Legal References
Education Act: Section 265 (1) (j) Duties of Principal: Care of Pupils; Ministry of Education Policy/Program Memorandum 161 Supporting Students with Prevalent Medical Conditions in Schools; Guideline - Ontario Schools Code of Conduct; Occupational Health and Safety Act
Related References
1. Guidelines for School Emergency Plans
The Avon Maitland District School Board has developed this administrative procedure to provide guidelines for the development of school emergency plans.
2. Emergency Plans
2.1 Every principal shall develop a School Emergency Plan dealing with:
- Bomb Threats - AP 176
- School Emergency Procedures - Fire Drills and False Alarms - AP 170
- Emergency Evacuation and Relocation – AP 176 and AP 170, Section 5
- Inclement/Severe Weather - AP 178
- Lockdown and Hold/Secure - Major Incident or Threat of Violence and Hold & Secure Measures - AP 179
- Medical Emergencies and First Aid - AP 180
- Supporting Students with Prevalent Medical Conditions in Schools - AP 314 Sample School Emergency Plans (Elementary and Secondary) are available from the superintendent responsible for emergency measures.
2.2 Every principal shall maintain an Emergency Measures Binder containing hard copies of the required administrative procedures (see Section 2.1 above) and the
locally developed individual emergency school plan.
2.3 Every principal shall develop Emergency Response Action Cards and ensure that these cards are posted in the appropriate areas: Principal Action (Principal’s and Vice- Principal’s Office), Teacher Action (Classrooms, libraries, etc.), Secretary Action (Office Area) and Custodian’s Action (Custodial Room). Sample cards are
attached as Appendix A.
2.4 Every principal shall ensure that emergency plans, evacuation procedures and routes are posted in all occupied rooms of the school (replacement posters are
available from the Education Centre).
2.5 Every principal shall ensure that emergency plans are updated and reviewed with all staff, shared facility users and students of the school at the beginning of the school year. New or transferred employees must be in-serviced as soon as possible after their start at the school. Principals must also develop a mechanism to share emergency information/plans with occasional staff, volunteers and individuals or groups who make use of the facility.
2.6 Principals must ensure that all community partners, especially parents, know the procedures to be followed in emergencies. School newsletters, parent meetings
school websites, etc. are suitable forums. Such communication shall occur annually, early in the school year. For building security reasons, school floor plans and site plans should not be posted on the internet.
2.7 Schools are community hubs; therefore, accessibility to guests, volunteers/renters need to be considered and communicated. Building evacuation plans should be provided to renters so they know what to consider in evacuating their members who are disabled.
2.8 Principals are to file a current copy of the school emergency plan with the supervisory officer responsible for emergency measures prior to the start of each
school year.
2.9 Emergency Response Bag
2.9.1 Every principal must ensure that an emergency response bag, whose contents are kept up to date, is available in the front office of the school, with
the following contents:
- School site plan (that indicates exits, fire extinguishers, eye wash stations, safety showers, first aid kits, pull stations)
- Accurate floor plans including command location(s) in the event of a major incident
- Location and nature of special education classrooms
- Gas and water shut off locations
- Staff list
- Student list and attendance roster
- Location and phone number of emergency relocation site and offsite command post location
- Emergency contact numbers
- Pictures of school areas (e.g., cafeteria, gymnasium, library)
- Individual Medical Management Plans of Care
- Master key
- Plans for the evacuation of individuals with special needs (students and adults), naming the individuals affected by such plans This bag is to be transferred to the community emergency response leader (police, fire, etc.) in an actual emergency.
2.9.2 The principal shall ensure that the contents of the Emergency Response Bag are updated at the start of each school year.
3. Emergency Drills
3.1. Every principal shall conduct emergency fire drills three times between school opening and December 31st and three times between January 1st and the last school day of the school year.
3.2. Every principal shall conduct emergency Shelter in Place (tornado) drills twice per year.
3.3. Every principal shall conduct at least two Lockdown drills each year, one in September or October and one in February or March.
3.4. Every principal shall conduct at least one Medical Emergency drill each year.
3.5. Every principal shall conduct at least one Bomb Threat drill each year.
3.6. Every person in a school building shall take part in all emergency drills.
3.7. Consideration should be given to involving local police, fire and emergency medical services (EMS) in training and/or drills.
