Board Policy 02: Board Job Description
Legal References
Education Act: Part VI Duties and Powers of Boards; Part VIII Compliance with Board Obligations; Part IX Finance; Bill 177 Stronger, Fairer Ontario Act
The Education Act provides for the establishment of four types of district school boards: English Public, English Catholic, French Public, and French Catholic. Under the Education Act, locally elected school boards are responsible for publicly funded schools within their jurisdiction and for the delivery and quality of educational programs and services. Legal accountability for board decisions applies to the board as a corporate entity rather than to individual trustees. Through policy, the board of trustees delegates administrative authority and responsibility to the Director of Education, subject to the provisions and restrictions of the Education Act and Regulations (Part VI 169.1)
The major areas of responsibility for the board of trustees for Avon Maitland District School Board are as follows:
1. Student Achievement and Well-Being in the District
1.1. Promote a culture that supports student success, equity, well-being and character development.
1.2. Ensure that an effective educational program is available for all students in Avon Maitland District School Board.
1.3. Make decisions that reflect Avon Maitland District School Board’s philosophy and belief statements that all students can learn.
1.4. Promote clear, consistent expectations that focus on a successful outcome for all students.
2. Accountability to the Provincial Government
2.1 Act in accordance with the Education Act, Regulations, and other statutory requirements.
2.2 Perform Avon Maitland District School Board members’ functions required by provincial legislation and board policy.
2.3 Provide advice to the Ministry of Education and the provincial trustee association regarding regional and local implications of new policy recommendations.
2.4 Advocate to the Government and Ministry of Education the local needs of the Board.
2.2 Perform Avon Maitland District School Board members’ functions required by provincial legislation and board policy.
2.3 Provide advice to the Ministry of Education and the provincial trustee association regarding regional and local implications of new policy recommendations.
2.4 Advocate to the Government and Ministry of Education the local needs of the Board.
3. Accountability to the Community
3.1. Develop, review and approve the Strategic Plan of the board.
3.2. Make decisions that reflect Avon Maitland District School Board’s Strategic Plan of the board and the Annual Action Plan.
3.3. Establish processes that provide the community with opportunities for input.
3.4. Provide two-way communication between the Avon Maitland District School Board and among the parent involvement committee and school councils.
3.5. Provide reports outlining Avon Maitland District School Board results in accordance with provincial policy.
3.6. Develop and confirm Avon Maitland District School Board procedures to hear appeals in accordance with appropriate statutes and Avon Maitland District School Board policies.
3.7. Model a culture that reflects the board members’ Code of Conduct.
3.2. Make decisions that reflect Avon Maitland District School Board’s Strategic Plan of the board and the Annual Action Plan.
3.3. Establish processes that provide the community with opportunities for input.
3.4. Provide two-way communication between the Avon Maitland District School Board and among the parent involvement committee and school councils.
3.5. Provide reports outlining Avon Maitland District School Board results in accordance with provincial policy.
3.6. Develop and confirm Avon Maitland District School Board procedures to hear appeals in accordance with appropriate statutes and Avon Maitland District School Board policies.
3.7. Model a culture that reflects the board members’ Code of Conduct.
4. Policy Development, Implementation and Review
4.1 Develop policies that outline how Avon Maitland District School Board will successfully function.
4.2 Approve policy statements that meet the criteria identified by the board members.
4.3 Review policies every four years to ensure that they reflect the desired impact and/or purpose.
4.4 Post a draft copy of the Strategic Plan on the board website for public comment prior to final review and approval.
4.2 Approve policy statements that meet the criteria identified by the board members.
4.3 Review policies every four years to ensure that they reflect the desired impact and/or purpose.
4.4 Post a draft copy of the Strategic Plan on the board website for public comment prior to final review and approval.
5. Board/Director Relations
5.1 Select the Director of Education.
5.2 Through policy, delegate administrative authority and responsibility, subject to the provisions and restrictions of the Education Act and Regulations.
5.3 Provide the Director of Education with a clear job description and corporate direction.
5.4 Support the Director through mentorship and/or professional development opportunities to achieve the goals of the board.
5.5 Evaluate the Director of Education in the first year of service and annually or biannually thereafter. Use the Director’s Performance Appraisal Procedure for the evaluation process as outlined in Appendix A of Board Policy 3 – Director of Education and Secretary of the Board Job Description.
5.6 At least once a year, at the Director of Education’s request, provide the Director of Education with an opportunity to meet alone with the board in closed session.
5.7 Annually review the compensation of the Director of Education and Senior Staff.
5.8 Promote a positive working relationship with the Director of Education.
5.2 Through policy, delegate administrative authority and responsibility, subject to the provisions and restrictions of the Education Act and Regulations.
5.3 Provide the Director of Education with a clear job description and corporate direction.
5.4 Support the Director through mentorship and/or professional development opportunities to achieve the goals of the board.
5.5 Evaluate the Director of Education in the first year of service and annually or biannually thereafter. Use the Director’s Performance Appraisal Procedure for the evaluation process as outlined in Appendix A of Board Policy 3 – Director of Education and Secretary of the Board Job Description.
5.6 At least once a year, at the Director of Education’s request, provide the Director of Education with an opportunity to meet alone with the board in closed session.
