Board Policy 10: Committees of the Board
Legal References:
Education Act: Section 57.1 SEAC; Education Act: Section 170-171 Duties and Powers of Boards; Education Act: Section 207 Open Meetings of Boards; Education Act: Section 252 Financial Statements; Education Act: Section 253 Appointment of Auditor; Education Act: Section 283 Chief Executive Officer; Education Act: Section 309 Appeal of Suspension; Education Act: Section 311.3 Expulsion Hearing by Board; Education Act: Section 311.7 Appeal of Expulsion; Labour Relations Act; Municipal Conflict of Interest Act; Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act; Ontario Regulation 190/04 Special Education Programs and Services; Ontario Regulation 361/19 Audit Committees; Ontario Regulation 374/10 Supervised Alternative Learning for Excused Pupils; Ontario Regulation 464/97 Special Education Advisory Committees; Bill 177 Stronger, Fairer Ontario Act; Ministry of Education: Ontario First Nations, Métis and Inuit Policy Framework (2014)
Related References
Educating Together: A Handbook for Trustees, School Boards and Communities OPSBA 2006; Robert’s Rules of Order; Board Policy 4 Delegation of Authority; Board Policy 9 Board Governance; Board Policy 11 Board Representatives; Board Policy 13 Appeals and Hearings Regarding Student Matters; Form 010 Selection of Board Committees
In order to govern the system in an effective and efficient manner, committees may be established as deemed necessary.
Avon Maitland District School Board shall establish Statutory Committees. The board shall also establish at least one Standing Committee, i.e., Committee of the Whole Board, which will meet in public and closed session, as permitted by the Education Act. A Statutory or Legislated committee is one required by the Education Act.
1. Committees
1.1 A Standing Committee is a committee established by the board to perform a continuing function.
1.2 In addition, members of the board may be assigned to serve as voting members on other advisory or ad hoc committees of the board. Ad hoc committees are established to carry out a specified task, at the completion of which they cease to exist. An example of this kind of committee is the selection committee to fill a board member vacancy as described in Section 9.4.4 of Board Policy #9 Board Governance.
1.3 Meetings of the Standing, Advisory and Ad Hoc committees of the board shall be open to the public except when the subject matter under consideration is covered by Section 207(2) of the Education Act. An example may include the disclosure of intimate, personal or financial information in respect of a member of the board or committee, an employee or prospective employee of the board or a pupil or their parent or guardian.
1.4 The rules of order of the board as set out in Board Policy #9 Board Governance shall be observed in all regular and special meetings of all board committees.
1.5 A report of a committee is that of a majority of the committee. A minority report may appear as an appendix to the report of the committee.
1.6 Committees shall submit minutes to the board after each meeting and the Chair of the Committee, or where the Chair is not a board member, a board member appointed to the committee, or board member designate, shall move any recommendations contained therein.
1.7 A committee report shall not be amended by the board, but the board may refer the report back to the committee for further consideration or with instruction to amend the report in some way.
1.8 Committee recommendations may be acted on separately when they are presented with the committee report or be postponed to a definite time. Whenever the board desires to consider the recommendations, the board member Chair of the Committee, or a board member appointed to the committee, reads each recommendation of the committee and moves its adoption. The motion should be stated in a form that will allow the board to vote directly on the proposal itself, rather than a motion to agree or disagree with the recommendation of the committee. A motion embodying a committee recommendation is considered and acted on as any other main motion.
1.9 Routing of business to the board or to a committee is the responsibility of the Secretary of the Board, in consultation with the Chair of the Board. The Secretary of the Board determines whether items of business go directly to the board or to committee for study, investigation and recommendation.
1.10 The general guidelines followed by the Secretary are urgency and depth of investigation. Nothing in this process prevents the board from referring a matter to a
committee for investigation and recommendation.
2. Development of Committee Structure
Following the Inaugural meeting of the board in an election year, or prior to the initial meeting of the board in other years, the members of the board are given an opportunity to express preferences for committee involvement. It is suggested, where possible, that trustees plan to serve on a given committee for at least two consecutive years to enhance the efficacy of the trustee’s involvement. Assignment of an alternate will be determined equitably among committee preferences.
The committee structure is described in “Governance Structure” in Appendix 1.