3.8. A record of the emergency drills (see Form 170A School Emergency Drill Log), shall be maintained by the principal, including date and time of drill, length of time to evacuate and any problems. This record will be recorded in the School Emergency Measures binder and forwarded to the superintendent of operations at the end of each school year.
4. Emergency Response Team
4.1. Each school will have an emergency response team (ERT) that will consist of the principal, vice-principal (if applicable) and two to four staff members. It is understood that the latter are volunteers. Principals may consider adding additional staff to this team given the size of their student population.
4.2. It is recommended that members of the emergency response team receive training in the use of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs), where appropriate, general first aid, training on the specific response to students with prevalent medical conditions (e.g. reliever inhaler) and non-violent conflict resolution.
4.3. As per the requirements of Administrative Procedure 314: Supporting Students with Prevalent Medical Conditions, all staff must be trained on the manual use of the EpiPen.
4.4. The principal must review the make-up of the emergency response team at the beginning of each school year.
5. Emergency Off-Site Evacuation and Relocation
5.1. In all cases of an emergency requiring off-site evacuation and relocation, the principal or delegate will promptly notify the supervisory officer responsible for
emergency measures and, if appropriate, call 911.
5.2. The emergency off-site evacuation and relocation procedure shall include the name and phone number of the relocation site, procedures for walking or bus
transportation, procedures for the vice-principal or delegate in charge of leading the classes to the site, procedures for the dismissal of students from the relocation site, and follow-up, debriefing and communication requirements.
5.3. Media communication regarding the emergency off-site relocation shall be directed to the Communications Manager.
6. In the Case of Accident or Death
The principal shall follow the procedures outlined in Administrative Procedure 175 Accidents, Incidents and Occupational Illnesses and Administrative Procedure 182 Tragic Events Response.
Teacher - Sample Instructions
- If nearby, close window(s).
- Take attendance register or ensure attendance (or secretary).
- Visually check classroom for students.
- Instruct students to exit the building when safe (allow younger students out
- Close door on the way out.
- Check designated areas, as assigned.
- Assist volunteers and visitors as needed.
- Ensure fire doors are shut on the way out.
- Proceed to designated safe outdoor area (ensure that your students know
where this area is [grass area] and keep away from the building).
- Take attendance – report any attendance discrepancies to principal.
- If halls are impassable, block classroom doors with coats to keep smoke out
and wait for help. If it is possible consider having students exit by the windows.
- In the case of a fire while students are outside, teachers should exit the
building and assemble their students in the designated areas and report any discrepancies in attendance to the principal.
- Bring students inside the school
- Take attendance and make sure all students are accounted for.
- Notify office if you are missing any students.
- Instruct/Remind students of further procedures for weather conditions.
- Wait for further instructions from the principal.
- Following Shelter-in-Place announcement from administration check
designated areas as assigned.
- Proceed with students to predetermined safe area.
- Check to ensure classroom is empty; if time permits windows are closed
and close classroom door.
- Ensure students are in crouch position in safe area away from windows.
- Take attendance in safe area and report any discrepancies to the
principal or delegate.
- Assist volunteers and visitors as needed.
- Take crouch position with students in predetermined safe location.
- Remain quiet.
Because of the rotary program, classes will be in different areas of the school throughout the day. Do not send students back to their home rooms. Place the students along the inside wall identified for your classroom. When students are positioned along the inside corridor, they may have to form a double line or shift down. Demand quiet.
“CODE BLUE” will be used to alert the school that there is a serious medical emergency in the school. (AP 180)
The following procedure will be followed in the case of a Code Blue:
- Notify office of injury or medical emergency and location
- State person’s name and need for medical information (i.e. EPI-PEN, inhaler, medication, etc.)
- Announcement “Code Blue Team to ________________”
- All non-teaching staff and off duty staff replace First Aid qualified staff (Code Blue team) who are working with students at the time of the alert.
- If the alert is sounded during class time, students will not be dismissed even if recess or dismissal bells are sounded.
- First Aid will be administered, Ambulance will be called if necessary.
- Notification of parents or emergency contact will be made by office.
- Medical emergency alert will remain in effect until the “All Clear” is announced from the office.
- Students and staff who may be traumatized by the incident will have access to an “after-care” program.
- Staff attending to medical emergency must file a report, see your principal.
** All head injuries must be reported to the office regardless of the severity, consult your principal. ** In the case of any serious accidents or incidents where a student is sent home or receives outside medical aid a report must be filed with the Board Office, consult your principal. ** All staff must report injuries to themselves or others. (AP 175)
Teachers - Sample Instructions
Teachers with Students/Additional Staff
- Stay with class, stay calm.
