Administrative Procedure 101: Director's Annual Report
Legal References
Education Act: Section 283 (3) General Report of Chief Executive Officer
Related References
Board Policy 3 Director of Education and Secretary of the Board Job Description; Board Policy 4 Delegation of Authority; Administrative Procedure 100 System Planning
The Director of Education is required by the Ministry of Education to present a Director’s Report annually to a regular meeting of the board. This provides a means by which the Director and Avon Maitland District School Board can report the results of the educational program to the electors.
1. Annual Report
1.1 An annual report shall be produced to provide information to the Board of Trustees and to the public on the progress the board has made against its strategic objectives in the previous school year and actions the board is taking in those strategic priority areas where goals are not being met.
1.2 The annual report shall contain the results of measures gathered through the year from such activities as ongoing reviews, evaluations, surveys, and planning sessions.
1.3 The annual report shall be a foundation document in updating the system plan and identifying strategies for effecting improvements.
1.4 The format for reporting evaluation measures and additional information on the action the Director has taken during the preceding twelve months will be determined by the Director.
1.5 The Director shall ensure that an annual report is prepared for board approval at the first meeting of the board in December/January.
1.6 A copy of the annual report shall be posted on the board’s website on or before the 31st day of January.
Revised September 2014, Reviewed September 2021