Administrative Procedure 520: Surplus Assets

Legal References

Education Act: Section 171 (1)13 Powers of Boards: Provision of Supplies; Education Act: Section 286 Duties of Supervisory Officers: Supervise Business; Education Act: Part IX Division A – General Finance; O. Reg. 444/98: Disposition of Surplus Real Property

Related References

1. Purpose of this Administrative Procedure

This administrative procedure details the process for disposing of surplus assets. This administrative procedure does not apply to staff owned assets.

2. Process for Furniture and Equipment Surplus Assets

Removal and disposal of surplus furniture and equipment, also known as moveable assets, is the responsibility of the Procurement Services Department. Examples include desks, chairs, stools, portable storage shelves, and other classroom or office furniture and equipment..

2.1 Communication: The respective superintendent, principal or manager should inform the Procurement Services Department that the asset is no longer required. This communication should be via the board’s work-order system (e-Base).

2.2 The Procurement Services Department shall reassign or dispose of assets in the following sequence:

2.2.1 Determine if the surplus asset can be reallocated within the system;
2.2.2 Determine if the surplus asset holds economic value if sold, and if so, then disposed by means of public auction; and then
2.2.3 If the surplus asset cannot be reallocated within the system and is deemed to hold no economic value, then the asset will be disposed of. This disposal may be donated to a not-for-profit or charitable organization, recycling per the normal methods depending on the asset, or disposal.

2.3 Furniture and equipment designated as Special Education Allocation (SEA) Equipment fall under the responsibility of the Learning Services Department. See Administrative Procedure 226 – Special Education Personalized Equipment.

3. Process for Technology Surplus Assets

Removal and disposal of surplus technology or computer hardware is the responsibility of Information Technology (IT) Department.

3.1 Communication: The respective superintendent, principal or manager should inform the IT Department that the asset is no longer required. This communication should be via the board’s work-order system (e-Base).

3.2 The IT Department shall reassign or dispose of assets in the following sequence:

3.2.1 Determine if the surplus asset can be reallocated within the system;
3.2.2 Determine if the surplus asset holds economic value if sold, and if so, then disposed by means of public auction; and then
3.2.3 If the surplus asset cannot be reallocated within the system and is deemed to hold no economic value, then the asset will be disposed of. This disposal may be donated to a not-for-profit or charitable organization, recycling per the normal methods depending on the asset, or disposal. The IT Department will be responsible for formatting the hard drive(s) of school board data and licensed software before disposal.

3.3 Retiring employees wishing to purchase their Board owned technology upon retirement should contact the IT Department Manager for further details.

4. Disposal of Hazardous Material

The disposal of hazardous material is the responsibility of and completed by the Facilities Department. See Administrative Procedure 540 – Hazardous Materials Disposal.

5. Disposal of Land and Buildings

Land and building assets will be disposed of in accordance with the Government of Ontario Education Act Regulation 444/98: Disposition of Surplus Real Property. The disposal of surplus property assets is the responsibility of and completed by the Facilities Department. 
Updated October 2017