Administrative Procedure 100: System Planning
Legal References
Education Act: Section 283 Chief Executive Officer
Related References
Board Policy 3 Director of Education Job Description; Board Policy 4 Delegation of Authority; Administrative Procedure 101 Director’s Annual Report
The Director of Education provides leadership for the development of an annual plan and/or 3-5 year education plans, as required. The Director provides for involvement in the planning process by trustees of the board, staff members, students, school councils, parents, and community stakeholders. Education plans provide a system-wide understanding about the purposes that give meaning and direction to the staff of Avon Maitland District School Board. The plans provide common goals. System plans are never complete. They are works in progress. The plans will be continually revised and refined.
1. System Planning Guidelines
1.1 The mission and goals of the board will provide overall direction for system planning.
1.2 The planning process will also recognize any corporate priorities identified by the board.
1.3 The actions and initiatives of the staff and its schools must be guided by sound planning processes. The planning process must provide ample opportunity for input and meaningful involvement by persons from stakeholder groups.
1.4 Formal processes will be implemented each year for the system and its schools to develop, revise and extend the system plan that identifies priorities, courses of action, outcomes, measures, strategies, and timelines for task completion.
2. The System Plan
2.1 An education plan that meets local needs and fulfils accountability requirements shall be developed and implemented.
2.2 The system plan shall be kept current to ensure focused, efficient and effective change and improvements.
2.3 The plan shall be updated annually with provision for ongoing input into the revision process by persons from stakeholder groups.
2.4 Progress reports on the education plan will be presented to the board annually, or as requested.
2.5 The Director Shall:
2.5.1 Submit the plan to the board annually;
2.5.2 Prepare a news release stating the key initiatives to be undertaken during the upcoming school year; and
2.5.3 Make provision for distribution of the system plan and its placement on the board website.
Issued 2006