Coursework Help (D2L / Brightspace)
Logging in (accessing D2L / Brightspace)
The content of your courses may be found in the Core.
If you have any difficulties logging into the Core or cannot remember your AD (Active Directory) password, contact the TRA at your school helpdesk. Fill out the form at the bottom of this page.
After logging into the Core using your AMDSB email (, follow these steps:
- Find your course by clicking on the Select a Course icon (also called the waffle). Look for the icon that looks like a waffle at the top of the screen.
- Click on your course name
- The page you land on is called your ‘Course Home’ page. Course home pages may change a little from course to course but they generally provide quick access to important information such as updates and announcements from your teacher. Make sure you are checking your course home page carefully every day.
- Near the top of the page, look for the My Class dropdown menu, which includes links to your lessons as well as other course materials and ways to hand in your work.
- Click on the My Class icon and then select the Content link to find the Table of Contents for your course lessons.
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