Board member preferences are stated on Form 010 Selection of Board Committees. As described in Section 1 of Board Policy #7 Role of the Board Chair, the Chair, in consultation with the Vice-Chair, and Director, recommends the assignment of board members to board committees.
The membership of all committees shall be reported to the board members and voted on in a poll vote before December 31, since some committees will have meetings before the January Regular meeting, and membership shall continue for the duration of a one-year session of the board.
Committee terms are from January 1 through December 31.
3. Quorum
3.1 Determining Quorum
The presence of a majority of all members of the committee is necessary to form a quorum. The Chair and the Vice-Chair of the board may be named as a member or alternate of committees and are then counted in determining quorum. The Chair shall be an ex-officio member of all other committees of the board and may make motions and vote when in attendance except as specified for the Audit Committee. The Chair is not counted in determining quorum when attending as an ex-officio member. (Section 1 (a) of Board Policy #7 Role of the Board Chair, and Section 1 (d) in Board Policy #8 Role of the Board Vice-Chair). It is the duty of the Chair of the Committee to determine that a quorum is present.
The presence of a majority of all members of the committee is necessary to form a quorum. The Chair and the Vice-Chair of the board may be named as a member or alternate of committees and are then counted in determining quorum. The Chair shall be an ex-officio member of all other committees of the board and may make motions and vote when in attendance except as specified for the Audit Committee. The Chair is not counted in determining quorum when attending as an ex-officio member. (Section 1 (a) of Board Policy #7 Role of the Board Chair, and Section 1 (d) in Board Policy #8 Role of the Board Vice-Chair). It is the duty of the Chair of the Committee to determine that a quorum is present.
A simple majority of all board members present must vote in favour of the motion.
3.2 Reduced Quorum in Committees
A member who anticipates that attendance at a number of consecutive meetings will not be possible shall inform the committee in advance of such likelihood and the committee, for the period of such anticipated absence and solely for the purpose of calculating quorum as described in Section 3.1 above, may reduce the committee membership by one.
3.3 Limits on Reduced Quorum
No committee shall reduce its total membership by more than two members or one-third, whichever is the lesser, in accordance with the provisions of Section 3.2 for the purposes of calculating a quorum.
3.4 Thirty Minute Rule
If a quorum is not present within thirty minutes after the time set for the committee meeting, and in the absence of a definite extension agreeable to all members present, the meeting shall adjourn and the Recording Secretary shall record the names of the members then present.
3.5 Actions Possible if No Quorum
The only actions which can be undertaken in the absence of a quorum are to fix the time to adjourn, to adjourn, to recess or to take measures to obtain a quorum. However, information items may still be presented.
3.6 Adjournment When Quorum Lost
The committee shall adjourn a convened meeting whenever a quorum is no longer present and the Recording Secretary shall then record the time of adjournment and the names of the committee members then present. After adjournment, information items can continue to be presented.
4. Committee of the Whole Board
When it is required by law or when the board, on motion of a member, decides that it would be appropriate to discuss a matter in the Committee of the Whole Board, the board, by motion, shall resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole Board. The Committee of the Whole Board is comprised of all members of the board as voting members of the committee. Meetings of the Committee of the Whole Board may be in public or closed session.
The reasons for the closing of certain Committee of the Whole Board meetings are set out in the Education Act and in Section 2.1.3 of Board Policy #9 Board Governance.
4.1 Rules to Apply
The rules of order and the order of business set out in Board Policy #9 Board Governance shall apply to all regular and special meetings of the Committee of the Whole Board.
4.2 Documents for the Meeting
Preparation and distribution of the notice of meetings, agenda and minutes shall be as for regular and special meetings of the board.
4.3 Chair of Committee of the Whole
The Vice-Chair shall be the Chair of the Committee of the Whole Board in closed session and shall preside at all meetings of this committee. (Section 1, Board Policy 8 Role of the Board Vice-Chair). The Chair of the Board shall be the Chair of the Committee of the Whole Board in open session (Section 1, Board Policy 7 Role of the Board Chair).
4.4 Limitations on Debate
Discussion in the Committee of the Whole Board shall be strictly limited to the subject referred to the Committee of the Whole Board.