5.7 Annually review the compensation of the Director of Education and Senior Staff.
5.8 Promote a positive working relationship with the Director of Education.
6. Board Members’ Development
6.1 Annually review Avon Maitland District School Board members’ effectiveness and performance through a Board Self Evaluation Process.
6.2 Develop an annual plan for board member development (both collectively and individually) to increase knowledge of a) Role, b) Processes, and c) Issues.
6.3 Use the expertise of the Director of Education, and other organizations e.g. (OPSBA, CODE, OPSOA) to help develop and support the board members’ development plan.
6.2 Develop an annual plan for board member development (both collectively and individually) to increase knowledge of a) Role, b) Processes, and c) Issues.
6.3 Use the expertise of the Director of Education, and other organizations e.g. (OPSBA, CODE, OPSOA) to help develop and support the board members’ development plan.
7. Strategic Plan of the Board and Annual Action Plan
7.1 Provide overall direction for Avon Maitland District School Board.
7.2 Establish the Strategic Plan, Board Policy 1 for the mission, guiding principles and system goals.
7.3 Approve the Strategic Plan of the Board in public session for district distribution. Present the approved Strategic Plan to school councils.
7.4 Annually use the Strategic Plan of the Board to drive the budget process.
7.5 Annually evaluate the effectiveness of Avon Maitland District School Board in relation to the Strategic Plan of the board.
7.6 Monitor progress toward the improvement of student achievement.
7.2 Establish the Strategic Plan, Board Policy 1 for the mission, guiding principles and system goals.
7.3 Approve the Strategic Plan of the Board in public session for district distribution. Present the approved Strategic Plan to school councils.
7.4 Annually use the Strategic Plan of the Board to drive the budget process.
7.5 Annually evaluate the effectiveness of Avon Maitland District School Board in relation to the Strategic Plan of the board.
7.6 Monitor progress toward the improvement of student achievement.
8. Fiscal Responsibility
8.1 Develop a budget review process that uses the Strategic Plan of the board and other provincial and local directions to help determine annual resource allocations.
8.2 All trustees are members of the Board’s Finance Committee (see Section 6.1.3 of Board Policy 10 re Committees of the Board).
8.3 Annually approve the budget to ensure that the financial resources are allocated to achieve the desired results.
8.4 Approve as per legislation all capital plans and other planning documents that will drive budget decisions.
8.5 Have in place an Audit Committee to ensure that the district is compliant with the provincial audit regulations and that the district has in place appropriate accountability processes.
8.6 Ratify Collective Agreements with all bargaining units and Terms and Conditions with non-union groups.
8.2 All trustees are members of the Board’s Finance Committee (see Section 6.1.3 of Board Policy 10 re Committees of the Board).
8.3 Annually approve the budget to ensure that the financial resources are allocated to achieve the desired results.
8.4 Approve as per legislation all capital plans and other planning documents that will drive budget decisions.
8.5 Have in place an Audit Committee to ensure that the district is compliant with the provincial audit regulations and that the district has in place appropriate accountability processes.
8.6 Ratify Collective Agreements with all bargaining units and Terms and Conditions with non-union groups.
9. Political Advocacy and Communication
9.1 Annually develop a plan for Avon Maitland District School Board advocacy as referenced in the Communication & Advocacy Plan, Appendix 3 of Policy 9 – Board Governance. Consider in the plan the focus, key messages and advocacy mechanisms.
9.2 Ensure that advocacy includes communication with all governments to identify, discuss, and find solutions to policy and financial issues, including advocacy through established channels and mechanisms (e.g., OPSBA).
9.3 Ensure that Avon Maitland District School Board is communicating with the community and beyond.
9.4 Use various communication strategies including the Strategic Plan for the purposes of informing and educating the public, and to create awareness of education programs, services, issues, events and community activities of specific interest or benefit to students and families.
9.2 Ensure that advocacy includes communication with all governments to identify, discuss, and find solutions to policy and financial issues, including advocacy through established channels and mechanisms (e.g., OPSBA).
9.3 Ensure that Avon Maitland District School Board is communicating with the community and beyond.
9.4 Use various communication strategies including the Strategic Plan for the purposes of informing and educating the public, and to create awareness of education programs, services, issues, events and community activities of specific interest or benefit to students and families.
10. Recognition
10.1. Ensure that Avon Maitland District School Board develops mechanisms to recognize and celebrate students.
10.2. Ensure that Avon Maitland District School Board develops mechanisms to recognize and celebrate community members and volunteers.
10.3. Ensure that Avon Maitland District School Board develops mechanisms to recognize and celebrate staff.
10.2. Ensure that Avon Maitland District School Board develops mechanisms to recognize and celebrate community members and volunteers.
10.3. Ensure that Avon Maitland District School Board develops mechanisms to recognize and celebrate staff.
11. Other Responsibilities
The board members also have the following responsibilities:
- Approving of school year calendars
- Naming of educational facilities
- Approval of tender selection for major building construction when over $100,000, and modernization
- Approval of real estate purchases
- Approval of disposition of land and buildings
- Approval of education development charges
- Approval of long-term (greater than one year) financing
- Designation of the “head” for Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy
- Approval of the special education plan
- Involvement in the selection of Superintendents at the request of the Director
- Approval of the appointment of Superintendents
- Other duties that may befall the Board due to Education Act or Ministry direction.
Revised May 2021