- Do not inform students of bomb threat.
- Take attendance and report any discrepancies to the office.
- Conduct a non-invasive search of the classroom you are in and report any
unusual objects to the office or all clear result.
- Check designated (Fire) areas for students or unusual objects.
Teachers on preps/Additional Staff:
- Report to office for instructions from principal.
- Search unoccupied classrooms, common areas, hallways and building perimeter.
Search Advice:
- Look for something that does not belong, is out of the ordinary, is out of place.
- Do not touch, move, open or probe suspicious objects.
- Calmly ask if anyone knows about an object in question, taking care not to alarm students.
- If the object cannot be identified, report it to the principal or police officer present. Give the location, reason suspected, and description.
- Continue the search even if a suspicious object has been found, as it may be a decoy object.
- Ensure that all exit routes are safe and clear.
- Instruct students to get their coats and backpacks-if time permits depending on weather (not applicable during bomb evacuation).
- Line the students up quickly and quietly at the door.
- Ensure that windows and classroom door are closed–if time permits
- Check to ensure classroom and designated areas (same as fire) are clear.
- Check attendance.
- Take class list and this safety card with you, as well as your walkie talkie (if applicable).
- Evacuate the students from the building using the fire alarm routes, alternate routes may be used if an exit is threatened.
- Check attendance again immediately after leaving the building and proceed to evacuation site under the direction of administration
- Supervise students in transit and on site.
- Await further instructions at evacuation site from board administration/police regarding dismissal of students, etc.
- Record time of pick-up by parent/guardian on class list.
- Instruct students hold and secure precautions are in place and no one is
to leave the school until precaution is lifted.
- Close any window blinds or curtains.
- Ensure cell phones are off.
- Continue with regular class activities and class changes.
Teacher - Sample Instructions
- All staff working with students will immediately lock the door of the room they are in, either by key from the outside or by blocking the door with furniture.
- Turn off lights, close blinds, cover door window, power down student computers and ensure student cell phones are turned off.
- If in an open area, proceed to designated secure area (school specific)
- Move students to stand/sit close together in a safe area away from door and
windows. Take cover behind or under something solid if possible (e.g. desks). Remain quiet.
- Remain in your classroom, take attendance and stay calm until police or principal opens the door
Other Staff:
- Move students and yourself from the hall into the closest room.
- Predetermined staff quickly check washroom(s) and move to closest room.
- Close and lock/block door.
- Follow classroom procedures. Remain calm and quiet.
Outside with Students:
- Do not enter the building.
- Proceed immediately to the off-site evacuation site.
- Monitor students, take attendance, and do not release students until instructed by police and/or administration.
- In a courteous, calm and assured manner, introduce yourself to the trespasser and ask if you can be of assistance. Avoid a confrontation.
- If the trespasser is not immediately co-operative or is openly disrespectful or hostile, ask the individual to accompany you to the school office. Avoid any situation that allows the trespasser to play to an audience.
- If the individual refuses to accompany you to the office, ask for their name and ask them to “Please leave the school premises”.
- If the trespasser refuses to leave, contact the office from the nearest intercom and explain the situation (nature of incident, location, known injuries, number and description of intruders). Do not attempt to physically move/restrain the trespasser.
- Notify all staff in the area of Trespasser Alert.
- If the incident is a major violent act that poses an imminent threat to life and safety of students and staff, inform the office to make the LOCKDOWN announcement.
Students - Sample
- If instructed, close windows.
- Line up quickly, quietly and in single file at classroom exit (if in hall or washroom, exit by the nearest door and proceed to designated class area).
- Exit the building in an orderly fashion when the teacher instructs.
- First student to an exit holds door until last person exits.
- Assemble, as a homeroom class, in a designated safe outdoor area (grass).
(SERT and volunteers should ensure students are returned to designated areas).
- Pay attention to and follow teacher’s instructions.
- All students should go to their classroom.
- No student should be outdoors or in the gym.
- If time permits and you are given instructions, close windows.
- Line up quickly, quietly and in an orderly fashion at the classroom door.
- Last person to exit classroom will close the classroom door.
- Proceed to designated safe area (hall) quickly and quietly and sit in the crouch position with hands over head.
- Remain in your class or report to classroom.
- Follow teacher and principal instructions regarding evacuation.
- Follow the teacher’s instructions.