4.5 Rise and Report
At the conclusion of its business, the Committee of the Whole Board shall, on motion of one of its members, rise and report its findings to the board, which shall deal with such report, and any recommendations, in the same fashion as any committee report. If a motion arises of an urgent nature, the committee must resolve into a Regular Session prior to making the motion.
5. Statutory Committees
Statutory Committees are specifically required by legislation. The Chair, in consultation with the Vice-Chair, will make recommendations for the assignment of members of the board to Statutory committees.
Chairs of Statutory Committees are elected at the first meeting of the committee. A member of senior administration will act as administrative liaison to the committee and will be responsible for minutes for the committee.
As per Board Motion 2006 09 136 Board Policy #14 Trustee Honoraria, the board does not pay an allowance for attendance at statutory meetings.
5.1 Special Education Advisory Committee (O. Reg. 464/97)
5.1.1 Purpose:
- The Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC) is an advisory committee to Avon Maitland District School Board and may make recommendations to the board on any matter affecting the establishment and development of special education programs and services in respect of exceptional students of the board.
- The Special Education Advisory Committee is mandated by Ontario Regulation 464/97.
5.1.2 Powers and Duties:
- To become aware of the special education programs and services of the board that are provided to meet the needs of all exceptional students within the board;
- To facilitate the exchange of information and ideas among the committee members representing the local associations, the Director or designate, and the board;
- To make recommendations to the board about special education programs and services for exceptional students of the board;
- To provide information to the local associations about the Special Education Advisory Committee (SEAC);
- To review annually the special education report in accordance with Ministry legislation; and
- To participate in a special education program review and provide recommendations to the board.
5.1.3 Membership:
- Two board members and two alternates;
- One representative from each of the local associations, not to exceed twelve, to be nominated by the respective associations and appointed by the board;
- One alternate for each representative, nominated by each local association and appointed by the board;
- The Director or designate; and
- One or more additional community members who are not representatives of a local association.
5.1.4 Meetings:
The committee shall meet at least ten times in each school year.
The committee shall meet at least ten times in each school year.
5.2 Supervised Alternative Learning (O. Reg. 374/10)
5.2.1 Purpose:
- The Supervised Alternative Learning Committee considers applications made on behalf of students of at least fourteen years of age up to the age of school leaving.
- The committee considers whether or not to approve learning programs that involve full-time or part-time employment at an approved workstation; completion of a life skills course; or other studies acceptable to the committee.
- The Supervised Alternative Learning Committee functions in accordance with the terms of Ontario Regulation 374/10.
5.2.2 Powers and Duties:
- The Supervised Alternative Learning Committee shall consider the application of any parent to have their child participate in a S.A.L. program.
- The committee shall also consider any oral or written submission made by any person in support or opposition to the application.
- The committee may require the principal or any other employee of the board to report to the committee regarding the child for whom the application is
5.2.3 Membership:
- At least three members, including a member of the board; the Director of Education or designate; and at least one person who is not an employee of the board.
- Avon Maitland District School Board assigns one board member and one alternate to the S.A.L. Committee.
5.2.4 Meetings:
Meetings are scheduled monthly based on receipt of an application for a S.A.L. program.
Meetings are scheduled monthly based on receipt of an application for a S.A.L. program.
5.3 Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) (O. Reg. 612/00)
5.3.1 Purpose:
The Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) is to support, encourage and enhance parent engagement at the board level in order to improve student achievement
and well-being.
The Parent Involvement Committee (PIC) is to support, encourage and enhance parent engagement at the board level in order to improve student achievement
and well-being.
5.3.2 Powers and Duties:
A Parent Involvement Committee shall achieve its purpose by providing information and advice on parent engagement to the board; communicating with and supporting school councils of schools of the board; and understanding activities to help parents of pupils of the board support their children’s learning at home and at school.
5.3.3 Membership:
- The number of parent members specified in the by-laws of the committee (parent members must constitute a majority of the members of a PIC);
- The Director of Education;
- One board member and one alternate appointed by the board; and
- The number of community representatives specified in the by-laws of the committee.
5.3.4 Meetings:
PICs are to meet at least four times in each school year. Meetings are to be held in public and no meeting may be held unless the following members are present: a majority of parent members, the Director of Education (or designate) and the board member (or their designate).
