Administrative Procedure 179: Lockdown and Hold/Secure

Legal References

Education Act: Section 265 (1) (j) Duties of Principal: Care of Pupils; Guideline - Ontario Schools Code of Conduct; Occupational Health and Safety Act; Ministry of Education Policy/Program Memorandum 161: Supporting Children and Students with Prevalent Medical Conditions

Related References

1.0 Purpose and Scope

The Director of Education has developed this administrative procedure to ensure that all employees at all Avon Maitland District School Board sites are continuously in a state of readiness to deal with:

a. a major violent incident or threat to life by violence within a school/site, or in relation to the school; or
b. a threat in the general vicinity of a school/site.

2.0 Definitions

2.1 Hold and Secure: a response to a threat in the general vicinity of a school/site, but not within the school/site or on school/site property. This could be a police pursuit, a crime in progress, or an active search by police for a person of interest. Employees, students and visitors are considered to be safe inside the school. The school continues to function normally with the exterior doors being locked until such time as the situation is resolved.

2.2 Lockdown: an immediate response to a major incident or imminent threat of violence within the school/site, or in relation to the school. All exterior and interior doors will be locked where possible and entry into, departure from and all movement within the building will be restricted.

2.3 Clear the Halls: an immediate response to an incident in a classroom or hallway area of the school, in order to respond to and contain a situation that can be addressed with school personnel.

3.0 Accountability

3.1 Regional Superintendent

3.1.1 Overall accountability to ensure site specific lockdown and hold/secure plans are developed and implemented within their region.
3.1.2 Ensure each school has scheduled and conducted at least two lockdown drills during the school year.
3.1.3 Participate, consult and assist during exercises and events as required.
3.1.4 Assume the role of the Superintendent for Safe Schools, as required.
3.1.5 Assist with post-incident debriefings and support, as required.

3.2 Superintendent for Safe Schools

3.2.1 Overall accountability to ensure site/specific lockdown and hold/secure plans and procedures have been submitted to the police and are accessible to
senior staff.
3.2.2 Ensure all schools/sites have conducted at least two lockdown drills during the school year.
3.2.3 Participate and consult during drills, as required.
3.2.4 Respond and provide direction and support during and following an event.
3.2.5 Coordinate communications between the school, senior staff, trustees, police and emergency services, school community and the media.
3.2.6 Notify the Ministry of Education Regional Office of lockdown occurrences.
3.2.7 Establish an Information Centre for parents/guardians, as required.
3.2.8 Arrange for support personnel, as necessary (e.g., Tragic Event Response Team, Employee Assistance Program, etc.).
3.2.9 Facilitate a post-incident debriefing with site administrators, employees and emergency personnel.
3.2.10 Communicate learnings from incidents to the district.
3.2.11 Review and/or revise this administrative procedure and the Lockdown and Hold/Secure Plan at least annually or more often as necessary.

3.3 Principal/Site Supervisor

3.3.1 Overall accountability for the safety of all occupants in the event of a lockdown or hold/secure situation.

3.3.2 Overall accountability to develop and implement a site specific lockdown and hold/secure plan (Form 179A Lockdown and Hold/Secure Plan; also see
Form 179B Lockdown Procedure, and Form 179C Hold/Secure Procedure, Form 179D Clear the Halls Procedure.

3.3.3 Overall accountability to develop and implement site specific reunification plan and procedures.

3.3.4 Consult with local police, fire and emergency medical services in the development of procedures, conducting exercises and when responding to a
major incident or threat.

3.3.5 Ensure the school’s evacuation site(s) are available to use and access.

3.3.6 Provide a copy of the plan to the Superintendent for Safe Schools annually and upon revision.

3.3.7 Ensure all employees (including occasional/supply), students, volunteers and contractors have been trained on site-specific lockdown and hold/secure
procedures in September or within 30 days upon hire, transfer or registration to the school/site.

3.3.8 Inform parents and guardians of the existence of lockdown, hold/secure, and clear the halls procedures and request their support to reinforce with their
children to follow instructions during an exercise or event, and to disclose any information they may have related to a serious violent incident or threat.

3.3.9 Communicate lockdown, hold/secure, and clear the halls procedures to partner organizations within school/site annually and whenever revised.

