Board Policy 03: Director of Education and Secretary of the Board Job Description

Legal References:

Education Act: Section 169.1(1)(h) Director of Education Performance Evaluation; Education Act: Section 283-283.1 Chief Executive Officer; Education Act: Section 283(3) General Report of Chief Executive Officer; Education Act: Section 286 Duties of Supervisory Officers; Education Act: Part II School Attendance; Education Act: Part VIII Compliance with Board Obligations; Education Act: Part IX Finance; Education Act: Part X Teachers, Designated Early Childhood Educators, Pupil Records and Education Numbers; Education Act: Part XI Supervisory Officers; Education Act: Part XIII Behaviour, Discipline and Safety; Bill 177 Stronger, Fairer Ontario Act, (Budget Measures) 2017 Municipal Conflict of Interest Act; Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act

Related References:

The Director of Education and Secretary of the Board is both the Chief Education Officer and the Chief Executive Officer of Avon Maitland District School Board. The Director reports directly to and is accountable to the Board of Trustees. The Director is also accountable, through statute, to the Minister of Education for the organization and operation of Avon Maitland District School Board. All board authority delegated to staff is delegated through the Director of Education and Secretary of the Board.
The Director of Education and Secretary of the Board advises the Board of Trustees and recommends actions to address current emerging issues and trends to ensure that Avon Maitland District School Board policies and programs result in the attainment of the board mission and system goals.

Director of Education

Areas of Responsibility include but are not limited to:

1. Student Achievement, Equity and Well-Being

1.1. Demonstrates care for and commitment to students.

1.2. Ensures that students are provided with appropriate and equitable programs and support to meet the standards of education established by the Ministry of Education.

1.3. Provides guidance, focus and leadership to ensure the success of all students.

1.4. Promotes an atmosphere of trust within the school community, setting the tone for mutually respectful relationships.

1.5. Promotes positive citizenship in students and a culture that is reflective of the board’s commitment to an inclusive and accepting learning and school environment for all students, staff and the school community.

1.6. Takes the necessary steps to provide for the safety and welfare of students while participating in school programs or while being transported to or from school programs on transportation provided by Avon Maitland District School Board.

1.7. Takes the necessary steps to provide facilities to accommodate Avon Maitland District School Board students.

1.8. Acts as, or designates, the local attendance counsellor for Avon Maitland District School Board.

1.9. Broadly promotes the board’s multi-year Strategic Plan and ensures that the directions of the system are understood and shared by members of the organization.

1.10. Assumes responsibility for ensuring evidence of a coherent instructional guidance system through the Board Improvement and Equity Plan (BIEP).

2. Educational and System Leadership

2.1 Provides leadership in all matters relating to education in Avon Maitland District School Board and acts as Secretary of the Board.

2.2 Develops and maintains positive and effective relations with the system leadership team, schools, and board department staff.

2.3 Develops and maintains effective communications, collaboration and public relations with neighbouring school boards, community partners, agencies, affiliations and elected officials at the provincial and local government levels.

2.4 Provides leadership to promote clear, consistent expectations that focus on successful outcomes for students.

2.5 Undertakes professional development related to the role of the Director.

2.6 Demonstrates positive and proactive leadership that has the support of the staff with whom the director works most closely.

3. Fiscal Responsibility/Compliance Mandate

3.1 Ensures that the fiscal management (budgets, time, personnel, policies and procedures) of Avon Maitland District School Board is in accordance with the Ministry’s funding model, other applicable grant regulations, and in accordance with the provisions of the Education Act and Regulations.

3.2 Ensures that the fiscal management of the district is in alignment with the priorities and goals in the board’s multi-year Strategic Plan.

3.3 Monitors to ensure that Strategic Plan priorities and goals are used to develop aligned department level goals.

3.4 Demonstrates effective organizational skills that result in district compliance with all legal, Ministerial and board mandates and timelines.

3.5 Reports to the Minister with respect to matters identified in and required by the Education Act and Regulations.

4. Planning

4.1 Provides leadership for the development, implementation and review of a multi-year Strategic Plan with corresponding annual plans that promote student achievement and well-being and deliver effective and appropriate education programs to its pupils.

4.2 Consults the Board of Trustees in the planning process of the multi-year Strategic Plan and ensures that the Plan establishes the board’s priorities and identifies specific measures and resources that will be applied in achieving these priorities.

4.3 Reports regularly on implementation and results achieved in relation to the board’s Multi-Year Strategic Plan (MYSP), the Board Improvement and Equity Plan (BIEP) and the Director’s Work Plan (DWP).

4.4 Aligns the content of professional training with the capacities needed for district and school management.

4.5 Provides evidence that succession planning is facilitated through capacity building and the distribution of leadership to ensure strong future leadership.

5. Personnel Management

5.1 Has overall authority and responsibility for all personnel-related issues, save and except those personnel matters precluded by board policy, legislation or collective agreements.

5.2 Ensures effective systems are in place for the selection, supervision, development and performance review of all staff as per AP 496 Recruitment of Staff.

5.3 Ensures involvement of the Board Chair and Vice-Chair, as well as other board members as applicable, in the process of Superintendent selection, as per AP 483 Recruitment of Supervisory Officers.

5.4 Ensures compliance with human rights and labour relations legislation.

5.5 Makes every effort to identify and remove discriminatory biases and systemic barriers that would limit the opportunities for individuals from diverse communities for employment, mentoring, promotion, and succession planning in all board and school positions.
6. Policy/Procedures

6.1 Facilitates the planning, development, implementation, review and evaluation of board policies as per Board Policy 12 Policy Making and Board Policy 4 Delegation of Authority.

6.2 Provides leadership in the planning, development, implementation, review and evaluation of administrative procedures and accompanying forms.
7. Director/Board Relations

7.1 Establishes and maintains positive working relations with the Board of Trustees.

7.2 Supports the Board of Trustees in performing its role as a policy-governance board and facilitates the implementation of its role as outlined in board policy.

7.3 Communicates effectively with the Board of Trustees and individual trustees, including informing the board of local and provincial initiatives in education and significant events and developments within the Board.

7.4 Brings to the attention of the Board any act or omission by the Board that in the opinion of the Director of Education may result in or has resulted in a contravention of the Education Act or any policy, guideline, or regulation made under the Act and advises the Deputy Minister of Education if the Board does not respond in a satisfactory manner to an act of omission brought to its attention.

8. Communications and Community Relations

8.1 Establishes effective communication strategies to ensure that key monitoring reports, student, volunteer and staff successes, local issues, and board decisions are widely known, understood and shared by all members of the organization.

8.2 Ensures that open, transparent and positive internal and external communications are in place.

8.3 Ensures that school councils, the Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) and legislated Advisory Committees have the opportunity to provide appropriate input and support as required in the regulations and/or board policy.

8.4 Participates in community affairs in order to enhance and support Avon Maitland District School Board and promote public education.

9. Student, Staff and District Recognition/Public Relations

9.1 Establishes meaningful and equitable recognition programs and strategies to ensure that internal and external audiences are aware of student, volunteer, staff and Avon Maitland District School Board successes in accordance with AP 454 Awards, Board Nominations.

Please see Appendix A, Policy #3 AMDSB Director Performance Appraisal Procedure in the attached PDF file

Updated March 2022