PICs are to meet at least four times in each school year. Meetings are to be held in public and no meeting may be held unless the following members are present: a majority of parent members, the Director of Education (or designate) and the board member (or their designate).
5.4 Audit Committee (O. Reg. 361/10)
5.4.1 Purpose:
The Audit Committee is a committee of the board with the primary role to assist the board in fulfilling its duties related to governance and oversight.
The Audit Committee is a committee of the board with the primary role to assist the board in fulfilling its duties related to governance and oversight.
5.4.2 Powers and Duties:
The Audit Committee is responsible for the following duties as defined in Regulation:
a. Duties related to the Financial Reporting process:
- to review the board’s financial statements;
- to review the result of the external audit;
- to recommend to the board the approval of the annual audited financial statements;
- to review matters that the external auditor is required to communicate to the Audit Committee under generally accepted auditing standards; and
- to review with the external auditor material written communications.
b. Duties related to internal controls:
- to review the overall effectiveness of internal controls;
- to review the scope of the internal and external auditor’s reviews of internal controls, as well as the findings, recommendations and management’s response; and
- to discuss with the board administration, the identified financial risks and the measures which administration has taken to monitor and manage these risks.
c. Duties related to the internal auditor:
- to review the internal auditor’s mandate, activities, staffing, and organizational structure;
- to make recommendations on the content of the internal audit plan and on all proposed major changes to the plan;
- to review the internal auditor’s audit plan and recommend acceptance of the plan to the board to ensure there are no unjustified restrictions or limitations on the scope of the annual internal audit;
- to review at least once in each fiscal year the performance of the internal auditor and provide comments regarding their performance;
- to review the effectiveness of the internal auditor, including the internal auditor’s compliance with standards for internal auditing;
- to meet on a regular basis with the internal auditor; and
- to review findings, recommendations and any difficulties encountered in the course of the internal auditor’s work.
d. Duties related to the external auditor:
- to review the performance of the external auditor and make recommendations to the board on the appointment, replacement, or dismissal of the external auditor and on the fee and fee adjustment for the external auditor;
- to review the external auditor’s audit plan and recommend acceptance of the plan to the board;
- to review and confirm the independence of the external auditor;
- to meet on a regular basis with the external auditor and discuss important matters;
- to resolve any disagreements between management and the external auditor about financial reporting; and
- to recommend to the board a policy designating services that the external auditor may perform for the board and, if the board adopts the policy, to oversee its implementation.
e. Duties related to compliance matters:
- to review the effectiveness of the board’s system for monitoring compliance with legislative requirements and with the board’s policies and procedures and follow up on any non-compliance;
- to review any significant findings of regulatory entities, and any observations of the internal or external auditor related to those findings;
- to review the board’s processes for communicating any applicable codes of conduct and for administering those codes of conduct;
- to obtain regular updates from management regarding compliance matters; and
- to obtain confirmation from the Director of Education and supervisory officers that all statutory requirements have been met.
f. Duties related to risk management:
- to inquire about significant risks;
- to review the board’s procedures for risk assessment and risk management and to assess the steps taken to manage such risks;
- to perform other activities related to the oversight of the board’s risk management issues or financial matters as requested by the board; and
- to initiate and oversee investigations, as appropriate.
5.4.3 Membership:
a. The Audit Committee of Avon Maitland District School Board shall be comprised of three voting board members appointed by the board.
b. There shall be two community members with voting privileges on the Audit Committee. Regarding the selection and appointment process of these community members:
- An open recruitment of community members shall be completed per the normal recruitment practice in place at the board;
- The selection committee shall consist of the Director, the Treasurer and the Chair of the Board or Chair of the Audit Committee;
- Community members shall be selected on the basis of their financial training and experience, in accordance with Ontario Regulation 361/10;
- Community members shall be appointed to the Audit Committee for a term of up to three years;
- An alternate community member may also be appointed at the discretion of the selection committee; and
- Reappointment of community members cannot occur more than twice without a formal recruitment process. (FYI Regulation 361/10).
c. Any voting member can be elected Chair of the Audit Committee. The election of the Chair will take place at the first meeting of the fiscal year.
d. If the Chair ceases to be a member of the Audit Committee due to annual reorganization of committees, end of trustee term, or other circumstances, the Chair shall be elected at the first meeting of the Audit Committee after the Chair position is vacated.
e. If the board Chair and/or the Vice-Chair is not a member of the Audit Committee, they will sit as ex-officio (non-voting) members of the Audit Committee. Though ex-officio, regular attendance at Audit Committee meetings is expected.
f. The board Chair and/or the Vice-Chair may act as alternates to fulfill quorum if not already voting members.