3.3.10 Ensure lockdown, hold/secure and clear the halls procedures and floor plans are posted in the main office and each classroom and activity rooms.

3.3.11 Schedule, perform and record at least two lockdown drills during the school year. Debrief and communicate any learnings and revise procedures as

3.3.12 In an actual incident, implement the lockdown or hold/secure procedures and provide full cooperation with the police.

3.3.13 Ensure the provision of medications, equipment and resources to support students with prevalent medical conditions is taken into consideration during
the development of the lockdown and/or hold/secure or clear the halls procedures.

3.4 Teachers

3.4.1 Review and participate in lockdown, hold/secure, clear the halls and reunification procedures, training and exercises.
3.4.2 Ensure students have been trained on the lockdown, hold/secure and clear the hall procedures in September or within 30 days upon registration to your
3.4.3 Follow and provide instructions to co-workers, students, volunteers and visitors during exercises or events.
3.4.4 Report to the principal/supervisor immediately any knowledge of a serious violent incident or threat.
3.4.5 Know the procedure to respond to students with a prevalent medical condition during a lockdown, hold/secure and/or clear the halls procedures.

3.5 All Other Employees

3.5.1 Review and participate in lockdown, hold/secure, clear the halls and reunification procedures, training and exercises.
3.5.2 Follow and provide instructions to co-workers, students, volunteers and visitors during exercises or events.
3.5.3 Report to the principal/supervisor immediately any knowledge of a serious violent incident or threat.

3.6 Students

3.6.1 Be familiar with lockdown, hold/secure and clear the halls procedures.
3.6.2 Respond quickly during a lockdown, hold/secure or clear the halls situation.
3.6.3 Follow instructions during lockdown, hold/secure, clear the halls or reunification exercises or events.
3.6.4 Report immediately to an employee or the police any knowledge of a serious violent incident or threat.

3.7 Parents/Guardians

3.7.1 Be familiar with lockdown, hold/secure, clear the halls and reunification procedures.

3.7.2 Reinforce with their children, the students’ responsibilities with respect to following directions during an exercise or event and disclosing any information they may have prior to or during a crisis situation.

3.7.3 Report to the principal/supervisor immediately any knowledge of a serious violent incident or threat.

3.7.4 Do not attempt to access the building or students during a lockdown or hold/secure drill or actual incident.

3.7.5 During an actual incident, listen to local radio, television or social media or board/school websites for information. Do not attempt to visit school/site until
advised by the board.

3.7.6 Following an actual lockdown or hold/secure incident, parents/guardians may be required to show proof of identification before the student can be released as part of a formal reunification process.

3.8 Volunteers/Contractors, Visitors, Partners

3.8.1 Be familiar with lockdown, hold/secure, clear the halls and reunification procedures.
3.8.2 Follow instructions during lockdown, hold/secure and clear the halls exercises or events.
3.8.3 Report to an employee immediately any knowledge of a serious violent incident or threat.

3.9 Police

3.9.1 Immediately respond and assume incident command and control of a lockdown or hold/secure situation.
3.9.2 Investigate serious violent incidents or threats when notified.
3.9.3 Liaise with school administration throughout and following a lockdown or hold/secure exercise or event.
3.9.4 Consult on and review lockdown, hold/secure and reunification plans and procedures and participate in drills.
3.9.5 Ensure someone from the detachment is communicating with the Superintendent of Safe Schools regarding process and progress of the

3.10 Spouses/Family Members of Employees

3.10.1 Be familiar with lockdown, hold/secure, clear the halls and reunification procedures.
3.10.2 Report to the principal/supervisor immediately any knowledge of a serious violent incident or threat.
3.10.3 During an actual incident, listen to local radio, television or social media or board/school websites for information. Do not attempt to visit school/site until advised by the board.

4.0 Training

All employees will be provided with and participate in awareness training on lockdown, hold and secure and clear the halls responsibilities and procedures upon hire and at least annually each September.

5.0 Drills

5.1 At least two lockdown drills will be held during the school year - one in September/October and one in February/March. At least one drill will be conducted in consultation with the Police.
5.2 All employees will participate in any scheduled or random lockdown, hold/secure or clear the halls drills.

6.0 Review

The individual school/site lockdown, hold/secure, clear the halls and reunification plan and procedures will be reviewed and updated at least annually each September.
Revised October 2020