal procedures for substances handled in their respective areas. They may designate a competent person ("waste coordinator") to coordinate the waste disposal process at the school. Under no circumstances should a student be responsible for the appropriate identification of waste or storage of materials.
2.2 The waste coordinator is responsible for consulting and assisting each department that may have hazardous waste to ensure the waste is properly identified, handled, stored and collected.
2.3 The Environmental Health and Safety Advisor is responsible for coordinating the collection and disposal of all hazardous wastes produced by the district. They shall ensure that the waste reaches its proper destination and shall maintain records as required.
2.4 The Environmental Health and Safety Advisor is responsible for implementing this procedure and investigating concerns regarding hazardous materials.
3. Administrative Procedures
3.1 Hazardous waste will be disposed of in July of each year. Refer to Appendix B Generator Registration for a list of schools who are registered to legally dispose of hazardous waste.
3.2 Each school/department must complete the online Hazardous Waste Inventory Form provided by the Environmental Health and Safety Advisor by the date specified. Using the current inventory of waste material, the school or department must be sure to project disposal requirements to the end of June. Refer to Appendix A Examples of Hazardous Waste in Schools.
3.3 All containers must be suitable for storage of chemical waste. They must:
a) Be damage free;
b) Provide a tight seal;
c) Be made of a material compatible with the product being stored (see Safety Data Sheet (SDS) of the product for incompatible materials); and,
d) Not be overfilled to allow for expansion and to avoid spillage.
b) Provide a tight seal;
c) Be made of a material compatible with the product being stored (see Safety Data Sheet (SDS) of the product for incompatible materials); and,
d) Not be overfilled to allow for expansion and to avoid spillage.
3.4 All containers must be properly labelled, including:
a) Product name (generic or chemical name, not trade name);
b) Precautionary advice; and,
c) Identified as "Waste".
b) Precautionary advice; and,
c) Identified as "Waste".
3.5 Hazardous waste that is to be disposed of must be stored away from materials that are unopened or unused. Incompatible wastes (see SDS for incompatible materials) must be segregated. Waste should remain in each department or designated area until disposal in July.
3.6 On the day of waste pick-up, the waste coordinator at pick up sites must ensure that all wastes are collected and taken to a receiving area for the waste carrier company. Only wastes that are recorded on online Hazardous Waste Inventory Form will be accepted.
3.7 The Environmental Health and Safety Advisor, principal or designate will act as signing authority and will sign the “Hazardous Waste Manifest” on the day of the waste pick-up.
3.8 The waste carrier will maintain the manifests and provide to the Environmental Health and Safety Advisor after disposal.
3.9 The “Hazardous Waste Manifest” must be kept on file for two years in the office of the Environmental Health and Safety Advisor.
Please see Appendix A and B in attachment
Updated October 2019