5.4.4 Meetings:
- The Audit Committee shall meet at least three times in each fiscal year at the call of the Chair of the Committee, and at such other times as the Chair considers advisable.
- The first meeting of the Audit Committee in each fiscal year shall take place no later than September 30.
- A majority of members of the Audit Committee that includes at least one member who is not a board member constitutes quorum.
5.4.5 Reporting:
- The Audit Committee shall bring forward to the board the annual internal audit plan for approval, as well as proposed major changes to that plan.
- The Audit Committee shall bring forward to the board the annual external audit plan for approval, as well as proposed major changes to that plan.
- The Audit Committee shall provide an annual report to the board outlining its activities, progress, member attendance and any other matters considered to be relevant.
- All meeting minutes shall be brought forward to the board for information, following approval at the committee meeting.
5.5 Student Matters, Appeals and Hearings Committee (Education Act: S 309(12) / S.311.3(9))
5.5.1 Purpose:
To hear and provide final decisions on matters that are referred to the committee, such as appeals of pupil suspensions, principal recommendations for expulsion and appeals of student exclusions.
To hear and provide final decisions on matters that are referred to the committee, such as appeals of pupil suspensions, principal recommendations for expulsion and appeals of student exclusions.
Trustees who sit on the Student Matters, Appeals and Hearings Committee must ensure that they do not engage in conversations related to the issues on the
agenda prior to the meeting of the committee. In particular, trustees on the committee should refer parents to other trustees or staff if they have questions or concerns regarding matters before the committee (see Board Policy #13).
agenda prior to the meeting of the committee. In particular, trustees on the committee should refer parents to other trustees or staff if they have questions or concerns regarding matters before the committee (see Board Policy #13).
5.5.2 Powers and Duties:
All powers and duties of the Student Matters, Appeals and Hearings Committee are outlined in Board Policy #13 Appeal and Hearings Regarding Student Matters.
5.5.3 Membership:
Each year the board will confirm a Student Matters, Appeals and Hearings Committee to be made up of all members of the board. As needed, a subset of no fewer than three board members will be asked to hear appeals of pupil suspensions, principal recommendations for expulsion and appeals of student exclusions.
5.5.4 Meetings:
Committee meetings are called upon receipt of an appeal of a suspension or an expulsion, and upon a request for an expulsion hearing by the board.
6. Standing Committees
Standing Committees are established to assist the board with work of an ongoing or recurring nature.
The following committees will be designated as Standing committees for Avon Maitland District School Board. Normally committees meet on the same day on a regular monthly basis. The meeting dates are chosen annually.
6.1 Finance Committee
6.1.1 Purpose:
The Finance Committee is responsible for overseeing the budgeting process, as well as other financial matters that do not fall under the responsibility of the Audit Committee and/or are too financially complex to be dealt with at the regular board meeting.
The Finance Committee is responsible for overseeing the budgeting process, as well as other financial matters that do not fall under the responsibility of the Audit Committee and/or are too financially complex to be dealt with at the regular board meeting.
6.1.2 Powers and Duties:
- To consider recommendations from other committees for items to be included in the budget;
- To provide direction as to budget application when significant adjustments are required;
- To present to the board a recommended budget each year;
- To research financial matters as referred by the board;
- To recommend the annual draft estimate budget to the board for board approval;
- To present the revised estimates to the board for information;
- To report on its activities and make recommendations as necessary to the full board after each meeting;
- To meet in public and closed session as permitted by the Education Act; and
- To conduct meetings in accordance with the Education Act, the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, and such other Acts and Regulations as are applicable to the topics under discussion.
6.1.3 Membership:
- The Finance Committee shall be all members of the board.