- Take your coat and backpack – if time permits and if instructed – depends on weather/situation.
- Line up quickly and quietly at your classroom door.
- Quickly and quietly evacuate the building using the fire alarm routes.
- Alternate routes may have to be used if an exit is threatened.
- Line up away from the building and wait for teacher’s instruction to proceed to the evacuation site.
- Do not leave the school building until hold & secure precaution ends.
- Continue with routine school activities and class changes.
Principal - Sample Instructions
- Call Fire Department 911
- Turn off bells, leave alarm on-check alarm location.
- Take emergency response bag and walkie-talkie.
- Check designated areas.
- Take absentee list.
- Check attendance with teachers.
- Ensure vehicular fire routes are clear.
- Direct firefighters to fire location. Hand over emergency response bag.
- Report discrepancies in attendance to Fire Chief.
- Assess whether relocation to alternate location is necessary. If so, follow procedures for emergency relocation.
- Notify Board (SO and Director).
- Listen to radio and announce to staff and students that a weather watch is in effect.
- Assist teachers to find all missing students.
- Delegate the listening of the radio to secretary or designate while checking school.
- When the students and staff are accounted for in their classrooms, the principal will continue to listen to the radio for a downgrade or upgrade.
- All students are to be brought inside.
- Make Shelter-in-Place announcement of severe weather warning or alert (tornado).
- Turn off bells.
- Check designated areas. If time permits checks to ensure all windows and classroom doors are closed.
- Check for discrepancies in attendance and locate missing students.
- Check to ensure students are safely in crouch position.
- Take crouch position with hands over head if needed.
- Listen to radio for all clear.
- Report to SO and police.
- Communication and Follow-up.
- Obtain as much information as possible from caller if received call, fill out Bomb Sheet.
- Note the time of the call and, if possible, the phone line on which the call is received. At the end of the call, contact the local phone provider with this information and ask them to prepare a report of where the incoming call was from for police purposes. If the school has call display, note the number of the incoming call.
- Obtain as much information as possible from staff member who received the Bomb Call.
- Announce Code Yellow.
- Notify “other groups” within the building of Code Yellow process.
- Call 911 and the Board Office. Do not use cell phones.
- Ensure bells have been turned off.
- Check attendance with staff and report to police.
- Ensure exits are clear and safe.
- Direct search (office area, own office, work rooms, front hallway, etc.).
- Check with Secretary regarding classroom search results.
- Decide if there will be an evacuation (consults with police and Supervisory Officer).
- Provide emergency response bag to police, fire department, etc. Assist police.
- Prepare for possible evacuation. Call Evacuation Site.
- Due diligence with respect to the safety of all users must be exercised.
- Look for something that does not belong, is out of the ordinary, is out of place.
- Do not touch, move, open or probe suspicious objects.
- Calmly ask if anyone knows about an object in question, taking care not to alarm students.
- If the object cannot be identified, report it to the principal or police officer present. Give the location, reason suspected, and description.
- Continue the search even if a suspicious object has been found. It could be a decoy object.
Principal - Sample Instructions
- Ensure Evacuation Site is ready to receive students.
- Bus Evacuation may be needed.
- Announce to staff and students the need to evacuate, the alternate location, the method of transportation, and the specific evacuation procedures (exits, what clothing can be taken, etc.) Remind staff and students to stay calm.
- Phone Superintendent, fire department, police and Public Utility company and Radio Station for notification to parents. “A message to all parents and guardians of children who attend ________ School. The school has been safely evacuated because of an emergency and the children are presently at the ______. They will be sent home as soon as possible if they are bus students or they can be picked up if they are town students.”
- Designate staff member (Vice Principal or Teacher In Charge) to lead classes to Evacuation Site. This person takes Safety procedures, First Aid Kits and Megaphone if possible. All communication (media, police, etc.) will be through this person.
- Assist with evacuation, checking classrooms, etc. and ensuring exit routes are clear and safe.
- Check attendance of all classes and ensure building is empty, dismiss staff and students to site.
- Check that doors and windows are closed - if time permits (tornado only).
- Follow classes to evacuation site if complete evacuation is ensured or remain at site until problem is solved.
- Determine dismissal of students from evacuation site following police OK.
- Ensure accurate records of leaving students.
- Complete appropriate communication and follow-up procedures.
- Take the phone call from police advising precaution to hold and secure the school.
- Make announcement that hold and secure procedures will be into effect due to an incident outside of and not related to the school.
