Chromebook and G Suite Sign In Help

If you have forgotten your password, you can request a reset by going to the student reset link below. This will walk you through the process. If you still have issues please contact this helpdesk by filling out the form near the bottom of this page.
Make sure your device is connected to Wi-Fi. You can check this by clicking the menu in the bottom right of the screen and choosing the network button.

Sign in using email (up to first 4 letters of first name + first 4 letters of last name + first 3 numbers of OEN # For example: j[email protected].

If password reset is needed, please fill out the form near the bottom of the page.
  1. At the bottom right corner of your Chromebook, you will see the time, Wi-Fi, Battery and keyboard icons. Click here.
  2. A new popup window will appear. At the top right corner of the pop up, you will find a picture/icon (i.e. butterfly, dragon, etc.). Click here.
  3. You will see the user that is currently signed in. Below their name you will see "Sign in another user..." Click here.
  4. Multiple Sign in - a multiple sign in popup appears. Press OK.
  5. Enter the Active Directory Credentials of your student (First four letters of your first name, first four letters of your last name, 3 digit OEN - [email protected].
You can have up to 5 users signed into the same Chromebook

If you still need help, please complete the form below (request for support form) or follow the instructions from Google.