Administrative Procedure 175: Accidents, Incidents and Occupational Illness

Legal References

Education Act: Section 264 Duties of a Teacher; Education Act: Section 265 Duties of Principal; Education Act: Section 283 Chief Executive Officer; Ministry of Education Policy/Program Memorandum 161 Supporting Students with Prevalent Medical Conditions in Schools; Occupational Health and Safety Act; Workplace Safety and Insurance Act

Related References

1. Scope

This procedure applies to all Avon Maitland District School Board employees, students, volunteers, visitors and post-secondary students on a work placement at AMDSB.
This procedure applies to all AMDSB locations and whenever performing work on behalf of AMDSB.

2. Purpose

2.1 Promptly attend to the needs of the affected person.

2.2 Investigate, to determine the cause and to implement measures to prevent reoccurrence. These procedures outline the responsibilities of principals/supervisors
for the defining of, reporting on and handling of accidents, incidents or occupational illnesses. These procedures cover employees, contractors who are supervised by board staff, students, and other persons on board premises.

2.3 These procedures cover reporting of incidents, with no injury (i.e., violent aggression incidents) and reporting of accidents and occupational illnesses involving death, critical injury, or medical aid required for employees under both the Occupational Health and Safety Act and the Workplace Safety and Insurance Act. Avon Maitland District School Board is liable to receive a fine if the accident is not reported promptly in accordance with legislative requirements.

3. Definitions

3.1 Accident: An unplanned event causing personal injury or property damage.

3.2 Critical Injury: An injury of serious nature that:
      • Places life in jeopardy or produces unconsciousness
      • Causes the loss of sight of an eye
      • Results in a substantial loss of blood
      • Involves any fracture except a finger or toe
      • Involves the amputation of a leg, arm, hand or foot
      • Consists of burns to a major portion of the body

3.3 First Aid: An injury, which does not require medical attention and does not disable a person from performing the staff member’s usual work.

3.4 Incident, with no injury: An unusual occurrence having the “potential” to cause personal injury or property damage (i.e., violent aggression incidents).

3.5 Occupational Illness: A condition that results from exposure in a workplace to a physical, chemical or biological agent to the extent that the normal physiological
mechanisms are affected and the health of the worker is impaired.

3.6 Medical Aid: An injury caused by an accident, explosion or fire and requires medical attention.

4. Reporting Hazards

4.1 Employee Responsibilities
Employees must report all hazards to the principal/supervisor or designate, if the employee cannot correct the hazard on their own (e.g. unsafe conditions or actions, defective equipment, etc.). The hazard must be reported either verbally or in writing.

4.2 Principal/Supervisor Responsibilities
The principal/supervisor or designate must investigate the reported hazard and take appropriate corrective or preventative action to eliminate or control the hazard.

The principal/supervisor or designate must communicate to the person(s) whom reported the incident any action taken to correct and/or prevent the hazard from reoccurring.

5. Reporting Employee Incidents

5.1 Employee Responsibilities
Employees must report all incidents (with no injury) through eBase on AMDSB's Form 175A Employee Hazard/Incident Report. This form must be fully completed and signed by the employee and principal/supervisor or designate and copied to Human Resource Services Help Desk.

5.2 Principal/Supervisor Responsibilities
The principal/supervisor must investigate and ensure that corrective action is taken to prevent a reoccurrence, immediately following an incident.

6. Employee Accident and Occupational Illness Reporting (including Co-op students placed within AMDSB)

6.1 Employee Responsibilities
6.1.1 Employees must report all accidents and occupational illnesses through eBase on the AMDSB's Form 175A Employee Hazard/Incident Report. This form must be fully completed and signed by the employee and principal/supervisor or designate, and copied to the Human Resource Services Help Desk.

6.1.2 If an employee visits a doctor or receives medical attention any time after the injury, they must immediately inform the principal/supervisor and Human Resource Services.

6.2 Principal/Supervisor Responsibilities
6.2.1 The principal/supervisor must instruct employees to report all accidents and occupational illnesses to the principal/supervisor or designate as soon as

6.2.2 The principal/supervisor must ensure first aid is provided immediately by staff trained in first aid.

6.2.3 The principal/supervisor must provide transportation to a physician / hospital / home and ensure the employee is accompanied by someone
trained in first aid.

6.2.4 The principal/supervisor must distribute Form 175A Employee Hazard/Incident Report as appropriate.

6.2.5 For injuries and occupational illnesses requiring medical attention or lost time from work, the completed and signed forms must be emailed or faxed to the Human Resource Services Helpdesk, within 24 hours.

6.2.6 Lost time/medical aid injuries and occupational illnesses must be reported to the WSIB within three days of receiving medical attention. The WSIB levies a fine for late reporting. When a principal/supervisor fails to report an injury or occupational illness to Human Resources that he or she is aware of, within the required time, the fine will be charged to that school or department.