- Ensure classes outside and in portables have heard the announcement and proceed to previously allocated locations inside the school.
- Inform appropriate staff to lock all exterior doors.
- Complete appropriate communication and follow-up procedures.
Report to location upon notification of trespasser/intruder or if you contact trespasser follow these procedures:
- Advise someone in the office where you are going (general area of school) and why.
- Take a second person with you (runner/witness) and trespass slip.
- Attempt to avoid a confrontational situation. In a courteous, calm and assured manner, introduce yourself to the trespasser and ask if you can be of assistance.
- If the person is not immediately cooperative or is openly disrespectful or hostile, ask them to accompany you to the office. Avoid any situation that allows them to play to an audience.
- If the individual declines to accompany you to the office, ask for their name and ask them to “Please leave the School”.
- If the trespasser refuses to accompany you to the office or to leave the school, cite the Education Act. Advise them that unless they leave immediately the police will be called and a charge of trespass will be laid.
- If this fails, send the runner/witness to the closest intercom or telephone with instructions to have office staff call the police, and to stand by to direct the police (when they arrive) to the area of the incident.
- Inform the runner/office of the incident “Intruder Alert” and to call the police.
- Remain with the intruder until the police arrive. If necessary, follow the trespasser wherever they go on school property. Leave the staff in the office to direct police accordingly.
- If the incident is a major violent act that poses an imminent threat to the life and safety of student and staff inform the runner/office to make the LOCKDOWN announcement (see LOCKDOWN) Procedures.
- At no time during the incident should you touch (physically interfere with) the trespasser or allow other staff members/students to physically remove the trespasser. However, should the trespasser become physical you should use only as much force as is necessary to subdue/restrain the individual.
- As soon as possible after the incident, complete a Safe Schools Incident report recording details; including name of trespasser and witnesses, as well as any verbal threats or forms of intimidation or aggressive behaviour. If you do not know the identity of the trespasser, attempt to obtain it from witnesses, or carefully record a description of the trespasser as well as vehicle used.
- Immediately following the incident, your area superintendent should be contacted to discuss what further action should be taken.
Principal - Sample Instructions
LOCKDOWN Procedures (AP 179)
- The administrator/office staff who receives the call will make the LOCKDOWN announcement inside and outside the school and call 911 giving info as per AP 179.
- Allow calls to go to voice mail.
- Ask office staff to turn off bell/buzzer system and to have the emergency response bag ready.
- Identify possible locations inside and out for police to use as a command post.
- Police will assume command and control of the response and investigation on arrival.
- If appropriate instruct the ERT to report to predetermined locations and if needed for predetermined ERT member to take lead in office.
- Inform emergency evacuation site(s) of outside classes that should be proceeding to the site(s).
- Inform the superintendent responsible for emergency measures as soon as
- Complete appropriate follow up and communication procedures.
CODE BLUE” will be used to alert the school that there is a serious medical emergency in the school. (AP 180)
The following procedure will be followed in the case of a Code Blue:
- Notify office of injury or medical emergency and location.
- State person’s name and need for medical information (i.e. EPI-PEN, inhaler, medication, etc.).
- Announcement “Code Blue Team to ________________”.
- All non-teaching staff and off duty teaching staff replace First Aid qualified staff (Code Blue team) who are working with students at the time of the alert.
- If the alert is sounded during class time, students will not be dismissed even if recess or dismissal bells are sounded.
- First Aid will be administered, Ambulance will be called if necessary.
- Notification of parents or emergency contact will be made by office.
- Medical emergency alert will remain in effect until the “All Clear” is announced from the office.
- Students and staff who may be traumatized by the incident will have access to an “after-care” program.
- Staff attending to medical emergency must file a report, see your principal.
- Custodial staff ensure ambulance/fire routes are clear.
- All head injuries must be reported to the office regardless of the severity, consult your principal.
- In the case of any serious accidents or incidents where a student is sent home or receives outside medical aid a report must be filed with the Board Office, consult your principal.
- All staff must report injuries to themselves or others. (AP 175)
Secretarial Staff - Sample Instructions
- Check Designated Areas –office area.
- Assist with the evacuation of the students.
- Take attendance registers when you evacuate the building.
- Assist principal as directed (listen to radio, record attendance, etc.).
- Move to predetermined safe place and assume crouch position when
- Obtain as much information as possible from caller if received call, fill out Bomb Sheet.
