Administrative Procedure 176: Bomb Threats

Legal References

Education Act: Section 265 (1) (j) Duties of Principal: Care of Pupils and Property; Ministry of Education Policy/Program Memorandum 161 Supporting Students with Prevalent Medical Conditions in Schools; Guideline - Ontario Schools Code of Conduct; Occupational Health and Safety Act

Related References

1. Purpose & Scope
The Director of Education has developed this administrative procedure to ensure that all employees at all Avon Maitland District School Board sites are continuously in a state of readiness to deal with threats to explode a device at a school/site.
2. Accountability
2.1 Supervisory Officers
2.1.1 Overall accountability to ensure site specific bomb threat plans are developed and implemented within their region.
2.1.2 Participate and consult during exercises and events as required.
2.1.3 Facilitate a post-incident debriefing with site administrators and staff.

2.2 Principal/Site Supervisor

2.2.1 Overall accountability for the safety of all occupants in the event of a bomb threat.

2.2.2 Overall accountability to develop and implement site specific bomb threat plan. Ensure medications, equipment and resources to support students with
prevalent medical conditions and (known employees with medical management plans) is taken into consideration during the development and implementation of this plan.

2.2.3 Overall authority during the initial stages of a bomb threat – initial assessment, decision to scan and evacuation.

2.2.4 Consult with local police, fire and emergency medical services in the development of procedures, conducting exercises and when responding to a threat.

2.2.5 Provide a copy of the plan to police annually and whenever revised.

2.2.6 Ensure all employees, students, volunteers and contractors have been trained on the bomb threat procedures in September or within 30 days upon hire, transfer or registration to the school/site.

2.2.7 Inform parents and guardians of the existence of bomb threat procedures and request their support to reinforce with their children to follow instructions
during an exercise or event, and to disclose any information they may have related to a bomb threat.

2.2.8 Communicate bomb threat procedures to partner organizations within school/site annually and whenever revised.

2.2.9 Ensure Form 176 Record of Bomb Threat Call is placed at every phone likely to be used to receive incoming calls.

2.2.10 Ensure bomb threat procedures and floor plans are posted in the main office and each classroom and activity rooms.

2.2.11 Schedule, perform and record at least one bomb threat exercise during the school year. Debrief and communicate any learning and revise procedures
as necessary.

2.3 Teachers
2.3.1 Review and participate in bomb threat procedure training and exercises.
2.3.2 Know the procedure to respond to students with a prevalent medical condition during a bomb threat/evacuation.
2.3.3 Ensure students have been trained on the bomb threat procedures in September or within 30 days upon registration to your portfolio.
2.3.4 Follow and provide instructions to co-workers, students, volunteers and visitors during bomb threat exercises or events.
2.3.5 Report to the Principal/Supervisor immediately any knowledge of a bomb threat or the discovery of a suspicious package/device.

2.4 All Other Employees
2.4.1 Review and participate in bomb threat procedure training and exercises.
2.4.2 Follow and provide instructions to co-workers, students, volunteers and visitors during bomb threat exercises or events.
2.4.3 Report to the Principal/Supervisor immediately any knowledge of a bomb threat or the discovery of a suspicious package/device.
2.5 Students
2.5.1 Be familiar with bomb threat procedures.
2.5.2 Follow instructions during bomb threat exercises or events.
2.5.3 Report immediately to an employee or police any knowledge of a bomb threat or information associated with a bomb threat.

2.6 Volunteers, Contractors, Visitors, Parents, Partners
2.6.1 Be familiar with bomb threat procedures.
2.6.2 Follow instructions during bomb threat exercises or events.
2.6.3 Report to an employee immediately any knowledge of a bomb threat or the discovery of a suspicious package/device.

2.7 Police
2.7.1 Immediately respond and assume incident command and control of bomb threats and explosive incidents.
2.7.2 Investigate bomb threats and explosive incidents when notified.
3.0 Training
3.1 All employees will be provided with and participate in awareness training on bomb threat responsibilities and procedures upon hire and at least annually each September.
3.2 All employees will participate in any scheduled or random bomb threat drills.
4.0 Drills
At least one bomb threat drill will be held during the school year in consultation with the police.
5.0 Review
The individual school/site bomb threat plan will be reviewed and updated at least annually each September.
Revised October 2018