- The board’s Director and Treasurer will be the administrative liaisons for the committee.
6.1.4 Meetings:
- The Finance Committee shall meet as required to address the requirement of budget oversight, typically during the months of January, May and June.
- If necessary, to complete the business of the committee, additional meetings may be called by the Chair of the Committee.
6.2 Director’s Performance Appraisal Committee
The Director’s Performance Appraisal Committee is a Standing Committee of the board with an approved board member membership.
The Director’s Performance Appraisal Committee is a Standing Committee of the board with an approved board member membership.
6.2.1 Purpose:
- The corporate board will provide an evaluation for the Director of Education.
- The board will evaluate the Director, using the Director’s job description and the Strategic Plan as the basis for the evaluation.
6.2.2 Powers and Duties:
- To review with the Director the annual report(s) of the Director on the action the Director has taken in the system.
- To review the system plan prepared by the Director.
- To evaluate the Director’s performance in achieving the responsibilities set out in Board Policy 3 Director of Education and Secretary of the Board Job
Description; and - To present an evaluation report for ratification by the board.
6.2.3 Membership:
- Chair;
- Vice-Chair; and
- Three trustees and one alternate. For this committee, the alternate is encouraged to attend all meetings to provide additional strength to the process.
6.2.4 Meeting:
In the first year of service and annually or biannually thereafter.
In the first year of service and annually or biannually thereafter.
7. Special Ad Hoc Committees (as required)
7.1 Ad Hoc committees are appointed to investigate and make recommendations on a particular issue and cease to exist once the final report to the board has been made. An ad hoc committee may be a sub-committee of a Standing committee.
7.2 In establishing an ad hoc committee the board will:
- Require a specification of purpose, which purpose does not fall under the terms of reference of a Standing committee;
- Require that the composition of the committee be clearly defined, that the procedure for selecting members and appointing a Chair be specified, and that the names of the Chair and committee members be reported no later than the next regular meeting of the board;
- Require that the powers and duties of the committee be specifically defined;
- Require the stating of a target date for reporting to the board; and
- Dissolve by motion an ad hoc committee when it has completed its work.
7.3 A member of senior administration will act as administrative liaison to the ad hoc committee and will be responsible for minutes for the committee.
Some examples of important ad hoc committees are provided below:
7.4 Policy Committee
The Policy Committee is an ad hoc committee of the board with an approved board member membership. All board members may attend meetings of the Policy Committee and participate in discussions, but quorum and voting privileges reside with the assigned board members approved by the board. The Chair of the Board may also vote as an ex-officio member of all board committees.
7.4.1 Purpose:
- The Policy Committee is responsible to the board for developing policies that outline how Avon Maitland District School Board will successfully function.
- The Policy Committee ensures that all board policies relate to the governance role of the board as described in Board Policy 2 Board Job Description.
7.4.2 Powers and Duties:
- To develop priorities for policy development, in consultation with the Director of Education, as described in Board Policy 12 Policy Making;
- To respond to issues identified by the board, a board committee, a board member through notice of motion or by the community;
- To question if the development of a policy is the appropriate response to an issue or circumstance;
- To approve policy statements that meet the criteria identified by the board members;
- To review policies to ensure that they reflect the desired impact and/or purpose;
- To follow the development and consultation processes set out in Board Policy 12 Policy Making;
- To ensure that board policies are consistent with the Education Act and Regulations and other legislation; and
- To review policies to ensure that they are still relevant, that they conform to the criteria for board governance policies and that they have been implemented effectively.
7.4.3 Membership:
- Board members as determined by the board;
- The Chair of the Board, as an ex-officio member; and
- The Director of Education or designate as the administrative liaison for the Policy Committee.
7.4.4 Meetings:
Meetings are held at the call of the Chair.
Meetings are held at the call of the Chair.
7.5 Other Special Committees
The board will also establish special ad hoc committees for such purposes as the following:
- To select a Director of Education as set out in Board Policy #16 Selection of the Director;
- To appoint a board member when a board member vacancy occurs as described in Section 9.4.4 of Board Policy #9 Board Governance.