- Note the time of the call and, if possible line on which the call is received. At the end of the call, contact the local phone provider with this information and ask them to prepare a report of where the incoming call was from for police purposes. If the school has call display, note the number of the incoming call.
- Notify principal
- Turn off Bells.
- Conduct Search of office area/designated areas.
- Stay by phone.
- Record teachers reports regarding classroom searches and report to the principal.
- Look for something that does not belong, is out of the ordinary, is out of place.
- Do not touch, move, open or probe suspicious objects.
- Calmly ask if anyone knows about an object in question, taking care not to alarm students.
- If the object cannot be identified, report it to the principal or police officer present.
- Give the location, reason suspected, and description.
- Continue the search even if a suspicious object has been found. It could be a decoy object.
“CODE BLUE” will be used to alert the school that there is a serious medical emergency in the school (AP 180).
The following procedure will be followed in the case of a Code Blue:
- Notify office of injury or medical emergency and location.
- State person’s name and need for medical information (i.e. EPI-PEN, inhaler, medication, etc.).
- Announcement “Code Blue Team to ________________”.
- All non-teaching staff and off duty teaching staff replace First Aid qualified staff (Code Blue team) who are working with students at the time of the alert.
- If the alert is sounded during class time, students will not be dismissed even if recess or dismissal bells are sounded.
- First Aid will be administered, Ambulance will be called if necessary.
- Notification of parents or emergency contact will be made by office.
- Medical emergency alert will remain in effect until the “All Clear” is announced from the office.
- Students and staff who may be traumatized by the incident will have access to an “after-care” program.
- Staff attending to medical emergency must file a report, see your principal.
- Custodial staff ensure ambulance/fire routes are clear.
- All head injuries must be reported to the office regardless of the severity, consult your principal.
- In the case of any serious accidents or incidents where a student is sent home or receives outside medical aid a report must be filed with the Board Office, consult your principal.
- All staff must report injuries to themselves or others. (AP 175)
Secretarial Staff - Sample Instructions
- The office staff who receives a trespasser call (not requiring a lockdown announcement) will call 911 if necessary and immediately inform the principal or delegate of the situation.
- The office staff who receives the call to Lockdown will immediately make the LOCKDOWN announcement inside and outside the school (keep announcement close to all school announcement phones/PAs).
- Call 911 and give info as per AP 179 list kept by office phone(s).
- Have emergency response bag ready.
- Turn off bell/buzzer system.
- Take appropriate safety precautions in office area.
- Do not leave the school building until Hold & Secure precaution is lifted.
- Continue with regular school duties and activities.
Custodial Staff - Sample Instructions
- Check Alarm system to locate fire.
- Assist with student alternate evacuation exit if fire obstructs an exit.
- Assist with the evacuation of the building.
- Assist principal, fire and police.
- Report to office.
- Assist principal as directed (i.e. check windows and doors closed).
- Assume crouch position in safe location when required.
- Obtain as much information as possible from caller if received call, fill out Bomb Sheet.
- Note the time of the call and, if possible the phone line on which the call is received. At the end of the call, contact the local phone provider with this information and ask them to prepare a report of where the incoming call was from for police purposes. If the school has call display, note the number of the incoming call.
- Report information to principal.
- Begin search of designated areas.
Search Procedures
- Conducts non-evasive search of custodial areas, halls, open areas, etc.
- Ensures all exits are clear for possible evacuation.
- Look for something that does not belong, is out of the ordinary, is out of place.
- Do not touch, move, open or probe suspicious objects.
- Calmly ask if anyone knows about an object in question, taking care not to
alarm students.
- If the object cannot be identified, report it to the principal or police officer present.
- Give the location, reason suspected, and description.
- Continue the search even if a suspicious object has been found as it could be a decoy object.
“CODE BLUE” will be used to alert the school that there is a serious medical emergency in the school (AP 180).
The following procedure will be followed in the case of a Code Blue:
- Notify office of injury or medical emergency and location.