6.2.7 The principal/supervisor must investigate and ensure that corrective action is taken to prevent a reoccurrence, immediately following an accident (i.e.,
take equipment out of service, increase salting of walkway).

7. Critical Injuries or Death

7.1 If a worker is critically or fatally injured, the principal/supervisor must immediately notify the:
a) Regional Superintendent
b) Environmental Health and Safety Advisor;
c) Spouse, significant other or next of kin; and
d) Ministry of Labour, if the EHS Advisor is unavailable.

7.2 The principal/supervisor must ensure that the site of the accident remains undisturbed and off limits, until all investigations are complete and the Ministry of Labour grants approval.

Employee Incident/Accident Reporting


Incident, No Injury

  • Complete and submit through eBase Form 175A Employee Hazard/Incident
    Report to the Human Resource Services Helpdesk and
  • Investigate and take corrective action to prevent a reoccurrence

First Aid

  • Ensure first aid is provided
  • Complete and submit through eBase Form 175A Employee Hazard/Incident Report to the Human Resource Services Helpdesk
  • Investigate and take corrective action to prevent a reoccurrence

Medical Aid/Lost Time

  • Ensure first aid is provided
  • Provide transportation to physician/hospital/home
  • Complete and submit through eBase Form 175A Employee Hazard/Incident Report to Human Resource Services Helpdesk, within 24 hours
  • Investigate and take corrective
    action to prevent a reoccurrence
  • Support Return-to-Work Program

Critical Injury

  • Ensure first aid is provided
  • Provide transportation to physician/hospital/home
  • Freeze and Secure accident scene
  • Immediately call: Regional Superintendent and Environmental
    Health & Safety Advisor
  • Complete and submit through eBase
    Form 175A Employee Hazard/Incident Report to Human Resource Services Helpdesk within 24 hours
  • Investigate and take corrective action to prevent further injury Support Return-to-Work Program

NOTE: The principal/supervisor must ensure that the injured worker does not drive within a few hours following the accident, due to the risk of shock or other medical condition.

The WSIB levies a fine of $250 for late reporting of a lost time or health care claim. When the principal/supervisor fails to report an accident or occupational illness that he or she is aware of, within the required time, the fine will be charged to that school or department.
Critical Injury: An injury of serious nature that:
  • Places life in jeopardy or produces unconsciousness;
  • Causes the loss of sight of an eye;
  • Results in a substantial loss of blood;
  • Involves any fracture except a finger or toe;
  • Involves the amputation of a leg, arm, hand or foot; or
  • Consists of burns to a major portion of the body
Ministry of Labour: 1-800-265-1676
Education Centre Phone: 519-527-0111
Education Centre Fax: 519-527-0608
Environmental Health & Safety Advisor: 519-525-2067
Human Resource Services Helpdesk: [email protected]

8. Student Accident Reporting

8.1 All Student Injuries
8.1.1 The principal must instruct students to report all injuries to their supervising teacher. The teacher must notify the principal or designate.

8.1.2 The principal must ensure first aid is provided immediately by staff trained in first aid.

8.1.3 The principal must provide transportation to a physician/hospital/home and ensure the injured student is accompanied by someone trained in first aid.

8.1.4 The principal must ensure that the injured student does not drive within a few hours following the accident, due to the risk of shock or other medical condition.

8.1.5 If the injured student receives medical attention, the principal must notify the parent(s)/guardian(s).

8.1.6 The principal must ensure that injuries are reported electronically on the Ontario School Boards’ Insurance Exchange (OSBIE) Incident Report Form
(available through Maplewood). Note: when the OSBIE report is submitted electronically a copy goes to the Facilities Officer.

8.1.7 The principal must ensure that corrective action is taken to prevent a reoccurrence, immediately following an accident (i.e. take equipment out of service, increase salting of walkway).

8.2 Students Admitted to Hospital or Fatally Injured
8.2.1 If the student is admitted to hospital or fatally injured, the principal must immediately notify the:
a) Regional Superintendent
b) AMDSB Facilities Officer

8.2.2 The principal must ensure that injuries are reported electronically on the Ontario School Boards’ Insurance Exchange (OSBIE) Incident Report Form
(available through Maplewood) and the checkbox beside “If Person has been admitted to Hospital, or if fatally injured” is selected.

8.2.3 The principal must ensure that the site of the accident remains undisturbed and isolated, until all investigations are complete.

8.3 Students Injured on Co-op Work Placement Outside of AMDSB
8.3.1 The co-op teacher must instruct all students on co-op work placement to report all co-op work related injuries to the co-op teacher.

8.3.2 The co-op teacher must report all co-op work placement injuries requiring medical attention electronically on the OSBIE Incident Report (available
through Maplewood), as outlined above.

