Board Policy 01: Strategic Plan

Legal References

Education Act: Sections 169.1, 170, 171 Duties and Powers of Boards; Bill 177 Stronger, Fairer Ontario Act; The Student Achievement and School Board Governance Act, 2009

Ontario School Boards are required, by legislation (Section 283(3) of the Education Act), to develop and have in place a multi-year plan for three or more years. These multi-year plans must be aimed at:
  • Promoting student achievement and well-being
  • Ensuring effective stewardship of the board’s resources
  • Delivering effective and appropriate education programs to its pupils
The multi-year plan will be used in a variety of ways. They include the following:
  • To provide direction that informs the allocation of board resources
  • To provide direction to Board of Trustees and senior administration when making decisions
  • To motivate board staff by giving purpose to day-to-day responsibilities

1. The Strategic Plan

The Strategic Plan of the board, it is currently a four-year plan, that is fully reviewed and approved by the board every four years. The approval of the Plan will take place in June for implementation beginning in September. During each review, the Board will examine all aspects of the Plan including mission and priorities to determine what aspects require either new, additional or lesser focus.

2. The Planning Process

In September following the election of the Board for its term of office, The Director of Education will begin the consultation process for the development of the new Strategic Plan. Consultation will begin with a report to the Board on the existing Plan. Further consultation will take place with the following groups:
  • School Staffs
  • Central Office Staff
  • School Councils and Communities
  • Students and Parents and/or Caregivers
  • Federation and Union Leaders
  • Principals’ Council
  • Parent Involvement Committee (PIC)
Following these consultations, the Board will examine the input and adjust the mission and priorities accordingly. Once the framework is determined, discussions with the board will occur throughout the planning year to give the board opportunities to further impact the creation of the Plan.

3. Monitoring and Reporting

Once established, the board shall continually monitor the progress of the Strategic Plan through regular board updates and the Director’s Annual Report. This annual report must include the following: the board’s multi-year plan, including its multi-year strategic objectives; the progress the board has made towards its strategic objectives in the previous school year; and actions the board is taking in those strategic priority areas where goals are not being met. The posting of the Director’s Annual Report shall be posted on the board’s website on or before January 31st.
Revised May 2021