State person’s name and need for medical information (i.e. EPI-PEN, inhaler, medication, etc.). Announcement “Code Blue Team to ________________”. All non-teaching staff and off duty teaching staff replace First Aid qualified staff (Code Blue team) who are working with students at the time of the alert. If the alert is sounded during class time, students will not be dismissed even if recess or dismissal bells are sounded. First Aid will be administered, Ambulance will be called if necessary. Notification of parents or emergency contact will be made by office. Medical emergency alert will remain in effect until the “All Clear” is announced from the office. Students and staff who may be traumatized by the incident will have access to an “after-care” program. Staff attending to medical emergency must file a report, see your principal. Custodial staff ensure ambulance/fire routes are clear. ** All head injuries must be reported to the office regardless of the severity, consult your principal. **In the case of any serious accidents or incidents where a student is sent home or receives outside medical aid a report must be filed with the Board Office, consult your principal. **All staff must report injuries to themselves or others. (AP 175)
Support Staff - Sample Instructions
- Check Designated areas/assist teacher.
- Assist with the evacuation of the students.
- Assist principal/teacher as directed.
- Assist assigned students to emergency safe location when directed.
- Assume crouch position with students.
- Obtain as much information as possible from caller if received call, fill out Bomb Sheet.
- Note the time of the call and, if possible the phone line on which the call is received. At the end of the call, contact the local phone provider with this information and ask them to prepare a report of where the incoming call was from for police purposes. If the school has call display, note the number of the incoming call.
- Notify principal and follow instructions from office.
- Conduct search of designated areas.
Search Procedures
- Conducts non-evasive search of office area, workroom, meeting room, health room and staff room.
- Look for something that does not belong, is out of the ordinary, is out of place.
- Do not touch, move, open or probe suspicious objects.
- Calmly ask if anyone knows about an object in question, taking care not to alarm students.
- If the object cannot be identified, report it to the principal or police officer present.
- Give the location, reason suspected, and description.
- Continue the search even if a suspicious object has been found. It could be a decoy object.
CODE BLUE” will be used to alert the school that there is a serious medical emergency in the school (AP 180).
The following procedure will be followed in the case of a Code Blue:
- Notify office of injury or medical emergency and location.
- State person’s name and need for medical information (i.e. EPI-PEN, inhaler, medication, etc.).
- Announcement “Code Blue Team to ________________.
- All non-teaching staff and off duty teaching staff replace First Aid qualified staff (Code Blue team) who are working with students at the time of the alert.
- If the alert is sounded during class time, students will not be dismissed even if recess or dismissal bells are sounded.
- First Aid will be administered, Ambulance will be called if necessary.
- Notification of parents or emergency contact will be made by office.
- Medical emergency alert will remain in effect until the “All Clear” is announced from the office.
- Students and staff who may be traumatized by the incident will have access to an “after-care” program.
- Staff attending to medical emergency must file a report, see your principal.
- Custodial staff ensure ambulance/fire routes are clear.
- All head injuries must be reported to the office regardless of the severity, consult your principal.
- In the case of any serious accidents or incidents where a student is sent home or receives outside medical aid a report must be filed with the Board Office, consult your principal.
- All staff must report injuries to themselves or others. (AP 175)
Support Staff/Custodial Staff - Sample Instructions
- In a courteous, calm and assured manner, introduce yourself to the trespasser and ask if you can be of assistance. Avoid a confrontation.
- If the trespasser is not immediately co-operative or is openly disrespectful or
hostile, ask the individual to accompany you to the school office. Avoid any situation that allows the trespasser to play to an audience.
- If the individual refuses to accompany you to the office, ask for their name and ask them to “Please leave the school premises”.
- If the trespasser refuses to leave, contact the office from the nearest intercom and explain the situation, Intruder Alert, stating location, etc.
- If the incident is a major violent act that poses an imminent threat to the life
and safety of student and staff inform the runner/office to make the LOCKDOWN announcement (see LOCKDOWN Procedures).
- Do not attempt to physically move/restrain the trespasser.
- Notify all staff in the area of Alert.
- All staff working with students will immediately lock the door of the room they are in, either by key from the outside or by blocking the door with furniture.
- If in an open area, proceed to designated secure area (school specific). Do not enter open areas (halls, etc.).
- Move students to stand/sit close together in a protected space (i.e. under desks) away from door. Remain quiet.
- Remain in your room and stay calm until the police or principal opens the door.
Other Staff:
- Move any students and yourself into the closest room.
- Close and lock door.
- Move students/yourself to stand/sit close together in a protected space (i.e. under desks) away from the door. Remain quiet.
- Remain in the room and stay calm until the police or principal opens the door.
- Call 911 if in a room with a phone.
- Do not leave the school building until the Hold and Secure precaution has been lifted.
- On the principal’s notification assist to lock all the entry doors to the school.
- Continue with regular school duties and assignments.
Revised January 2018