8.3.3 In addition to the OSBIE Incident Report, any injuries requiring medical attention must be reported on the Avon Maitland District School Board's Form
175B AMDSB Student Co-op Work Placement Accident Report. This form must be fully completed and signed by the co-op teacher, co-op employer and

8.3.4 Form 175B AMDSB Student Co-op Work Placement Accident Report along with the students completed Work Education Agreement must be emailed or
faxed to the Human Resource Services Help Desk within 24 hours.

8.3.5 Student co-op work placement injuries requiring medical attention must be reported to the WSIB within three days receiving medical attention. The WSIB
levies a fine for late reporting. When a co-op teacher fails to report an injury to the Human Resource Services Help Desk that they are aware of, within the
required time, the fine will be charged to that school.

Student Accident/Medical Incident/Medical Emergency Reporting


First Aid

  • Provide first aid
  • Complete electronic OSBIE Incident
    Report (Maplewood)
    (Principal’s discretion)

Medical Aid

  • Provide first aid
  • Provide transportation and accompany student to physician/hospital/home
  • Complete electronic OSBIE
    Incident Report (Maplewood) within 24 hours

Admitted to Hospital of Fatally Injured

  • Provide first aid
  • Provide transportation and accompany student to physician/hospital/home
  • Immediately call: Regional Superintendent and AMDSB Facilities Officer
  • Complete electronic OSBIE Incident
    Report (Maplewood) within 24 hours
  • Check box “If Person has been admitted to Hospital, or if fatally injured”

Co-op Work Placement

  • If medical aid, complete electronic OSBIE Incident Report within 24 hours
  • Complete and sign Form 175B AMDSB Student Co-op Work Placement Accident Report and email or fax, along with a copy of the Work Education Agreement, to the Human Resource Services Help Desk, within
    24 hours

NOTE: The principal must ensure that the injured student does not drive within a few hours following the accident, due to the risk of shock or other medical condition.

The WSIB levies a fine for late reporting of a student co-op work placement health care claim. When the principal fails to report an accident or occupational illness that he or she is aware of, within the required time, the fine will be charged to that school.
Ontario School Boards' Insurance Exchange:
Phone: 1-800-668-6724
Fax: 519-767-0281

Education Centre:
Phone: 519-527-0111
Fax: 519-527-0608

AMDSB Facilities Officer: 519-440-9555

Environmental Health & Safety Advisor: 519-525-2067

Human Resource Services Helpdesk: [email protected]

9.0 Parent, Volunteer or Visitor Accident Reporting

9.1 All Parent, Volunteer, or Visitor Injuries
9.1.1 The principal must ensure first aid is provided immediately by staff trained in first aid.

9.1.2 The principal must provide transportation to a physician/hospital/home and ensure the injured person is accompanied by someone trained in first aid. The principal must ensure that injuries are reported electronically on the Ontario School Boards’ Insurance Exchange (OSBIE) Incident Report Form (available through Maplewood).

Note: when the OSBIE report is submitted electronically a copy goes to the Facilities Officer.

9.1.3 The principal must ensure that corrective action is taken to prevent a reoccurrence, immediately following an accident (i.e. take equipment out of service, increase salting of walkway).

9.2 Persons Admitted to Hospital or Fatally Injured
9.2.1 If the person is admitted to hospital or fatally injured, the principal must immediately notify the:

a) Regional Superintendent
b) AMDSB Facilities Officer
c) Spouse, significant other or next of kin

9.2.2 The principal must ensure that injuries are reported electronically on the Ontario School Boards’ Insurance Exchange (OSBIE) Incident Report Form (available through Maplewood) and the checkbox beside “If Person has been admitted to Hospital, or if fatally injured” is selected.

9.2.3 The principal must ensure that the site of the accident remains undisturbed and isolated, until all investigations are complete.



First Aid

  • Provide first aid
  • Complete electronic OSBIE Incident Report (Maplewood)
    (Principal’s discretion)

Medical Aid

  • Provide first aid
  • Provide transportation to physician/hospital/home
  • Complete electronic OSBIE Incident Report (Maplewood) within 24 hours

Admitted to Hospital or Fatally Injured

  • Provide first aid
  • Provide transportation to physician/hospital/home
  • Immediately call: Regional Superintendent; AMDSB Facilities Officer; and spouse, significant other or
    next of kin
  • Complete electronic OSBIE Incident Report (Maplewood), within 24 hours
  • Check box “If Person has been admitted to Hospital, or if fatally injured”

NOTE: The principal must ensure that the injured person does not drive within a few hours following the accident, due to the risk of shock or other medical condition.
Ontario School Boards' Insurance Exchange:
Phone: 1-800-668-6724
Fax: 519-767-0281

Education Centre:
Phone: 519-527-0111
Fax: 519-527-0473

AMDSB Facilities Officer: 519-440-9555
Environmental Health and Safety Advisor: 519-525-2067

Revised April 2017