8. Other Types of Committee Involvement
8.1 Advisory Committees
Board members of Avon Maitland District School Board serve on advisory committees as follows:
Board members of Avon Maitland District School Board serve on advisory committees as follows:
- One board member is appointed by the board to be a board representative on the School Year Calendar Committee;
- One board member and one alternate are appointed to serve as members of the Students’ Senate;
- One board member and one alternate are appointed to be a board representative on the Indigenous Education Advisory Committee; and
- One board member and one alternate are appointed to serve as members of the Equity Steering Committee.
8.2 School Year Calendar Committee
8.2.1 Purpose:
The purpose of the School Year Calendar Committee is to prepare, for board approval and submission to the Ministry of Education in accordance with annual
submission deadlines, the school year calendar(s) to be followed in the next school year.
The purpose of the School Year Calendar Committee is to prepare, for board approval and submission to the Ministry of Education in accordance with annual
submission deadlines, the school year calendar(s) to be followed in the next school year.
8.2.2 Powers and Duties:
To provide direction to the Avon Maitland District School Board in the preparation and implementation of the annual Elementary and Secondary School Year Calendars in accordance with the Education Act, Regulation 304 – School Year Calendar, Professional Activity Days and Ministry of Education memorandum.
8.2.3 Membership:
- Avon Maitland District School Board appoints one board member;
- Superintendent of Education;
- Human Resources Services representative;
- Health and Safety Advisor;
- Representative from EFTO, OSSTF and OSSTF-ESS employee groups;
- Representatives from the AMDSB Principals’ Association, including (1) Elementary Principal and (1) Secondary Principal
8.2.4 Meeting:
8.3 Students’ Senate Committee
8.3.1 Purpose:
The purpose of the Students’ Senate Committee is to advise the board on matters relating to public education within Avon Maitland District School Board.
The purpose of the Students’ Senate Committee is to advise the board on matters relating to public education within Avon Maitland District School Board.
8.3.2 Powers and Duties:
- To develop unity amongst the secondary schools within the board;
- To ensure that schools’ Students’ Councils receive support, orientation and advocacy that they may need to be successful;
- To communicate information to school councils and students and where appropriate feeder schools on topics discussed by the committee;
- Represent, speak and advocate for the needs and concerns of students of the Avon Maitland District School Board;
- To be a strong voice within the education community and speak to issues that are important and relevant to the students to help improve our education system within AMDSB.
8.3.3 Membership:
- Avon Maitland District School Board to appoint one board member and one alternate;
- Student Trustees and Senators;
- One (1) school administrator (principal or vice-principal); and
- Director of Education or designate
8.3.4 Meeting:
Standing meetings will occur on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month (September – June) except when the meeting date coincides with a holiday or
beginning/ending of a semester. The final Standing meeting may occur on the second or third Tuesday in June. Special meetings may occur outside of Standing meetings.
Standing meetings will occur on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month (September – June) except when the meeting date coincides with a holiday or
beginning/ending of a semester. The final Standing meeting may occur on the second or third Tuesday in June. Special meetings may occur outside of Standing meetings.
8.4 Indigenous Education Advisory Committee
8.4.1 Purpose:
The mandate of the Indigenous Education Advisory Committee (IEAC) is to advise the Board on matters relating to the education of First Nations, Métis and Inuit Students as well as teachings in relation to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Calls to Action for education for all students of the Avon
Maitland District School Board.
The mandate of the Indigenous Education Advisory Committee (IEAC) is to advise the Board on matters relating to the education of First Nations, Métis and Inuit Students as well as teachings in relation to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada Calls to Action for education for all students of the Avon
Maitland District School Board.
8.4.2 Powers and Duties:
Members will be called on to advise around the following:
- Identify community needs that impact the education of students in our schools;
- Implement the Avon Maitland District School Board, Board Action Plan, (framework developed by the Ontario Ministry of Education);
- Other initiatives as they arise.
8.4.3 Membership:
- Avon Maitland District School Board to appoint one board member and one alternate;
- First Nations, Métis and Inuit parents/guardians from the Avon Maitland District School Board;
- Allies, students, Elders and any other interested parties;
- Board staff that are aligned with Indigenous Education throughout the school board.
8.4.4 Meeting:
The committee will meet at least (4) times per school calendar year. Meeting dates will be shared through the Avon Maitland District School Board website in the area of Indigenous Education.
