Board Policy 04: Delegation of Authority
Legal References
Education Act and Regulations; Ministry of Education Policy/Program Memoranda; Bill 3, Sabrina’s Law, 2005; Child and Family Services Act; Employment Standards Act; Labour Relations Act; Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act; Occupational Health and Safety Act; Ontarians with Disabilities Act; Pay Equity Act; Bill 177 Stronger, Fairer Ontario Act
Avon Maitland District School Board is allowed to delegate certain of its responsibilities and powers to others. Avon Maitland District School Board delegates to the Director of Education the right to do any act or thing or exercise any power that the board may or is required to do or exercise except those matters, which in accordance with Ontario legislation, cannot be delegated.
The board also reserves to itself the authority to make decisions on specific matters requiring board approval in accordance with board policies. Further, the board requires that any new provincial legislation or major initiatives must be brought to the board for discussion and determination of decision-making authority.
As an example, the Director of Education is authorized to appoint staff within the staff complements and salary ranges approved in collective agreements and the annual board budget.
Avon Maitland District School Board delegates to the Director of Education the authority to develop administrative procedures consistent with provincial legislation in the following major categories:
1. General Administration
The general administration procedures deal with system planning matters that affect the whole board, issues that affect both students and staff members, and community involvement.
2. Educational Programs and Materials
These procedures describe school organization, the curriculum, instructional strategies, and curriculum resources.
3. Students
These procedures deal with all student matters. Some examples are school attendance, student welfare and safety, supervision, emergency plans, discipline, student evaluation, reporting to parents, and awards.
4. Personnel and Employee Relations (teaching and non-teaching)
These procedures provide for such matters as the hiring, promotion, disciplining (including dismissal) of employees, employee records, health and safety, benefits and assistance, professional development, performance appraisal, professional misconduct, recognition, and staff engagement.
Decisions on recommendations for the termination of the employment of a teacher on review status as a result of unsatisfactory performance appraisals shall be made by the board in accordance with Part X.2 Teacher Performance Appraisal of the Education Act.
5. Business Administration
Business administration procedures relate to budgeting, purchasing, audits, the management and maintenance of all board facilities and property, and student transportation.
Revised May 2021