The committee will meet at least (4) times per school calendar year. Meeting dates will be shared through the Avon Maitland District School Board website in the area of Indigenous Education.
8.5 Equity Steering Committee
8.5.1 Purpose:
The Equity Steering Committee (ESC) represents educators, support staff, human resources and corporate services personnel, labour partners, and school and system leaders, all held together by a shared passion for and commitment to equity and social justice.
The Equity Steering Committee (ESC) represents educators, support staff, human resources and corporate services personnel, labour partners, and school and system leaders, all held together by a shared passion for and commitment to equity and social justice.
8.5.2 Powers and Duties:
- The AMDSB Equity Steering Committee guides the AMDSB in its three “calls to action” in their Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity Action Plan (2021-2024) to:
● Identify and eliminate all forms of systemic oppression and racism;
● Develop a Learning and Leading Culture to Address Oppression and Racism; and
● Build and Sustain Collaborative Relationships - To develop a shared set of norms and beliefs through a process of collaborative decision-making that guide the work of the committee; and
- To engage in personal learning and professional development on equity related issues.
- The AMDSB Equity Steering Committee guides the AMDSB in its three “calls to action” in their Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity Action Plan (2021-2024) to:
8.5.3 Membership:
- Avon Maitland District School Board to appoint one board member and one alternate; and
- Members from across the board, representative of our growing diversity.
8.5.4 Meeting:
The committee will meet at the call of the Chair of the Committee, and at such other times as the Chair considers advisable.
The committee will meet at the call of the Chair of the Committee, and at such other times as the Chair considers advisable.
8.6 Pathways Advisory Committee
8.6.1 Purpose:
“Pathways” refers to programs and opportunities in schools that support students in education and career/life planning. The Committee will serve as an advisory committee providing input and feedback to the Leading Learning Department.
“Pathways” refers to programs and opportunities in schools that support students in education and career/life planning. The Committee will serve as an advisory committee providing input and feedback to the Leading Learning Department.
8.6.2 Powers and Duties:
The powers and duties assigned to the Pathways Advisory Committee include:
- To develop an enhanced appreciation of labour market patterns in Huron and Perth counties;
- To develop an enhanced understanding of existing Pathways programs in Avon Maitland District School Board, to include but not limited to:
- Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) programs;
- Ontario Youth Apprenticeship (OYAP) programs;
- Secondary School course and program delivery, including cooperative education and technological education courses;
- Dual Credits through community college partnerships
- To collaboratively identify gaps between the Huron and Perth labour market needs and current Pathways plans in AMDSB;
- To provide recommendations and feedback regarding AMDSB Pathways promotion and planning that will enable AMDSB to best support students in their initial postsecondary destination and ultimately to meet local industry needs.
8.6.3 Membership:
- Avon Maitland District School Board appoints one board member;
- Director of Education or designate; and
- Community partners.
8.6.4 Meeting:
Following the inaugural meeting, subsequent meetings will be held at the call of the Chair.
Following the inaugural meeting, subsequent meetings will be held at the call of the Chair.
8.7 Other Board Member Assignments
Board members have other committee assignments as follows:
- Two trustees are assigned to the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disability Act (AODA) Committee;
- One board member is a member of the Foundation for Education Perth Huron. The Foundation raises funds to develop and support its own programs, which it offers to the schools (see Board Policy 11 Board Representatives Section 2);
- Four trustees are assigned to the Recognition & Service Awards Committee;
- Two trustees are assigned to the Huron-Perth Student Transportation Services Committee (see Board Policy 11 Board Representatives Section 3);
- Trustee representatives shall be assigned to the Accommodation Review, Transition Committee and Boundary Review committees as required.
9. Resource Personnel
The Director or the Director’s designate may appoint resource personnel to work with committees, and shall determine the roles, responsibilities, and reporting requirements of the resource personnel.
Appendix 1 - Governance Structure (please refer to pdf)
The Director or the Director’s designate may appoint resource personnel to work with committees, and shall determine the roles, responsibilities, and reporting requirements of the resource personnel.
Appendix 1 - Governance Structure (please refer to pdf)
Form 010 - AMDSB Trustee Committee Assignment (please refer to pdf)
Revised October 2023